MAYAN Prophecy .


Well-Known Member
if you are constantly traveling at a speed that is much higher than normal averages (I.E. airline pilot/atendees, race car drivers, f-16 pilots, etc..) do you think this would have a profound effect on our perception of time? would time on the grand standing still appear to travel much slower? is space/time relevant on Earth, within its atmosphere? or is this measurement only a very large rough measurement of extremely vast distances such as light years.

I am awoken to the thought of the connection in space/time without consideration of earth's atmosphere, however to function within our atmosphere we need to understand these principles moreso, to understand how to travel on the surface of space/time like ball lightning running across the ground. If no resistance/drag/friction, or little to none, it should take very little power to achieve this, but the power required to leave our atmosphere and still be nimble enough to effortless slide around the universe. Is life controlled sonically? or via gravity? Most meteor's are the blame for a large percentage of iron and magnetic metals that we are still mining for.
it has NO difference in how you (the observer traveling) perceive time

if you could immediately jump to light speed until when you reached your destination it would seem as if you were transported there ala star trek or star gate


Well-Known Member
I hate to say it, as I am not trying to start an arguement, but that is a theory. I think if travel was prolonged, your thought process's would increase like a pentium 700mhz versus my amd venon x4 2.7ghz.

I have experienced this on acid, where you are processing so many thoughts and communicating with others at such a speed, that time feels undeniably slower in the days/weeks after a trip. Even years.. I developed the habit of cutting people off and starting to do things before its finished being explained immediately following some intense trips, 5 years later and I'm still trying to sloooooow down.

but I think you might be a little bit jittery to conversate after travelling 75 lightyears at just below the speed of light.


Well-Known Member
its been shown again and again
Hafele and Keating Experiment

"During October, 1971, four cesium atomic beam clocks were flown on regularly scheduled commercial jet flights around the world twice, once eastward and once westward, to test Einstein's theory of relativity with macroscopic clocks. From the actual flight paths of each trip, the theory predicted that the flying clocks, compared with reference clocks at the U.S. Naval Observatory, should have lost 40+/-23 nanoseconds during the eastward trip and should have gained 275+/-21 nanoseconds during the westward trip ... Relative to the atomic time scale of the U.S. Naval Observatory, the flying clocks lost 59+/-10 nanoseconds during the eastward trip and gained 273+/-7 nanosecond during the westward trip, where the errors are the corresponding standard deviations. These results provide an unambiguous empirical resolution of the famous clock "paradox" with macroscopic clocks."
J.C. Hafele and R. E. Keating, Science 177, 166 (1972)

Object Distance[3] (light years) Perceived Travel Time
Alpha Centauri 4.36 0.43 milliseconds
Galactic nucleus 32,000 3.2 seconds
Andromeda galaxy 2,180,000 3.5 minutes
Virgo cluster 42,000,000 1.15 hours
Quasar 3C273 2,500,000,000 3 days
Edge of universe 17,000,000,000 19 day


Well-Known Member
**dec 2012..

there will be those who will embrace the coming change, and A LOT of those who will reject it.... (choose wisely ;))



Well-Known Member
**lol.. it is what it is, vague.. of course.. since we are all guessing whats gonna happen, and its not an appeal to emote... just a random post w/ my .2s

my guess is sun goes up sun goes down 22nd will be a day of great mirth and mockng on facebook (and here) ;)


Well-Known Member
my guess is sun goes up sun goes down 22nd will be a day of great mirth and mockng on facebook (and here) ;)
Lol. No, the Mayan's never said anyhting was going to end. We are simply switching from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. That's the calendar "ending". Just like a new year begins when our calendar ends. What will you make fun of? The new Age?


Well-Known Member
Lol. No, the Mayan's never said anyhting was going to end. We are simply switching from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. That's the calendar "ending". Just like a new year begins when our calendar ends. What will you make fun of? The new Age?
all the people who think that the "new age" is any different from new years day 1996........


Well-Known Member
But it is. Is 2011=2012. No it is not. Is 1800=1900 No it is not. It will be a very different age (in full) compared to this one. People are just getting antsy and expecting it right away.


Well-Known Member
How?? I'll just say, "Happy new age". And whatever you have to say about happening I'll just have to say. "Read a few history history books, then watch TV. Over the next 40 years you may begin to see the beginning of the new age. But maybe not, and you may be dead before change is seen."



