So, after a sucessful trip to Fry's, I'm back! Turns out my charging cable for the laptop was shot, and after a quick(free) replacement, i'm good as least for the moment. As promised, here are a few pics of the sick girl...She's cool, not doing much either way. Haters, before you post, I know these are some shitty looking buds and it's all good, cause their just the ugly stepchildren. So here's Laverne...condition stable, but scarred for life.

And here's a pic of Shirley, she's pretty much on deaths doorstep, but if these nuglets turn cloudy-amber, she'll make a little BHO. We'll see.
Anywho, here are the little ones. I started LST on Lefty 2 days ago, and so far so good...I think I'm going to let the other one do it's thing au natural for a while, but they're both happy in their new home. I think i'm going to mix up some soil and transplant in the next few days, if I don't do it tomorrow, I don't have another day off till next monday, so it might be a

Anyway, glad I have the laptop back...Was a boring couple of days there.