Making colored buds

I understand that, but what's the motive behind it? IMO it's not a good idea to add food coloring to anything you plan on smoking. Explain to me why you would want to add color artificially to your bud without trying to pass it off as something it is not?

i'm guessing to make more money?

prolly just a stoned question...

regardless, he dint ask...hey could i get a bunch of crap?

damn trolls
Tell me how I am a troll again? You guys are telling me it's harmless to SMOKE food coloring? And your also saying that you would be dishonest to someone to make a extra $5 or $10? That's some bullshit right there. If their ever was such a thing as weed ethics that would be way out of bounds. You can try to justify it and call me names all you want. I've heard it all now. It's unbelievable that I even have to defend this. Sorry that I have morals and a conscience.
you are asking questions on a grow forum on how, or if buds will look cool if you add food coloring. What do you want? An open welcome? Jeebus christ people....

You want an answer?? Yes it will work. What will happen if you do it? You get unhappy ripped off customers that may or may not beat your ass. Don't sell me fake shit... I'll tell you what....

why do you keep going on about selling you anything !!! No one has said they want to sell it you !! Get a grip it was just a question !
by the way i dont think it would work in anything but hydro as im guessing the soil or coco mediums would buffer the colors , i suppose you could chop a plant and sit it in a bucket of food coloring for the day and the whole plant would suck the coloring up into the stem ... i wouldnt smoke it or buy it but unlike gary busey i aint gonna go into a rant over it because i bet it would look cool lol
FDD has done pretty much exactly as you say robbie. Cut the branches off before harvest and left em in a bucket of coloured water. The buds changed colour and smoked like shit.
yeah man should be fine, i had a buddy who watered his outdoor plants with kool aid and they turned out red!
dont know how this might affect quality tho, his was bagseed anyways...
try it on one if you really want to see, only you can learn for yourself.
I've been wondering the same thing for a while- and just how much of the plant would be adequately changed? Celery is mostly water, and white flower petals are the best for messing with , but how much ood coloring with be needed to superceed the chloryphyll?

I'd suggest you only so this for your own smoke, but it sounds like fun. I can imagine the idea of having colored (or uv) ten bags (uk 0.7-1.2g) bags for like partygoers for the novelty of it, like a fun assortment. The colors would be so outlandish hopefully people will realise it's not some super strain. OMG IT'S PRUSSIAN BLUE WIDOW or something like that X3

I personally love the idea of having bright pink buds... Or leopard print because it'd look cool with buds already with a yellow tint. Obviously prints are impossible but...

Not to mess with plant too much like the whole purple carrots business, but small scale fun.

Reminds me of those beans you can buy that will sprout leaves with a personalised message on them :3
No link i'm afraid, i looked about but to no availl but did find one of his pics he posted in another thread.


If i was buying or selling and it was being coloured, you're right, i'd be pissed, simply trying to fleece people, but shuck, just for personal amusement and such i wouldn't mind being able to colour em wihtout effecting the product, kinda like colouring seeds, ya know the blue jar is cheese and ya know the red one's red diesel :D would be a nice little party piece, but little more :D
cheers mate :)

No link i'm afraid, i looked about but to no availl but did find one of his pics he posted in another thread.


If i was buying or selling and it was being coloured, you're right, i'd be pissed, simply trying to fleece people, but shuck, just for personal amusement and such i wouldn't mind being able to colour em wihtout effecting the product, kinda like colouring seeds, ya know the blue jar is cheese and ya know the red one's red diesel :D would be a nice little party piece, but little more :D
For the final time not try to sell this is just for amusement. Now we just need someone with the guts to try it on a few branches with some colors.
The plants root system will filter out any man made dye or coloring agent,while it is possible to effect a color change within the pistils the color change can only take place by the plant absorbing an inordant amount of one of the nutrients the plant uses.

Discolored buds show up all the time in serious nute burned plants.

When the movie (Idiocracy) 1st came out we fed a dwc plant entirely on " electrolytes" via gatoraid,we substituted exact ml's of "electrolytes" for nutes,all we got was a sickly ass plant with red roots,the cool part was the fuker lived for 6 weeks entirely on gatoraid.

As for feeding freshly chopped buds kool aid,fruit juice,frutcose or other sweeteners in hopes of sweetening the bud it will not work,the bud cant process synthetic sweetners in life & surely cant after chop,these sugars & protiens will only rot within the bud.

Changing the color of freshly chopped buds is not a new thing & is no different than the concept of color enhancement of freshly cut flowers taught in floral design,all you need is strong die or coloring agents as well as a fresh cut that is free of embolisms,you could die buds neon pink if you chose.

Search the archives under Fdd2blk,he had a thread 3 or 4 years ago where a bunch of them died(intentional misspelling) their weed,the end result was cool looking shit weed that tasted like swamp ass.
Yeah I hear spray painting your buds make them look sweet + it will make the smoke extra potent. Yummy.
Can someone please just try this and see how it turns out? There is no need for arguing and sarcastic comments.
What do you guys think about adding food coloring to the water during flush to make the buds colored? Once I added red food coloring to some water and put the end of a celery plat in the water and the celery turned red. Would the same concept work for weed?

haha these guys really tore you a new one for asking that question, eh?lol....anyways, i guess the concept is valid, it works on roses and celery and im sure any other plant, try it out and let us know, hell, maybe it WILL change the color from white to blue hairs and not change the flavor and then u can make ur own colored nutrients and sell it and become a millionaire!...hahaha