Majority of Americans want Bush investigated for war crimes


Well-Known Member
Yep ... put this up in my thread
We the people are going to have to put the pressure on ... if we don't prosecute these war criminals it will give license to continue ... if we truly care about this country ... some thing must be done.:cuss:
Of course it will not happen. To investigate Bush leads to investigation of the abuses that all of these "leaders" are doing. Look at the people who would start the process...they are as guilty as anyone. IMO we have lost any control at all over what the federalists are doing. What recourse do WE have about things our government is doing to US...not concerned so much about "war crimes" right now. Our federal gov just swooped up massive amounts of power over our daily lives. That is a more immediate concern to me.
Yes we can. I hope Obama doesn't sweep this under the rug. I'm beginning to wonder about him. Doesnt seem like he's staying on message, at least not what his campaign offered. He needs to get over this Bipartisan bullshit and get on with his campaign messaging, It's change that we asked for, not ass kissing repukes. Get this congressional investigation team up to speed and start bringing in the actors like Rove and Gonzales and Cheney to face a panel of congressional oversight personal, then hang the sonsabitches.
Obama has a LOT more on his plate of much more importance than satisfying a bunch of left wing kook bloggers.

I would imagine that the MoveOn folks are going bonkers right now. Gitmo is still open, Iraq is still occupied, Bush isn't in jail ... what else? :lol:


Two thirds of the US population are left wing kook bloggers?

Posting a poll that you read in USA today doesn't prove a damned thing. Who was polled? What were the questions asked? Were the results reported accurately? Hey, man ... you can do anything with a poll. Do you honestly believe that the MAJORITY of Americans want Bush prosecuted for "war crimes?" Hell, the majority of Americans can't put their shoes on the right feet in the morning. :lol:

And don't make a mistake thinking that I'm a Republican in support of Bush ... because I'm not. I just like pointing out bullshit being presented as fact.

Posting a poll that you read in USA today doesn't prove a damned thing. Who was polled? What were the questions asked? Were the results reported accurately? Hey, man ... you can do anything with a poll. Do you honestly believe that the MAJORITY of Americans want Bush prosecuted for "war crimes?" Hell, the majority of Americans can't put their shoes on the right feet in the morning. :lol:

And don't make a mistake thinking that I'm a Republican in support of Bush ... because I'm not. I just like pointing out bullshit being presented as fact.


You're the only one pointing out bullshit ... or should I say bushshit ... they broke the law ... that is fact ... and proven over and over in my thread ... so you can ... canned the bullshit!
... and yes ... I honestly believe the majority of Americans want the bush crime family prosecuted for obvious war crimes. Just like you said you can't believe these polls ... I think the corporate media is down playing the amount of people that want these war criminals prosecuted.
Just because you don't want to hold war criminals accountable doesn't mean most of us don't as well ... :roll:
Deal with it Vi:wall:
hang the sonsabitches.

Hang the bastard!!!

I concur!

But, and this is a big butt, they should be waterboarded first, and treated just like the so called "terrorists" before any hangings take place!

I would go ever further than that though, and say that the Rothschilds and their cronies be held responsible too! Then We could split up their 500 TRILLION dollars to any people over 18. It would be a nice stimulus package, No?

It can be like the good'ole days. :D

We should take a poll on RIU with the same questions and see what they say!


"We should take a poll on RIU with the same questions and see what they say!"

The results wouldn't be accurate because GrowRebel and Med would respond with the same answers 1000 times.

"We should take a poll on RIU with the same questions and see what they say!"

The results wouldn't be accurate because GrowRebel and Med would respond with the same answers 1000 times.


Bullshit ... the polls here are set up where you can only vote once ... blowing it out your ass again eh Vi?:roll:
no they dont, your a shit head for even trying to make it seem like the majority of americans want this to happen

hes no president anymore anyhow. let the topic die
no they dont, your a shit head for even trying to make it seem like the majority of americans want this to happen

hes no president anymore anyhow. let the topic die

How do you know they don't? What proof do you have to show they don't? ... nothing I bet ... and you know why? ... because most americans do what the bush crime family prosecuted ... that's why.:clap:
How do you know they don't? What proof do you have to show they don't? ... nothing I bet ... and you know why? ... because most americans do what the bush crime family prosecuted ... that's why.:clap:
thats fucking retarded, thats my proof

honestly thats about as much as anyone else brought to the table, a fucking gallop poll?

ya, i got a gallup poll that says my dick is 12 inches

and even if it was true, most americans are pretty fucking stupid anyway, so either way the idea is still retarded

what war crimes should he be brought up on (specifics) who is going to charge him, i mean who has that authority?

and really? a crime family

the mother fucker was already rich, what does he have to gain, these are all questions that have obvious answers
It means if you don't have anything good to say than don't say anything at all!

i dont think calling for an ex president to be brought up on bogus war crimes a positive fact its so stupid it causes me to hurt, because the idea of natural selection, a concept i hold to be very true, seems to have failed in this case

i mean, why are these tards still around? they shouldnt be here by natural law