Living the Florida Life. Kinda.

Ok, do old folks fart more or is it that they just don't care who hears them? I swear I have heard and smelled more farts down here than back home. The old man sitting near me at lunch let one rip and didn't care who heard or smelled it. Thought I would barf.
Ok, do old folks fart more or is it that they just don't care who hears them? I swear I have heard and smelled more farts down here than back home. The old man sitting near me at lunch let one rip and didn't care who heard or smelled it. Thought I would barf.

I am experiencing phase 1 at present - the embarrassment that comes from a failed One-cheek Sneak. I used to be a silent killer, but lately my efforts at stealth have ... backfired. Noisily.

I airily anticipate phase 2. If phase one is "I'm getting old! Oh my goodness." then phase two is "I'm old. So sue me." Pull my finger. cn
Yes, I have been a victim of the silent wall of smell when dancing down a grocery store aisle. The worse is getting trapped on a elevator with the old stale aroma of a fart well past it's prime.
The only one time I have experienced this i was in line at the Grand Ole Opry.

The folks were packed in there like sardines in a can.
All of a sudden the air got so thick and heavy it was hard to breath. More than 1 person

I think i know who it was but in a situation like that who gets the blame? and how can you get away?
Five older brothers (well, four blood related brothers and one mean ass foster brother). Dutch ovens were a daily routine in my life.
Ok, do old folks fart more or is it that they just don't care who hears them? I swear I have heard and smelled more farts down here than back home. The old man sitting near me at lunch let one rip and didn't care who heard or smelled it. Thought I would barf.

It's probably just because no one gives a fuck. The worst that's going to happen if someone farts is people are going to laugh (for kids), or some bitch is going to get pissed. Unless you let something RAUNCHY out your asshole no one cares. I've never been in a state where people cared if people heard their farts. Except Texas in elementary school, but even then it was just people laughing or like holding their breath and using their shirts as gas masks.

Real people have bigger problems.
$6 dollars to go to Sanibel? $3 dollars to cross the Cape Coral 'whatever' bridge? And they can't even be polite about it. wtf?
The neighborhood party store (about the only place open after 9 pm) had an old lady run her car into it. The owner (Indian, the 'you are here' type) fixed the front door and left the outside looking like a red and white egg cup. But, he is open for business. This isn't a ghetto. Since I can see it across the street, I'm going to visit him and ask if he intends on fixing his building. And if so when, it's been 3 weeks already.

If he doesn't I'm visiting city hall. He should watch it - I've noticed the cars that pull to the left of the store and a person comes out of the woods and exchanges are made. He could be closed down as a nuisance. They already have cut his evening hours over it. WTF!
I think it's pretty cool how people put their extra fruit from their trees and bushes by their mailboxes so the neighborhood can share in the bounty.
if you get sick of Florida,you can come visit me and get some winter back in your blood
The neighborhood party store (about the only place open after 9 pm) had an old lady run her car into it. The owner (Indian, the 'you are here' type) fixed the front door and left the outside looking like a red and white egg cup. But, he is open for business. This isn't a ghetto. Since I can see it across the street, I'm going to visit him and ask if he intends on fixing his building. And if so when, it's been 3 weeks already.

If he doesn't I'm visiting city hall. He should watch it - I've noticed the cars that pull to the left of the store and a person comes out of the woods and exchanges are made. He could be closed down as a nuisance. They already have cut his evening hours over it. WTF!

just be sure to share the K2, Spice, oh what ever its called with your friends. lol

The local hadji ask me when we are alone if I need any incense. it is a tough world when you need a dealer for a legal product, no matter if you like it or not.

watch that cheap sob. he wont fix shit until the cops threaten to close him then he will waste as much time as the authorities will allow.
I think it's pretty cool how people put their extra fruit from their trees and bushes by their mailboxes so the neighborhood can share in the bounty.

we find surf boards, couches, tvs, air conditioners and some of the misc.
some stuff is in very decent shape.