Marjorie Taylor Greene

I guess there could be advantages politically for the Democrats but what about the optics for the country?

If you’re comfortable with a whack job representing your fellow citizens in Congress who am I to argue?
The optics of Trumpfsters storming the Capital were not too great either. The fact that 70% of Trumpf voters think he won is more worrisome than what it looks like. That is going to have actual long term negative effects on the United States.

My comfort level has nothing to do with it. She was voted in. It's really hard to get someone kicked out of Congress. Most members under investigation by the FBI don't resign unless they are arrested. (sometimes not even then) My comments here are based on real world politics. The odds of the GOP kicking her out are slim to none. They will strip her of her seat on the Education Committee, but that will be the extent of it. They are afraid of their base. Both electorally and actually.
The optics of Trumpfsters storming the Capital were not too great either. The fact that 70% of Trumpf voters think he won is more worrisome than what it looks like. That is going to have actual long term negative effects on the United States.

My comfort level has nothing to do with it. She was voted in. It's really hard to get someone kicked out of Congress. Most members under investigation by the FBI don't resign unless they are arrested. (sometimes not even then) My comments here are based on real world politics. The odds of the GOP kicking her out are slim to none. They will strip her of her seat on the Education Committee, but that will be the extent of it. They are afraid of their base. Both electorally and actually.
They’ll put someone up against her next term if they were smart. Oh wait, nevermind.
The optics of Trumpfsters storming the Capital were not too great either. The fact that 70% of Trumpf voters think he won is more worrisome than what it looks like. That is going to have actual long term negative effects on the United States.

Yes the optics were bad at the capital too and the reason 75% of trump voters think he won is because of lies spread by Republicans like MTG so I don’t understand what your point is.

My comfort level has nothing to do with it. She was voted in. It's really hard to get someone kicked out of Congress. Most members under investigation by the FBI don't resign unless they are arrested. (sometimes not even then) My comments here are based on real world politics. The odds of the GOP kicking her out are slim to none. They will strip her of her seat on the Education Committee, but that will be the extent of it. They are afraid of their base. Both electorally and actually.
I don’t expect the GOP to kick her out either. I doubt they will even strip her of her committee seat. I stated that most Republicans are lining up behind her so I don’t know why you feel a need to point this out to me.
Most Democrats want her expelled from congress so I don’t know how you’ve come to that conclusion. Also, it looks to me like most Republicans are lining behind her so I don’t know what trouble she’s causing.
So have you seen the news today pertaining to Mitch McConnell and MTG? So I don't know how you came to your conclusion. The people of NW Georgia are not going to send a Democrat to Congress. There is a grand strategy here.
" There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy." Hamlet
Are you nuts?
Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell called Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's support for wild conspiracy theories a "cancer" on the Republican Party. I want the national news to show MGT chasing David Hougue down the hall. Try to think ahead. Otherwise you are at the end of the parade with push broom
So have you seen the news today pertaining to Mitch McConnell and MTG? So I don't know how you came to your conclusion. The people of NW Georgia are not going to send a Democrat to Congress. There is a grand strategy here.
" There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy." Hamlet
Unfortunately though, Mitch McConnell isn’t the head of the GOP, trump still is. He and McCarthy are backing MTG.

Maybe they’re playing a long game here that benefits the Democrats but I don’t see it. While this grand strategy plays out, if that’s what it is, the country suffers.
You need to look at some national polls to better inform yourself of the current political climate.
2nd term congress member who has a very bright future (hopefully) doesn't make her the face of the Democratic party.

She is tv/internet video ready for sure, but the Democratic party just rejected her play for her agenda hard by overwhelmingly voting in Biden over Bernie.

Cunuk is right to point out that it is Fox/Right wing propaganda that has been blowing her up because they like to use her and 'the Squad' to scare people who are afraid of educated women of color.
Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell called Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's support for wild conspiracy theories a "cancer" on the Republican Party. I want the national news to show MGT chasing David Hougue down the hall. Try to think ahead. Otherwise you are at the end of the parade with push broom
Have you not been watching msm? It’s literally all over.
My point is the facts are far worse than the optics. Having a third of the country not grounded in reality is going to make life hard for whoever is in charge.
Ok. I see where you’re coming from now and agree.

I realize it’s difficult to expel a member of congress but if MTG was a teacher she would have been fired already. Shouldn’t the standards of obtaining a public office be higher than simply being able to get elected?
. . . . . . .I realize it’s difficult to expel a member of congress but if MTG was a teacher she would have been fired already. Shouldn’t the standards of obtaining a public office be higher than simply being able to get elected?
I can only comment on real world politics. Our guidepost is the Constitution. What is says and what the Supreme Court says it means. The standards for holding office are citizenship, having the right to vote and a minimum age. Other than that, it's getting one more vote than your opponent. Fitness for office is decided by the voters.
I'm thinking she's talking from experience.

That's not true. He was going through a divorce and chose to move out of state, which is against election law.
Not really the best candidate. But it is hard to find quality people to subject themselves to an electoral ass-kicking by these people.


Thanks to gerrymandering, the number of Marjorie Taylor Greens is likely to increase.

I politely asked one of our Trump hat wearing customers today about his beliefs regarding Trump's imminent return as POTUS. He quickly explained how the IRS is not a government entity and the 10-40 form is a way for us taxpayers to send money to England. Apparently, he thinks the US owed England a lot of money for the two world wars.

Yeesh. I calmly explained to him the England owed the US 3.9 fucktons of monies and that they repaid that debt in 2007. But he read it on the interwebs - so he wasn't buying it.

If she gets beat in two years, a Republican is going to have to be the one to do it.
Not really the best candidate. But it is hard to find quality people to subject themselves to an electoral ass-kicking by these people.

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Thanks to gerrymandering, the number of Marjorie Taylor Greens is likely to increase.

I politely asked one of our Trump hat wearing customers today about his beliefs regarding Trump's imminent return as POTUS. He quickly explained how the IRS is not a government entity and the 10-40 form is a way for us taxpayers to send money to England. Apparently, he thinks the US owed England a lot of money for the two world wars.

Yeesh. I calmly explained to him the England owed the US 3.9 fucktons of monies and that they repaid that debt in 2007. But he read it on the interwebs - so he wasn't buying it.
LMFAO, at the time UK paid of money for WW2 ( to the USA) I didn't know it was only 2007 wow, anyways most of the world owed USA for rebuilding after ww2