Well-Known Member
How?? I'll just say, "Happy new age". And whatever you have to say about happening I'll just have to say. "Read a few history history books, then watch TV. Over the next 40 years you may begin to see the beginning of the new age. But maybe not, and you may be dead before change is seen."

the new age started back around the second world war when computers were invented and man started to accumulate knowledge digitally rather than relying on memory or the written word

so tell me what is going to be the new driving factor in our "new age"

cause if you point at our already burgeoning technological prowess as proof of you claims im gonna have to piss double hard on ya ;)


Well-Known Member
I love how confident people are, the same people that know the world isn't ending are the same people who are confident in our modern science, but not only is science flawed, but the universe is spontaneous. Something very well could happen. Maybe tectonic plates shifting, maybe the core will get super heated from a nearby supernova and cook us all. No body knows, so stop being so confident about something we have absolutely no basis of.

They truth is, we fucked up. We let media manipulate our minds and control us, without ever once feeling controlled or limited. We have a lot more potential but the human race is limited by greed. Once we stop making things for affordability and start focusing on longevity, we can focus on the principles of life that we are supposed to focus on.

Like why do we have such a large moon, and only one, and what is it made of, where did it come from, and is it solid? and if satellites indefinitely lose their trajectory and fall to Earth, why doesn't the moon? who's to say this hasn't happened to many other planets or even our own. Whos to say we didn't have a second moon before the incident that wiped out existence and fucked up our climate for thousands of years.


Well-Known Member
I can predict one thing that will certainly come to pass, and that is, on December 22nd, 2012 there's going to be a lot of very disappointed and stupid feeling people, plenty of conspiracy nutjobs claiming that the "great upheaval" will actually happen in the next five to ten years, hundreds of websites that "sell" this nonsense also claiming that there was a technical glitch in the calculations and the return of common sense and the belief in reality and that all this silly nonsense should be wiped away from our society because it serves to do nothing but instill fear and doubt in our own self worth.

And if that's not clear enough, to all you silly stupid mental people out there that actually believe in all this nonsense... BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH fucking BLAH BLAH BLAH!


Well-Known Member
I love how confident people are, the same people that know the world isn't ending are the same people who are confident in our modern science, but not only is science flawed, but the universe is spontaneous. Something very well could happen. Maybe tectonic plates shifting, maybe the core will get super heated from a nearby supernova and cook us all. No body knows, so stop being so confident about something we have absolutely no basis of.
if a local super nova goes off and heat the core of earth we really real wont be about to feel the effects of it

They truth is, we fucked up. We let media manipulate our minds and control us, without ever once feeling controlled or limited. We have a lot more potential but the human race is limited by greed. Once we stop making things for affordability and start focusing on longevity, we can focus on the principles of life that we are supposed to focus on.
greed is certainly presnt in the world but it will still be here in 2013 and i doubt even then we'llmanage to get our thumbs out of our arses and start doing anything right but..

it still irrelevant to 2012

Like why do we have such a large moon, and only one, and what is it made of, where did it come from, and is it solid? and if satellites indefinitely lose their trajectory and fall to Earth, why doesn't the moon? who's to say this hasn't happened to many other planets or even our own. Whos to say we didn't have a second moon before the incident that wiped out existence and fucked up our climate for thousands of years.
you been reading david icke havent you?


Well-Known Member
just because some have chosen to market the idea doesn't negate the concept of a drastic change in the next year and two months or so.


Well-Known Member
the new age started back around the second world war when computers were invented and man started to accumulate knowledge digitally rather than relying on memory or the written word

so tell me what is going to be the new driving factor in our "new age"

cause if you point at our already burgeoning technological prowess as proof of you claims im gonna have to piss double hard on ya ;)

Well then I can piss all over you. THAT was a prediction also. But has been GREATLY disregarded. Many people think the change of ages was somewhere in the 1900's.

And the driving change in the new age will be the coming community of the world.
Pretty soon shit hits the fan. That's the change of ages. All racism, all slavery, all non equality will end. Through peaceful communion, or through war. But once it's all over the world will be a more united place. That and technological advancement, along with a deeper connection with the earth will be the driving forces of the new age, and will be what we use to define it.