Marjorie Taylor Greene

Fuck Republicans, they suck, simply put
Enough said

Too true. It's why I've abandoned my family, except for my older brother. I'll never convince them and I won't spend the energy to try. I won't be in the same room with them, and I've told them so.
If you disagree with the politics of a family member then the best thing to do is fuck them off, zero tolerance for right wingers in a post Trump enlightenment imo
I'm struggling with this. Haven't yet made up my mind about it. Until now, we managed to avoid talking politics but I'm pretty sure my brother and sister in law are on the Trump train. I'm tempted to just not talk about it and focus on family. I want my nieces and nephews to grow up on good terms with my sons. There is no way that I could sit back and not say anything if they go off but if we can avoid politics, I'm tempted to just let that dog sleep. My brother and I were pretty close as kids and I don't want to lose that.
That thing should have never been elected to Congress to begin with. These so called patriots running around talking about qanon and posing with an assault rifle with an American flag in the background are the furthest thing from being a patriotic American as you can get. It's also a guarantee that she could not pass a basic citizenship test that immigrants must pass. She probably couldn't pass a basic GED test either. She's just an ignorant, racist, looney, skank.
That dumb twit messed with the wrong lady

"In one post, from January 2019, Greene liked a comment that said "a bullet to the head would be quicker" to remove House Speaker Nancy Pelosi."

Nancy is Speaker of the House and the Democrats have the majority. She can kiss her committee's goodbye.

"In other posts, Greene liked comments about executing FBI agents who, in her eyes, were part of the "deep state" working against Trump."

^ This from these FAKE Law and Order types. ^

There is nothing American about giving loyalty to 1 man. Real Patriots are loyal to the country not a corrupt lying piece of shit like trump. A man that has never done anything for this country except use the court system as a weapon against those he doesn't like or as a way to avoid paying people he owes money to. There is not 1 single thing that trump has ever done for the benefit of The United States of America. Not 1. And the same goes for his entire clan of grifters and liars. Yet people like greene give their loyalty to him. It's disgusting.
I'm struggling with this. Haven't yet made up my mind about it. Until now, we managed to avoid talking politics but I'm pretty sure my brother and sister in law are on the Trump train. I'm tempted to just not talk about it and focus on family. I want my nieces and nephews to grow up on good terms with my sons. There is no way that I could sit back and not say anything if they go off but if we can avoid politics, I'm tempted to just let that dog sleep. My brother and I were pretty close as kids and I don't want to lose that.
I used to have an unwritten agreement between myself and my brother in law to not talk politics. It worked for many years. That is, until he retired. I suspect he had too much time on his hands to listen to Limbaugh and watch Fuxnooz. Then, he began to send me e-mails just to get under my skin. I told him (via my sister) he was declared "spam". Since then, I've asked my sister several times if she's voted for Individual 1, and if she is a cult member, without an answer. That is my answer. She keeps writing, probably hoping to keep a relationship. I write back, but just barely. It's a sad situation, but I have to live with myself. My sister and her family will never hear from, or see me again. This is the world we live in and to me, they chose this direction. I wish it were different, but Trump lit a fire that won't be put out before I die. Granted, the fuel was just under the surface, but he took advantage and gave it spark. My brother and I are on the same page, though.
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I'm struggling with this. Haven't yet made up my mind about it. Until now, we managed to avoid talking politics but I'm pretty sure my brother and sister in law are on the Trump train. I'm tempted to just not talk about it and focus on family. I want my nieces and nephews to grow up on good terms with my sons. There is no way that I could sit back and not say anything if they go off but if we can avoid politics, I'm tempted to just let that dog sleep. My brother and I were pretty close as kids and I don't want to lose that.
Your not alone , foggy. I struggle with it as well. My younger sister voted for Trump and it turns my stomach. I skipped wishing her a happy birthday last year and don’t reallly bother staying in contact with her. Sometimes I think about texting her but then I remember she voted for Trump and get so repulsed by the thought I just don’t bother. No big loss, I don’t really like her personality that much any way.
Picture this in your mind. Q is the guys of South Park and they are continually coming up with outrageous ideas, then post them and sit back and laugh at all the gullible monkeys that fall for it. The latest being Trump and Biden had face transplants and Trump is still prezydint. Not far off, right?
I just caught up with SouthPark 2017+ and have to say it is so much more fun watching that when Trump is not in office. I could actually enjoy it and not have to worry if Trump was going to prove them right.

Jim Jordon is such a douche.

"What will the Democrats come after next?" I think he is just worried they will come after ex wrestling coaches that allowed their student athletes to get fondles by a perv doctor.

I love Nancy's response that if a Democrat did what she did, they would be all over kicking them out themselves.

Screen Shot 2021-02-04 at 6.59.42 PM.png

And she is not joking.
I just caught up with SouthPark 2017+ and have to say it is so much more fun watching that when Trump is not in office. I could actually enjoy it and not have to worry if Trump was going to prove them right.

Jim Jordon is such a douche.

"What will the Democrats come after next?" I think he is just worried they will come after ex wrestling coaches that allowed their student athletes to get fondles by a perv doctor.

I love Nancy's response that if a Democrat did what she did, they would be all over kicking them out themselves.

View attachment 4816445

And she is not joking.
Jim Jordan had his lips surgically removed so he would best show he's a snake.

House Votes To Strip Marjorie Taylor Greene Of Committee Assignments
Unearthed posts showed Greene embracing QAnon and racist conspiracy theories, as well as supporting executing Democrat

This is where Republicans cry about how now is the time for unity and see what those Democrats are doing.
Nowhere in the Pledge of Allegiance is trump or qanon mentioned. Or is there any reference to executing members of Congress and Law Enforcement as greene apparently believes.

“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
Ok. I see where you’re coming from now and agree.

I realize it’s difficult to expel a member of congress but if MTG was a teacher she would have been fired already. Shouldn’t the standards of obtaining a public office be higher than simply being able to get elected?
Great concept! How would you achieve that and still have a Democracy? As much as I think she’s a cunt I blame the people that gave her the stage. And blame is the wrong word, it’s more of a pity for their lack of brain matter and any sense of reason.