Mass Murder by Blade, you Vast Idiots

"and they cling to their guns and bibles and antipathy towards those who are different"

Christians love their guns. The church and NRA - Pray for their salvation, then prey on the lower faith. The story books been read, and ever line believed. Curriculum's been set. Logic is a threat. Reason searched and seized.
actually i am not a christian i enjoy shooting guns, its a hobby, i dont buy them for protection i dont hunt, its a hobby. and thats it. in fact if i was given the option i would rather kill someone with my bare hands so u can let go of the stereo type
I'd LOVE to see the stats on how many lives guns save, in civilian hands, each year. Oh wait, those stats don't exist so you're just making shit up.
So you're implying that guns have to be fired to save lives is that what I'm getting? Such complete figures can't exist because of intangibles.

However, to not leave you empty handed:
The District of Columbia has the lowest gun ownership rate yet the highest murder rate AND the highest murder rate by firearms. And not by a small margin, quite the opposite, the LARGEST margin!
actually i am not a christian i enjoy shooting guns, its a hobby, i dont buy them for protection i dont hunt, its a hobby. and thats it. in fact if i was given the option i would rather kill someone with my bare hands so u can let go of the stereo type

Point one at your face.
So you're implying that guns have to be fired to save lives is that what I'm getting? Such complete figures can't exist because of intangibles.

However, to not leave you empty handed:
The District of Columbia has the lowest gun ownership rate yet the highest murder rate AND the highest murder rate by firearms. And not by a small margin, quite the opposite, the LARGEST margin!

I don't agree with gun bans either. They leave people defenseless against criminals.

I was only advocating proper storage of firearms, in a response to the 'fingerprint/retina' scanner suggestion. No need to fancy, schmancy gizmos when being a decent human being is the answer.

Only idiots have problems with either a) making their firearm inoperable when they aren't using it, or keeping it ready for self-defense or b) using a trigger guard, or gun safe, lock box, etc. when they aren't using it, or keeping it ready for self-defense.

Isn't DC a 'gun free zone'?

EDIT: If criminals can't get access to guns, either via stopping illegal firearms from being smuggled in, or stopping them from being stolen, it's going to make their lives harder, without infringing on anyone ability to protect themselves.
maybe ur gay and thats why ur so offended?

I am. You have NO fucking idea where the fuck I’ve been and what the fuck I’ve been through don’t ever fucking try and judge me homie

How small are your shoes? I've sucked taller dicks than you....
The last sentence, literally states "It's a stupid argument, and so is the one against proper storage of firearms."

I saw showing that any situation can be turned into a slippery slope if you try hard enough.

Then why produce such "slippery" unfounded inferences and participate in said argument..?
i actually have gay friends and in no way am i judging u on that. im judging u on the fact that ur a fucking rude prick for no damn reason. the fact that ur gay means nothing to me. and fyi im 6'2" 240lbs and wear size 12 and 8% body fat so if u sucked a dick that big i would be extremely impressed
i actually have gay friends and in no way am i judging u on that. im judging u on the fact that ur a fucking rude prick for no damn reason. the fact that ur gay means nothing to me. and fyi im 6'2" 240lbs and wear size 12 and 8% body fat so if u sucked a dick that big i would be extremely impressed

What color fedora do you wear?
Then why produce such "slippery" unfounded inferences and participate in said argument..?

The point was to show how any argument can be said to be a 'slippery slope' using a reduction to absurdity fallacy.

E.g., requiring people to store firearms safely is the first step to confiscation.

It's absurd.
The point was to show how any argument can be said to be a 'slippery slope' using a reduction to absurdity fallacy.

E.g., requiring people to store firearms safely is the first step to confiscation.

It's absurd.

Gun laws. Man - we should start a separate thread for this one. It gets ugly quick.