You Can't Afford A One-Bedroom Apartment On Minimum Wage

My first grow was T-8s start to finish. Had a landrace Sativa that was still foxtailing extremely airy buds at 22 weeks of flowering lol. Made invest a bit more money.

You just reminded me, I loaned that light out my brother years ago and he's not growing right now.

I love T-8s for the first three or four weeks.
Then I put them under the HIDs

Hopefully your brother will return the T-8s.
IMO, far superior to CFLs of any wattage...
That's something both sides outside of DC seem to agree on but both sides inside of DC seem to perpetuate.

No easy answers. I wonder if the us against them has always been this way and if it's just human nature or if it's just what happens when the monster gets too fat.

We are currently dealing with a morbidly obese monster!
This is the problem!
Jenny Craig will not help us out of this mess.

I only read that very last post.
But yes you certainly can.
Ive never hit quite a gpw though, they just arent as efficient, still dank
I only read that very last post.
But yes you certainly can.
Ive never hit quite a gpw though, they just arent as efficient, still dank
Danker I'd argue, but far less quantity.

The last time I was so high I had to hide under the covers in bed was from some CFL AK47.

Just too high...
"In December 2013, 151 House Democrats signed a letter written by Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) and George Miller (D-CA), which opposed the fast track trade promotion authority for the TPP. Several House Republicans opposed the measure on the grounds that it empowered the executive branch. In January 2014, House Democrats refused to put forward a co-sponsor for the legislation, hampering the bill's prospects for passage"

"Senate Democrats defy Obama on trade agenda"

Look in the mirror, asshat. Republican politicians are trying to fast track this shit, not the dems
Yes, don't you asshats know Obama is the leader of the Republican party?
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Only the ignorant would think that a studio is suitable for more than one. "MAYBE" a couple... a studio isn't a way to live life. I got lucky and got my own house but it doesn't take away the empathy I have for those living in a small ass box.
Where did I say "studio"?
The system we currently have sees massive corporations like GE pay effectively a 0% tax while any potential competition would have to jump through a myriad of expensive hoops just for the right to compete followed up by paying the highest statutory rate in the free world. Does this promote or impede competition here in your mind?

What is your logic?

Yes, but this isn't a democrat problem, by any means. It's BOTH parties and they're still doing it to us!
I'd eat 20 year old Monica's pussy, who the fuck can blame Bill?

Yeah, she is attractive. Bill and Hillary spent years trying to convince the public that Monica is a crazy stalker, and succeeded with lefties.

On the question of "who can blame Bill?": Most marriages don't do well with infidelity even if the other woman is attractive. I assume even progressives look down on infidelity?
Yes, but this isn't a democrat problem, by any means. It's BOTH parties and they're still doing it to us!
Oh yeah. In fact, I'd say the dems do a really good job of denying it and saying it's the pubs fault and the pubs don't seem to realize it's bad unless the dems are doing it.
You live in America, you operate in America. You wanna do business elsewhere, you live there

So US companies shouldn't be allowed to export American made products? No solar cells, cell phones, computers (all made with imported rare earth minerals) could be made here?