Mass Murder by Blade, you Vast Idiots

So, to you the opposite of this fake "so reasonable" slip slope of Executive Power, is irrational? HA Haaaaa

Check the mirror. You too may be a Saganist. :)

Not every slippery slope is a means to destruction.

Chicken little.
Employing any foolhardy restrictions on law abiding gun owners will simply embolden and empower the criminals.

Exceedingly dopey, IMO.
Not every slippery slope is a means to destruction.

Chicken little.

Chicken Little had no Constitutional guarantees. And the slip slope is to disarm citizens by mind fuck.

Of course, no Saganist sees that as destruction. That is what is desired.

It is the main road to scrape the 2nd Amendment and then rewrite the Constitution for better "law and order".

America's self rule is the Achilles heel because we are so gullible to flim-flam.

Back to the mirror, for you.
Even if you successfully get your retinal scanner, or ban guns entirely do you think they will go away. You can make your own gun, and a very accurate one at that. People talk like guns are these magical device that is absolutely needed to kill someone. All you need to make a gun is a spring, a nail, and a pipe.
Yeah go ahead and ban that...I bet you could get 10 to 15 accurate rounds a min out of that. Load it with buck shot and it could kill a whole crowd in one shot. There will never be a world without firearms they are too simple of devices. You can even make all components "Gun powder, primers, bullets, casings" in your home with supplies bought at a hardware store.
That is just a simple gun, a dreaded Ar-15 would take a skilled CNC machinist 2 hours to make from a solid aluminum block, a few pins, a block of steel, and some springs.
Employing any foolhardy restrictions on law abiding gun owners will simply embolden and empower the criminals.

Exceedingly dopey, IMO.


Too bad, yerdumb....
I was under the understanding it's oki to sport a Samurai sword on a plane or in public in Japan.
Rekon I'm wrong.

China just had a doozy. Did you hear about it? An attack at a railway station in the southwestern city of Kunming, leaving at least 33 people dead and more than 140 injured.

So what stopped this you, VIs? Guns. If you had a gun would you protect yourself and others?

Tokyo 2008

Rampage slasher, got 9 in just a couple of minutes, again in a rail station. 7 died, in horror.

Just check this out. Anytime you see an F, range weapon including crossbow, mostly firearms, M is melee incluiding rocks and fist. O is all other, autos, poison, etc.

You VIs don't get to act like only guns kill and only guns rampage and without guns it would mean anything but LESS protection.

If we were all armed (apart of bars and alcohol, which there really should more education about) there would be more immediate response, but even that would not stop, bombing and fire, etc.

But, as soon as you start F-ing or M-ing, WE end you. That is the American Dream. That is Individual Sovereign responsibility.

I know I'm a bit late to the party but yeah, I saw that on the news. Couldn't believe it. If the authorities had had firearms this may never have happened. Makes the gun control freaks look like, well, freaks.
I know I'm a bit late to the party but yeah, I saw that on the news. Couldn't believe it. If the authorities had had firearms this may never have happened. Makes the gun control freaks look, well, freaks.

Late and uninvited. More guns, says Urncle Ben. *sigh* Predictable.
Says the off topic troll who always shits on a thread with some juvenile childish drivel.

Go "nail the ugly one", ya freak.

Stop running that jaw, ya useless hippy.

I'll just treat this like a third base coach and let that one slide. Silence your wide mouth, and we'll get along.
Just ignore him and he goes away....but then he comes back. But, it can't not be him, regardless. :) So, he has 3 slots now.

He is the kind of party crasher, that you can just sic the dog on. Any dog is bright enough to know exactly who you mean, in a crowd of people. And for a dog it would be quite obvious exactly what to do.
Just ignore him and he goes away....but then he comes back. But, it can't not be him, regardless. :) So, he has 3 slots now.

I 'll fucking snatch up every little bit of confidence that long-hair has left. He tries to convince the world that his "accomplishments" mean something, I'm his consequence....