Mau5Capades: builds & grow journal

@Thorhax got it and responded. thanks so much!
@VegasWinner more time and money than I envisioned, but it will be fun to have some control over spectrum and see if its worth it on the morphogenic side

@IFARTED can you imagine if we rubbed our brains together, what kind of craziness would result after a couple hours in the machine shop!
@Thorhax got it and responded. thanks so much!
@VegasWinner more time and money than I envisioned, but it will be fun to have some control over spectrum and see if its worth it on the morphogenic side

@IFARTED can you imagine if we rubbed our brains together, what kind of craziness would result after a couple hours in the machine shop!
I have already seen results. I have been growing this strain over years from the same seed company. Grown from seeds, finish a week earlier. i harvested one crop on time and there were a few immature seeds at the base, indicating the plant was over mature, harvested on time, only two days past recommended harvest date. I have also seen other strains finish a week earlier.

I see from your new light, The Canopy, you are going to need one of my controllers. You have four Leds, plus CoB's. The controller can control multiple channels with the same signal. I am currently driving four LDD drivers with one PWM signal. I see you have mounted the MW led PS on the fixture.

I remote mounted the SE250-48 remotely using the usual two wire system, running to some meanwell LDD drivers fired by the SE250 and the GrowGren CoB LED Controller running the whole show remotely. I will have an enclosed model with a different interface. I am working on a rotary dial and push button for the new interface. The other interface works fine, I want better. It currently can run at least 18 channels with six PWM outputs. I am working on the enxt level of modular 16 channels ads. Hit me up when you want to light that beats from afar and sit back and watch it go through the stages. My original code is modeled after the Typhon Reef Controller, except more channels. peace
I have already seen results. I have been growing this strain over years from the same seed company. Grown from seeds, finish a week earlier. i harvested one crop on time and there were a few immature seeds at the base, indicating the plant was over mature, harvested on time, only two days past recommended harvest date. I have also seen other strains finish a week earlier.

I see from your new light, The Canopy, you are going to need one of my controllers. You have four Leds, plus CoB's. The controller can control multiple channels with the same signal. I am currently driving four LDD drivers with one PWM signal. I see you have mounted the MW led PS on the fixture.

I remote mounted the SE250-48 remotely using the usual two wire system, running to some meanwell LDD drivers fired by the SE250 and the GrowGren CoB LED Controller running the whole show remotely. I will have an enclosed model with a different interface. I am working on a rotary dial and push button for the new interface. The other interface works fine, I want better. It currently can run at least 18 channels with six PWM outputs. I am working on the enxt level of modular 16 channels ads. Hit me up when you want to light that beats from afar and sit back and watch it go through the stages. My original code is modeled after the Typhon Reef Controller, except more channels. peace
ok This is what I got from this post.

Bob and Ted left at the same time going in opposite direction at 55 mph. If you add water and stir. Who will get sun burn first on there TV's.
too late brother, i rubbed on them so long and hard last night, once i finished the light. I am wearing bandaids today, like a marathon runner.

This is REVOLTING.... can I use your shop prrreeeeaaaasssseee.....
The Jet work is effing amazing man. Aces! Design is Top Notch! I hope it is not insulting if I ask if you are paying? If so....This is efficient as HELL!!!! DAYUMMMM! Awesome design and spread. Do you have numbers on the ppfd per/height??
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Thought youd be interested in this @Growmau5 (and anybody else playing) as you bought to my attention the ChilLED productz

You've probably seen it....

Hey man, Thanks for posting. Just trying to give a very fair comparison. May be hard to run the CXB3590s @700ma, as that would take 16 COB's. I may have to run 12 @ 1050 and adjust the height to get comparable ppfd... So glad to have found this community. Thank god!!
Hey man, Thanks for posting. Just trying to give a very fair comparison. May be hard to run the CXB3590s @700ma, as that would take 16 COB's. I may have to run 12 @ 1050 and adjust the height to get comparable ppfd... So glad to have found this community. Thank god!!

Yeah...well i have yet to see a 'quality vs quality' this is much needed. I think the majority of people think that a LED is a LED and they are all the same...(well..maybe not round these partz) ('Oh you need 124 Bandz (colourz) of the blurple rainbow to be FULL SPECTRUM..' that kind of thinking...)

Anywayz..welcome to the community :) (try and avoid my postz...they are mainly crap.. :) )
Yeah...well i have yet to see a 'quality vs quality' this is much needed. I think the majority of people think that a LED is a LED and they are all the same...(well..maybe not round these partz) ('Oh you need 124 Bandz (colourz) of the blurple rainbow to be FULL SPECTRUM..' that kind of thinking...)

Anywayz..welcome to the community :) (try and avoid my postz...they are mainly crap.. :) )
LOL!!! This is bad ass. I knew this was needed. The all white, and this PCB I stumbled upon happened to be the closest that I could see as being "Ideal" for cannabis growers. I want real, non-biased results. Thank-you again man...
I have already seen results. I have been growing this strain over years from the same seed company. Grown from seeds, finish a week earlier. i harvested one crop on time and there were a few immature seeds at the base, indicating the plant was over mature, harvested on time, only two days past recommended harvest date. I have also seen other strains finish a week earlier.

I see from your new light, The Canopy, you are going to need one of my controllers. You have four Leds, plus CoB's. The controller can control multiple channels with the same signal. I am currently driving four LDD drivers with one PWM signal. I see you have mounted the MW led PS on the fixture.

I remote mounted the SE250-48 remotely using the usual two wire system, running to some meanwell LDD drivers fired by the SE250 and the GrowGren CoB LED Controller running the whole show remotely. I will have an enclosed model with a different interface. I am working on a rotary dial and push button for the new interface. The other interface works fine, I want better. It currently can run at least 18 channels with six PWM outputs. I am working on the enxt level of modular 16 channels ads. Hit me up when you want to light that beats from afar and sit back and watch it go through the stages. My original code is modeled after the Typhon Reef Controller, except more channels. peace

@spcFLETCH thanks for the kind words man. I know alot of us are excited about the work you are doing on Youtube as well!
for the canopy10- 100% of the CAD work, water jetting, powder coating etc etc. was done by me.
I dropped my $42 per month GOLD's gym membership and signed up for an $88/month membership at a local "Maker's Space" they have all the tools, gear and classes to take a noob to a pro. thats were I do all this work. My private garage/shop is quite pathetic and filled with harbor freight tools that simply won't die, lol.

as for the price of the light -to build it- I have somewhere in the neighborhood of $1300 in it. but ill detail every bolt on the full video.
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Watched that replay of the latest tech talk last night. Literally feels like hanging out with a friend having a sesh. Thanks for doing those!

Is that an arduino on the canopy 10? Does it have any other function than pwn dimming? Temp display would be pretty baller. I'm sure you'll go over it a future video but i'm curious NOW lol.

My 200w 700ma 8x CXB3590 probably ended up costing me something like $800 so I think you did really well spending about $1400 on the canopy. It's a masterpiece.