If I Didn’t know about quantum boards.( bro really just get the quantum boards) I would probably buy another vipar. Reason 1 is I feel it would out last the meizhi, 2 they became very frosty under them. The meizhi made the buds grow faster it seems BUT a driver went out in the meizhi where 25 of the leds stopped working, only 3 days after I bought it... my vipars I have for 4 months now and still working great. I have the 1200w ones. Also the vipars has a better coverage I thought over the meizhi to me. But just go to the Hlg site and just buy the boards and then order your driver from arrow.com they have free overnight shipping. The hlg site is very helpful on how to hook them up and which drivers to buy. Also if you run the boards low you won’t need a heat sink. But I would get the boards with the heatsinks and then order your driver from arrow. Cheaper than buying the kits