Making colored buds

once your buds are completey dry, take some food color (your choice) and do ratio 2/3 food color 1/3 water. Mist onto buds daily after.

--- I think this would work. The color in your plants while growing only change depending on different pigments in molecules (anthocyanin, chlorophyll), so I don't think using a dye while feeding would work.
Wow, if you don't get it as this point then there's no need for me to respond further. I can't believe I even have to explain why this is wrong. Beansly go ahead and try it out on a few buds and let me know how it works out for you.
I wouldn't waste my time. I do however think it's hillarious fucking with close minded
It's dishonest. It's lying.

Your growing skills and strains you chose should speak for itself. Not lying additives you add to make it "better?"

Is it us vs. the anti cannabis law makers? Or us vs. the anti-cannabis law makers, vs; those not with cool colored pot?

Personally, I want the real thing, y'all can buy your $140 a quarter purple food coloring weed.

Looks like you got your vagina all in an uproar over nothing... relax.

I guess no one here sells weed...
The pratical application is bag appeal.
Idiots think colored weed is better for some reason. Why not capitalize on that?
Good idea op.

If you're dumb enough to buy it cause it's red or blue or purple, then yeah, I'll sell you that shit all day AND tax your dumb ass for it.

Not saying id do it, but that cause I don't have to. And why would food coloring make you sick anyways? It's FOOD coloring...:lol::roll:
It's dishonest. It's lying.

Your growing skills and strains you chose should speak for itself. Not lying additives you add to make it "better?"

Is it us vs. the anti cannabis law makers? Or us vs. the anti-cannabis law makers, vs; those not with cool colored pot?

Personally, I want the real thing, y'all can buy your $140 a quarter purple food coloring weed.
Yup i'm gonna have to side with Busey, just don't do it period if your gonna sell it, if you wanna fuck up your body it's not hurting me :)
GUYS, I AM NOT TRYING TO CREATE BAG APEAL! do you think people would want to buy red weed? no. I like to be innovative and I see this as a way to innovate. Chances are the dye will only changee the color of the capilaries and not the whole plant.

O.k. Rainbow Bright, get your experiment going. I want to see this rainbow of buds, for EXPERIMENT ONLY.

Start a detailed thread explaining your intentions and Post Many Photo's.

You don't want to get ripped apart like you are here.
O.k. Rainbow Bright, get your experiment going. I want to see this rainbow of buds, for EXPERIMENT ONLY.

Start a detailed thread explaining your intentions and Post Many Photo's.

You don't want to get ripped apart like you are here.

He didn't get ripped apart, he just had a cool idea that he wanted to discuss, isn't that what this site is for? Jesus man
He didn't get ripped apart, he just had a cool idea that he wanted to discuss, isn't that what this site is for? Jesus man

Yes it is, but you also have to take the good with the bad. It's all part of the process.

I want to see this done personally myself.
Yes it is, but you also have to take the good with the bad. It's all part of the process.

I want to see this done personally myself.
Yes but you don't need to make people feel bad, I dedicate a lot of time to helping people on here and i just don't like to see people discouraging others, we have enough jerks to deal with in this world
I am not trying to rip apart anyone. If your doing it for your own consumption or just to fuck wit' some shit fine do it, but the 2nd you try to pass it off or as beansly says "capitalize" on it, then sorry I ain't down wit' that. If your disclosing to the peeps who smoke it that it's dyed bud go for it. I just don't know how being dishonest to someone about smoking it as Beansly is suggesting is right or close minded. And I quote Beansly here

"I guess no one here sells weed...
The pratical application is bag appeal.
Idiots think colored weed is better for some reason. Why not capitalize on that?
Good idea op."
This idea here is what makes me post what I do. That sir is wrong.
I think we should all move away from the ethical/selling aspect of this idea because that is not why i started this thread. How many times can i say i am not try to fuck people over by selling them weed with dye in it. I am trying to experiment. Who knows it could be a great discovery or a fail. From now on can people just discuss if this is possible/ways to do it instead if it would be ethical to sell it. For the last time this is only for experimenting and the discussion of this experiment. Im starting to flower my plants in 2 weeks so It wont be for another 2 months until i can do this and that is why im asking someone else to try who is closer to harvest. all it will take is one lower branch and some food coloring.
I think we should all move away from the ethical/selling aspect of this idea because that is not why i started this thread. How many times can i say i am not try to fuck people over by selling them weed with dye in it. I am trying to experiment. Who knows it could be a great discovery or a fail. From now on can people just discuss if this is possible/ways to do it instead if it would be ethical to sell it. For the last time this is only for experimenting and the discussion of this experiment. Im starting to flower my plants in 2 weeks so It wont be for another 2 months until i can do this and that is why im asking someone else to try who is closer to harvest. all it will take is one lower branch and some food coloring.

Word dude, thats what i have been trying to tell these other dudes all along
It wont be for a while, say end of october. Ive suggested earlier using males because they hold no value but would also demonstrate the principle. there would be no loss and only gain. I cannot try it on a male because i only grow fem seeds.
If you noticed I have not been talking to you so much NoMiss you have stated your intentions and that's cool. My issue was with Beansly post on selling it and capitalizing. Experiment away.
If its just a personal grow, them I'm all for it. We learn by experimenting and I can see how this would teach you about the way plants uptake nutrients. And lets be honest, I'm sure everyone here has looked at their plants and wondered how it would look to add a little food coloring. As for the cancer in mice, its important to remember that many things are harmful to mice and not humans. Food coloring is very safe. You can even find organic vegetable food coloring of you insist on staying chemical free.
If its just a personal grow, them I'm all for it. We learn by experimenting and I can see how this would teach you about the way plants uptake nutrients. And lets be honest, I'm sure everyone here has looked at their plants and wondered how it would look to add a little food coloring. As for the cancer in mice, its important to remember that many things are harmful to mice and not humans. Food coloring is very safe. You can even find organic vegetable food coloring of you insist on staying chemical free.

Yes I understand that mice and humans have different compositions but on the other hand, some of european countries have banned some of the seven food colorings that the FDA have accepted. I think that if some countries have banned these food colorings, then there must be some reason why they should not be consumed. BTW vindicated, are you a physicist?
If you noticed I have not been talking to you so much NoMiss you have stated your intentions and that's cool. My issue was with Beansly post on selling it and capitalizing. Experiment away.
I dont see how it's so aweful. If it doessn't hurt anyone and I can make an extra $5-$10/bag then why not do it? What if you knew you were growing better weed than the guy own the block but he was stealing your customers because his was purple...? That's bullshit. Or what if your customers were screaming for purple bud but you didn't want to experiment with new strains? Generally, for some reason, purple bud sells faster and for more. If it doesn't hurt them, WHY THE FUCK NOT!? psml!
They're not buying it cause it's purple really....They're buying it because it gets them high.