Well-Known Member
Have you ever pollinated a plant grown from feminized seed?
Yes. Ive done a few and it makes no difference. Female plants created by feminized pollen arent hermi prone more then regular seeds, its all based on the parents and if they were hermi prone. Females from fem seeds are just that, females plants with chromosomes the same as regular seed females, the plants cant tell the difference. Now if a female creates pollen without man made chemical help i feel they are potentially hermi prone and would trash her. I can run alot of strains out way past harvest and will never hermi just slowly die but the ones that naner at the end of budding are more hermi prone to me. Most breeders use STS
Your thinking of sts, some people drink CS when sick or other reasons.the method I did for fems is Somas method out of his book.... When using collodial silver make sure to wear a painters mask and rubber gloves.