Make the Moon great again.

You’ll find Beachbeater is one of the simplest minds on this forum. Check out his posts in other threads. You’ll laugh and cry at the same time.

Hey snowflake go back to sniffing your boyfriend's butt hole :finger: (you know you love it sweetheart!)

Do you really think everybody doesn't know you're just a troll ? and your small handful of jerk-off buddies. No value.

You have no input at all, you only say negative things because you have no real intellect.

Your a non-entity.

Anyone with any sense already has you on block.
Hey snowflake go back to sniffing your boyfriend's butt hole :finger: (you know you love it sweetheart!)

Do you really think everybody doesn't know you're just a troll ? and your small handful of jerk-off buddies. No value.

You have no input at all, you only say negative things because you have no real intellect.

Your a non-entity.

Anyone with any sense already has you on block.
The notion that you have more sense than anyone else is laughable. Or should I drop some links to your batshit crazy ramblings in the alien tech thread?
You guys chill out already. Adding to this subtracts from any claim to superior intellect or aptitude, now knock it off because I cant stand seeing it, damn weenies. Your on computers!!! Your not even face to face!
I told my daughter to raise her kids to be astronauts. By the time they're old enough, the tech will be ready, there will be jobs and berths available and the Earth will be thoroughly trashed.
It’s no bullshit
I'd like to think that humans will have developed the maturity to conserve the Earth but my knowledge of human nature tells me the smart money is on betting we'll continue working for short term profit at the expense of long term survivability.

We're well into the Sixth Great Extinction. Those who doubt this fact are also likely to be climate deniers, and usually for the same financial reasons.

Our great grandkids are going to fucking hate us for what we'll have done to the very most precious resource humans have; the Earth's biodiversity.
As humans continue to fuck up the climate in exchange for profits the climate will eventually fail humans with a series of cataclysmic events drastically reducing the population. The meek will inherit the earth and the earth will heal itself nicely. It time the process will repeat its self. This as well as ancient high tech wars are written in Hindu text.
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As humans continue to fuck up the climate in exchange for profits the climate will eventually fail humans with a series of cataclysmic events drastically reducing the population. The meek will inherit the earth and the earth will heal itself nicely. It time the process will repeat its self. This as well as ancient high tech wars are written in Hindu text.
Nah. We'll kill each other, no outside disasters needed.

No evidence of ancient high tech; no cities, no artifacts, no radiation, nothing.

It pays to keep in mind the fact that to those alive in it, every age seems the most modern.

We too will be regarded as quaint and backward someday.
[QUOTE="ttystikk, post: 14352475, member: 324297
No evidence of ancient high tech; no cities, no artifacts, no radiation, nothing.[/QUOTE]

He’s all bullshit

No ancient high tech? Well, I suggest you check out puma punku in Bolivia. A mountain top fortress with high tech stone cutting technology that can't be recreated with today's feeble technology. This fortress was blasted apart by a powerful weapon 15000 years ago. Some disinformation has been spread in regards to puma punku calling it a temple complex that's a mere 1000 years old accordingly they fail to mention a strewn field around the perimeter of the site where small pieces of these great stone carvings can be found. Suggesting it was blasted apart by a great weapon NOT a earthquake.
You’re a gullible idiot. Again.

Is there no standard or threshold for you to blindly grab ahold of whimsy and herald it as fact?
Nah. We'll kill each other, no outside disasters needed.

No evidence of ancient high tech; no cities, no artifacts, no radiation, nothing.

It pays to keep in mind the fact that to those alive in it, every age seems the most modern.

We too will be regarded as quaint and backward someday.
if we don't wipe ourselves out completely