I don't understand the last half of your last sentence. I never said those things. If you want to deflect to police violence then say so and make your case. To me that's a different subject. A man carrying the Nazi flag who shouts at the crowd: "The Goyim know" is recalling the legacy of 6 million dead as though that was OK. The subject is people who shout at peaceful demonstrators "jew will not replace us", people in Nazi regalia marching with Nazi flags and whether or not it's OK for others to provide police the excuse to shut that protest down.
Nazis, KKK, alt right want a very different country and constitution. They carried and wore symbols of suppression and caused fear on the streets of that city. The history of the KKK and Nazis tells me that without strong opposition, they just continue to press for more and more. They aren't, as
@Padawanbater2 said, like lesbians who just want to live normal lives safely alongside everybody else while practicing their own beliefs and lifestyle. Their whole ethos is to take that all away from others if not their lives.
And so they must not be allowed to feel safe when they say that shit.