marijuana overdose!!


Well-Known Member
the only way to OD on marijuana is to have a panic attack and give yourself a heart attack...which isnt the mary janes fault anyway


Active Member
from what I've read it would take around 2-3oz of pure THC to kill a 150ish lbs man, but that would be taken in a vain and well shooting up 2-3 oz lol..
i heard from some ppl that one drop of pure thc can kill you in the matter of minutes


Well-Known Member
word, I'd rather go out that way than burning to death in a car accident like my boy from high school


Well-Known Member
hell i smoke weed i'm not gonna inject shit into my veins. its fun to smoke but anyone who smokes themselves sober smoked too much for no good reason. just wasteful not wasted. glad i don't need a lot to get high.

humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
the only way to OD on marijuana is to have a panic attack and give yourself a heart attack...which isnt the mary janes fault anyway

Man oh MAN! haha Talk about my first experience with dank edibles. Felt like my head was being torn in half! Worst panic attack of my lifee

To0 Much Dr0

Well-Known Member
last 420 me and like 4 of my boys threw down for an oz blunt. that shit was near impossible to finish. it took 2+ hours to smoke and the fucking weird thing was, i wasn't high at the end of it. it just felt like i was burnt out from a regular day of getting high. still it was a hell of an experience. if that thing was made out of wood you could bust someone's brains in with it. it looked like a cudgel.

psssh we smoke oz's everyday lol:joint:


Well-Known Member
i thoguth marijuana overdose was when u pass out and, the only time that ever happened to me was probably my 5th time getting high and we smoked 6 grams out of a 6 inch steam roller made out of the cardboard roll of toliet paper and some foil and me and 7 of my friends were getting baked in a closet in the dark and someone turned on there cell phone and it made me feel like everyhing was goin slow motion and passed out i woke up to my friends slapin me and them tellin me shit i dont remember doin i was fukkin LAUGHIN HARD


Active Member
according to my research...overdose is possible when eaten!!!!! although it would take a shit load!!!!!


Well-Known Member
hay it dont take that much, i have greened over weed b4, it can happen and it did, u will not die just from marijuana


Well-Known Member
You would have to smoke pounds and pounds to get a lethal dose of THC, and I never seen more than a few OZs go in a day.


Active Member
when you smoke that much marijuana that you pass out that overdosing on THC...... simple, there is no possible way any human could smoke enough choof to overdose on THC, now eating it is a whole nother story :peace:

mr west

Well-Known Member
I found this on wika,

"There has never been a documented fatality from marijuana or THC overdose.[5] Absorption is limited by serum lipids, which can become saturated with THC, thus the inherent solubility may mitigate toxicity. In order to create a lethal overdose in a human, one would have to consume 1500 pounds in under 15 minutes,[6]
Studies of the distribution of the cannabinoid receptors in the brain explain why THC's toxicity is so low (i.e., the LD50 of the compound is so large): Parts of the brain that control vital functions such as respiration do not have many receptors, so they are relatively unaffected even by doses larger than could ever be ingested under any normal conditions."


To0 Much Dr0

Well-Known Member
when you smoke that much marijuana that you pass out that overdosing on THC...... simple, there is no possible way any human could smoke enough choof to overdose on THC, now eating it is a whole nother story :peace:
i dont consider passing out oding


Well-Known Member
Man oh MAN! haha Talk about my first experience with dank edibles. Felt like my head was being torn in half! Worst panic attack of my lifee
lol tell me about it my first experience i was walkin to the bus stop smokin a 7" splif, my cousin had to helped me up the steps and i was lookin inside the bus window at me layin on the seat all fucked up the whole way to school....

i never knew you could have an outer body experience.


Well-Known Member
I found this on wika,

"There has never been a documented fatality from marijuana or THC overdose.[5] Absorption is limited by serum lipids, which can become saturated with THC, thus the inherent solubility may mitigate toxicity. In order to create a lethal overdose in a human, one would have to consume 1500 pounds in under 15 minutes,[6]

at that rate you would have to worry about all the tar going into your lungs and suffocating instead of ODing... if it were possible.