marijuana overdose!!


Well-Known Member
i was surfing the web when i came across a study that people were doing to find out if you can overdose on marijuana they found that you would need to smoke 2/3 of your body weight to overdose(this is if you dont die from a heart attack first) so if you weighed 180 pounds it would take 120 pounds of marijuana to overdose. now alcohol on the other hand...


Well-Known Member
thats fake...
do you know how long it would take to smoke 120 pounds of marijuana?
they would have to be non stop smoking for like two weeks 24/7 to do that


Well-Known Member
from what I've read it would take around 2-3oz of pure THC to kill a 150ish lbs man, but that would be taken in a vain and well shooting up 2-3 oz lol..


Well-Known Member
Yeah, its why I'm like lol if anyone shot up that much thc I think they;d pass out after one oz. lol


Well-Known Member
last 420 me and like 4 of my boys threw down for an oz blunt. that shit was near impossible to finish. it took 2+ hours to smoke and the fucking weird thing was, i wasn't high at the end of it. it just felt like i was burnt out from a regular day of getting high. still it was a hell of an experience. if that thing was made out of wood you could bust someone's brains in with it. it looked like a cudgel.


Well-Known Member
and fuck water OD. i almost do that shit everytime before my piss test with my PO. shit makes you trip balls just about.


Well-Known Member
its not like anyone has to worry about an overdose. i'm sure as hell not gonna shoot pure thc into my veins and any fool knows that even with weed you should use a little common sense about how much is too much.


Well-Known Member
Put it this way: You can die easier from water OD than weed. LOL.
Actually thats not true. You can die from drinking to much water very easy, what happens is that you lose the balance of salt and water in your body.

I remember a few years back there was a radio station that held a contest to see who can drink the most water, so they gave a few gallons out to the contestants, and 4 of them died. Everybody was fired.


Active Member
Actually thats not true. You can die from drinking to much water very easy, what happens is that you lose the balance of salt and water in your body.

I remember a few years back there was a radio station that held a contest to see who can drink the most water, so they gave a few gallons out to the contestants, and 4 of them died. Everybody was fired.
I read about that incident as well and your facts are correct.


Well-Known Member
Actually thats not true. You can die from drinking to much water very easy, what happens is that you lose the balance of salt and water in your body.

if you actually took a second to read the post you would have seen that he said you will die from water overdose before you die from thc overdose. read before you try to be smart


Well-Known Member
Me and a bud smoked a quarter in about 3 hours....conclusion: It was a waste of good bud....stoned is stoned....3 joints or a quarter, It's all the same:)


Active Member
hate it when you smoke yourself sober. just a waste of buds and an intense craving for some z's. I've seen countless ppl green out (thank god i havent yet. nasty enough just watching) but ive never heard of anyone ODing on THC. So tell me again y something as safe as this is illegal and something like grog is legal....? Bastard government!!!!!