Making colored buds

haha these guys really tore you a new one for asking that question, eh?lol....anyways, i guess the concept is valid, it works on roses and celery and im sure any other plant, try it out and let us know, hell, maybe it WILL change the color from white to blue hairs and not change the flavor and then u can make ur own colored nutrients and sell it and become a millionaire!...hahaha

Thanks maz, you are pretty much the only one who understands what im trying to achieve. Im also wondering if there would be some way for the plant to absorb THC to make extra potent buds. Possibly dissolving hash into an oil/alcohol and then having the plant absorb it through its stem after harvest. Mabe its a stupid/ impossible idea but idk.
haha now your pushing it inspector gadget,lol,jk....but seriously, one of the big things i like about growing is that it is a natural process, i have always loved nature and fucking with the color isnt my cup of tea, or adding THC via the soil, just let it grow and harvest it, like god (evolution) intended,
Putting hash and/ or honey oil into a plant? Now you have crossed the Why do you want to mess with its natural beauty in the first place? I'm sure you could do this with the food coloring but like I said you could also spray paint them, or dip them in dye. I'm sure you could spray that snow stuff that they sell at Christmas for the trees and make them all frosty too. I just don't understand your desire to change the natural complexion of such a beautiful thing of nature.
Ok mabe I got out of line with the THC thing but im still interested in the food coloring thing. Vindicated, you dont need to use a whole plant. You can just cut off a lower branch with a popcorn bud on it.
Thanks maz, you are pretty much the only one who understands what im trying to achieve. Im also wondering if there would be some way for the plant to absorb THC to make extra potent buds. Possibly dissolving hash into an oil/alcohol and then having the plant absorb it through its stem after harvest. Mabe its a stupid/ impossible idea but idk.
YES! You're so tragic.....nobody understands you.... *insert The Cure
(I know that's not the the cure, it's Goodbye Horses by Q Lazarus, but I always think of that scene from Silence of the Lambs someone says "nobody understands me...")
Dude I understand what you're trying to do. I'm just taking your pointless experiment and giving it a practical application. If you're not trying to sell it then what do you want, a floral arrangement? They're called flowers.

As for the 4th grade science experiment dyed bud and all that; my real pov is that only a crap ass grower would have to try something like that anyway as bud grown properly always comes out beautiful. But it sure has been fun messing with you hot-heads.
Peace and hair grease!
Ok, Just a theory but, Alot of people like to go to the tanning bed whether for their own amusement or they are trying to turn somebody on of the opposite sex. Basically they are changing their color of their body.
. Some people might actually like to color weed just to say it has more potency to sell it. And some people might like to do it just because they wanted to for their own amusement.
. So the way I see it, If someone wants to do something crazy and wild like coloring their own weed without hurting anyone else with it, Then GO With It !!! I think it would be kool to see what would happen when applied to a plant.
. And yes I like my plants just the way they are, But would very much like to see an experiment like that for the complete hell of it... LOL Roll On ... And Shake It Down.
If you put THC into the soil... it'll probably stay there. Or 90% of it will. Anything that the plant may absorb (IF any) will probably be negligible, and you'd just be wasting hash/oil.
YES! You're so tragic.....nobody understands you.... *insert The Cure
(I know that's not the the cure, it's Goodbye Horses by Q Lazarus, but I always think of that scene from Silence of the Lambs someone says "nobody understands me...")
Dude I understand what you're trying to do. I'm just taking your pointless experiment and giving it a practical application. If you're not trying to sell it then what do you want, a floral arrangement? They're called flowers.

As for the 4th grade science experiment dyed bud and all that; my real pov is that only a crap ass grower would have to try something like that anyway as bud grown properly always comes out beautiful. But it sure has been fun messing with you hot-heads.
Peace and hair grease!

He's not doing it to make the bud better. He just wants to know if it will work. Science for the sake of science? Maybe Einstein shouldn't have tried putting filaments into glass bulbs and tried running a current through them. WHO THE FUCK WANTS A PIECE OF HORSE HAIR INSIDE A GODDAM PIECE OF GLASS??? HUH??? WHAT THE FUCK WOULD THAT DO?

Oh by the way, that light bulb in your ceiling? Yeah... you're welcome.

Trying something new for the sake of learning what the outcome will be is called science. Stop trying to stagnate or hold back progress.
We can talk about this as much as we want, but the only way to get difintve answers is for someone to try it. He'll it could Produce colored smoke but we won't know until some one trys it. The worlds greatest thinkers were laughed at by there piers when they would cOme up with an idea that revolutionizEd the world. At one point everyone thought the world was flat and when that one guy said it was round, everyone laughed at him and said it was impossible.
why on earth would you want to color your buds?? would that make one higher, give them more potency or yield more?? hell's to the no's, so it's simply a waste of time imvho..

this is obviously not someone that gets the creative high,

anyways yeah dude, I dont know about that it seems to me the food coloring might not make it into the vascular tissue, definately would work somehow on cuttings, but totally let us know,
We can talk about this as much as we want, but the only way to get difintve answers is for someone to try it. He'll it could Produce colored smoke but we won't know until some one trys it. The worlds greatest thinkers were laughed at by there piers when they would cOme up with an idea that revolutionizEd the world. At one point everyone thought the world was flat and when that one guy said it was round, everyone laughed at him and said it was impossible.

yeah this would bring a whole new meaning to designer drugs
just saw this same thing on a another forum from a few years ago. People on there claim they have done it and it does work.
This was from another forum I discovered on this subject......

no-- not watering with it-- but there is something you can do to add the coloring (it's how they dye carnations!)

for soil plants:
Set up a bucket filled 1/3 of the way with ph adjusted water and a bubbler--- add 1/4 tsp food coloring (water should be pretty dark, or add more)
When you are ready to flush your plants-- don't! Wait afew more days and then chop her at soil level and put in your colored water hydro tub for 2-3 days.
She'll flush-- but add color in the process.. BUT-- Can't garente the color will go to the buds-- just the stems...since have never tried this with anything other than roses, mums and carnations!

If in hydro-- when ya flush -- or the last week or so of growth, add the coloring to the tank.
MAKE SURE it is high-quality food grade coloring-- best kind comes from bakery suppliers or the cake-pan / decorating section of Walmart .. more expensive- but has no tate and many come from organic sources.... DON'T Use Easter-egg dye!! (I KNOW you were thinking it!!!)

REMEMBER-- this is kewl if for YOU---
DON'T try to pass-off colored weed as something new/wild/expensive to others--
Someone is gunna figure it out-- and they won't be happy 'bout being scammed!