So, i'm not gonna bore you all with the lead up to how this happened, lets just say it was someone's shitty idea to soil drench with Spinosad for Fungus Gnats...*cough* Meta *cough* ...So on the positive, i think we took care of the fungus gnats. On the negative....um...well, I think we might have killed Shirley, and Laverne got burned bad. Also, the day after D-day (drench day...haha) I thought the seedlings were going to crumble away into powder. Straight crispy leaves.
I think the spinosad caused a massive release of the nutrients in their soil, a reaction with the time release additives made them release like a month of nutes in 3 days. Anywho, i actually prefer this scenario, seeing as my grow area is in my room and I wasn't fond of the idea of having fungus gnats escaping the grow area and getting in my shit. Gives me the creeps.
Ok, so here's the deal, the clones that I'm flowering, they're throw away plants. I paid 15 bucks for them, and will not cry if they die. Laverne was always the stronger of the two, and i think she'll pull through, but Shirley already was the one with the worse gnat problem, and she has weaker roots, so I'm pretty sure she's done for in the next 2 weeks. Only time will tell, they might both die yet. Despite the fact that they're my ugly stepchildren, i'll give them a little love and they're currently in the ICU, no full body shots, they need their rest, but here are some closeups to give them hope.

Anyway, on to the meat of the matter. I seriously thought I killed my babies, the little seedings were doing so well. I don't give two shits about the clones, but the seeds I germed are what I'm interested in.
They were just beginning to show some nice branching before D-day, and as a result of their poisoning, i pulled most of the lower fan leaves on Righty. They were literally crispy. Weird, because Lefty was the runty weakling for the first 2-3 weeks, but seemed relatively unaffected by the treatment. Some hardy genetics going on there!
Anyway, they're in better soil, and rebounded very quickly after I dumped about a gallon of water through the soil of each pot. The new growth looks good, still a little burned on the lower portions, but the damage is done, they're just getting better now! Ok, Disaster Averted For Now...To Be Continued.....
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