Michael Moore documentarys


Well-Known Member
just how does one go about insuring that the corruption that has plagued and been the downfall of every socialist society does not destroy this utopia you imagine?

the rich and powerful are favored in every society. socialism merely formalizes that arrangement and guarantees that the wealth and power are controlled by the political elite. government already controls law enforcement and the military, allowing it such complete control of the economy leaves the people with no power. as much as you hate bosses, wouldn't you rather those bosses weren't holding a literal gun to your head to force you to perform your job?
I'm so sick of liberal douche bags who think that government handouts & huge budgets are the answer for everything.


Well-Known Member
Capitalism didn't fail, the idiots who bought homes they couldn't afford did. You can trace that back to whoever wrote those laws for people to be able to buy a $400k home on a $35k a year job, but it's the idiots who put pen to paper who took the bait.]

You are EXACTLY correct. People tried to pay for things such as houses when they knew they couldn't pay for it. Clinton forced the banks to lend them the money and it started the whole sha-bang of bail outs
There were roughly only $20 billion in toxic real estate assets from home owner's mortgages. Would you please tell me how this equates to a 20+ trillion $ bail out? Ohh you didn't know? Yes the bailout wasn't for $700 Billion. $700 billion is the revolving line of credit the Federal Reserve can hand out to any bank, corporation, foreign nation, or whoever they deem necessary at any time. The collapse of this country had NOTHING to do with people buying houses they couldn't afford. It had everything to do with power brokers & bankers setting up a ponzi scheme to consolidate wealth in this country. Try educating yourself before you open your big fat stinking pie hole & a bunch of shit pours out.


Well-Known Member
The bailout was a perfect example of that, all of our tax money went to help these thieves and we are yet to see any of it trickle back down to us. All you see are more bank fee's now
& more inflation coupled with less buying power leading to hyper-stagflation.


Well-Known Member
Micheal 'WHITEWASH' Moore.

he just scratches the surface with everything he does.......

and WHYTF did he sell his new movie if he apparently hates capitalism and the direct and indirect consequences of it so much. 40 bucks on amazon/ebay/hmv and whatnot.. c'mon whhatta joke.Doublespeak much? He should've done what all the real documentarians are doing and just released for free on the internet....... DOUCHEBAG..