went in today and gave everyone a big ass haircut...
defoliation to open up the plants a bit....
scroll down for pictures....
at the end I show you how I LST/open em up even more...
Tools needed today...
big scissor - cut string
little scissor - poke hole
hemp twine - tie plant
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the 4x8 room After a little defoliation....
everyones a little jostled haha...
but taking it well.
can see all the nodes in the center looking for the light...
soon they will be right up there with the others...
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This is an Acapulco Gold plant before LST.... below is a photo of after
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This is the same Acapulco Gold plant after LST...
no extra leaves were removed between these photos at all, simply tied down to the outside edges of the pots with hemp twine...
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This is a shot of two plants finished... (shit sucks on the back lol gonna make a lil bench)
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tomorrow everyone will be facing up...
watch what they look like in the AM...

Love doing this for many reasons....
proper defoliation doesn't hurt the plant, it helps it. you can essentially direct where you want the plant to put its energy...
proper LST looks like its high stress but its really easy on the plants and gives them a workout...
balance in all things in life yeah? literally...
yin and yang....
some times low stress has high rewards for growth in not just plants but humans as well...
some times no stress relaxation has high rewards for healing in not just plants but humans as well..
theres a time and a place for everything...
im high and off track, I digress...
if you seek a canopy,
train your fucking plants.
Proper Lights/Wattage
Good Environment (room, medium, atmosphere)
and a healthy plant is the equation to #####################pound(s) town
that is all. <3