majority of employers favor raising minimum wage

They were using Stormfront Bucky Big Mac inflation, there is no inflation according to Stormfront Buckeroo.

hey racist,

show me where i said that ever, and i will leave the site forever.

otherwise, there is no need for you to be a butthurt racist little liar.


hey racist,

show me where i said that ever, and i will leave the site forever.

otherwise, there is no need for you to be a butthurt racist little liar.



Gas is now at Bush low prices. You said lower gas prices means the economy is in the shitter. What happened to Bwana's magical powers?
you have to go back and see what the fed did after nixon took us off the gold standard to truely understand what happened to inflation and how interest rates got so manipulated , when that happened we invented the petro dollar , a petro certificate in essence. paul volcker jacked up interest rates to about 20% to kill the inflation .
the reason the govt keeps interest rates low and inflation low is they do not want to pay pension and s.s. checks with real inflation numbers . its quite the scam the govt is pulling keeping inflation rates artificially low to keep increase of living raises down
gas is at $1.80, like it was when bush left office in disgrace?

stupid me, i just paid twice that much.

It's on pace to going to that by how much it's been dropping. In October 2006 gas was $2.50. I just paid $3.20.

Just like your glacier melting graphs.

"Among employers who want an increase in their state, improving the standard of living of workers led all business-related reasons for their support," CareerBuilder said in a breakdown of the survey. "A majority say a higher minimum wage helps the economy and helps them retain employees."

  • $7.25 per hour: 8 percent
  • $8.00 to 9.00 per hour: 29 percent
  • $10.00 per hour: 29 percent
  • $11.00 to 14.00 per hour: 19 percent
  • $15.00 or more per hour: 7 percent
  • No minimum wage: 9 percent
ohh a majority of the employers surveyed who advocate for minimum wage hikes agree, minimum wage hikes are good for the economy.

stunning revelation.
another idiot shows off his shitty reading compensation.
"Among employers who want an increase in their state, improving the standard of living of workers led all business-related reasons for their support," CareerBuilder said in a breakdown of the survey. "A majority say a higher minimum wage helps the economy and helps them retain employees."

That's not even an intelligible "sentence."