marijuana overdose!!


Well-Known Member
That's what I was about to say. I thought it was somewhere inbetween 15-25 tons of pot in 15 minutes for you to actually create a lethal dose of THC. As far as PURE 100% THC oil. That shit actually has cured terminally ill cancer patients. It's that strong of a medicine. And no, a drop of 100% pure thc will not kill you. You'd have to drink a lot of ounces of 100% pure thc to kill yourself.


Well-Known Member
so thc actually cures cancer? I always thought i just kept the people from thinking about it
what?!?!?! if i had cancer i would trip out getting high thinking about it nonstop. weed by no means bugs me out, but if i was possibly dying from cancer i would trip balls getting high knowing i could very well die. cancer patients smoke weed to get back their appetite from chemo. its makes you lose mad weight because you have zero appetite.


Well-Known Member
Well there are three ways cancer patients go about it...

1st would be the doctor prescribed synthetic THC called Marinol which is always recommended first before actual pot. (Especially in a state where pot isn't legal for medicinal purposes.) This basically doesn't do anything but maybe cure some nausea in patients. Although most patients who have tried Marinol and Cannabis prefer cannabis.

2nd would be to smoke pot before a chemo session to keep the nausea at bay and to relieve the pain. This works pretty good but doesn't cure anything. Now, what it also does is stunt the growth of tumors severely giving doctors more time to make a correct decision involving cancerous cells. Marinol doesn't do this.

3rd would be to make a 100% pure THC oil which hasn't been used often in the medical field for cancer patients but when it was used it cures nausea and relieves pain and has also been known to KILL cancerous cells. People who have been diagnosed with a terminal cancer with only a year to live have tried this oil and it actually killed off the cancer saving their life. I don't know if it's worked 100% of the time but from this documentary I saw ("Run from the cure") it interviewed a lot of patients who were terminally ill with cancer after they used the oil which cured them.


Well-Known Member
I found this on wika,

"There has never been a documented fatality from marijuana or THC overdose.[5] Absorption is limited by serum lipids, which can become saturated with THC, thus the inherent solubility may mitigate toxicity. In order to create a lethal overdose in a human, one would have to consume 1500 pounds in under 15 minutes,[6]
Studies of the distribution of the cannabinoid receptors in the brain explain why THC's toxicity is so low (i.e., the LD50 of the compound is so large): Parts of the brain that control vital functions such as respiration do not have many receptors, so they are relatively unaffected even by doses larger than could ever be ingested under any normal conditions."

that can also be found on

To0 Much Dr0

Well-Known Member
that would be alot of smoking to overdose. thats why it awesome cause you know you probably wont die from smoking

no you know you wont die from smoking pot you might die from doing something stupid that sounded fucking amazing when you were high but the thc will not kill you


Active Member
no you know you wont die from smoking pot you might die from doing something stupid that sounded fucking amazing when you were high but the thc will not kill you
i think alot of people are responsible while high thought... but that is exactly why alot of us smoke everyday.

To0 Much Dr0

Well-Known Member
ya you drive better and stuff and you dont do too much illegial stuff but you do do stupid stuff sometimes and you think about it the next day and are like why did i do that? lol
