Living the Florida Life. Kinda.

Lol, it might be different parts and I dunno if that's an actual name strain as I don't pay attention to any of that but in the Tampa area we call it Crippy, which just means good Florida weed. Has a nice piney/minty/sweet smell and taste to it.
Lol, it might be different parts and I dunno if that's an actual name strain as I don't pay attention to any of that but in the Tampa area we call it Crippy, which just means good Florida weed. Has a nice piney/minty/sweet smell and taste to it.

exactly,just some good florida bud.I stayed in GFainesville for awhile to.There every called it the Gainsville Green.That was just the local bud around there
I like to visit pompano beach when I can. It's quiet and off of the I95 highway on the beach side. Went skydiving in wellington :)
Alrightly, now that it is in season I've noticed that pedestrians are getting run over and mowed down. What's up with that? The one last night was a local guy that crossed against the light. I've witnessed some very stupid people crossing MAJOR streets between lights with children in tow. Unbelievable.
That's because pedestrians are dumbasses and choose to walk in front of moving vehicles. You take your own safety into your own hands if you step out in front of a moving vehicle. I have no sympathy for pedestrians that get taken out. I hate cyclists on roads too, I can bitch about that all day lol
I've notice cyclist too. I would never ride on the edge of the roads the way they do. (I can't wait to get my bike down here I miss it)
That is why I want to get a big nasty diesel truck. So I can power brake and romp on the gas, just to smoke out those stupid people. Get your silly bicycle off the road. Roads are for vehicles, not stupid ass lance armstrong wannabes.
I like to visit pompano beach when I can. It's quiet and off of the I95 highway on the beach side. Went skydiving in wellington :)

It's quiet for good reason, there's nothing in Pompano outside of numerous iguanas and retired New Yorkers...west of Dixie the neighborhood turns to shit.

I used to work there.
Alrightly, now that it is in season I've noticed that pedestrians are getting run over and mowed down. What's up with that? The one last night was a local guy that crossed against the light. I've witnessed some very stupid people crossing MAJOR streets between lights with children in tow. Unbelievable.

LOL,we get that a lot here.Thats why I stopped driving semi trucks through the city.Damn drunks all fall under your trailer wheels when you are turning a corner.
LOL,we get that a lot here.Thats why I stopped driving semi trucks through the city.Damn drunks all fall under your trailer wheels when you are turning a corner.

You know what? I believe that. On the way home from the Lodge I was almost mowed down as I walked across the driveway to a Wells-Fargo bank, after all it is payday-I should have known better.
Wow, I didn't realize how many people where from Fl. on here. I'm West Central. May I wish you a belated welcome Winter Woman. Your first summer might be rough, air conditioning is your friend.
Florida is a great golf state. Not sure I could ever live there though. But I do vacation often. Careful though, I hear Florida cops do NOT take kindly to pot growers. Especially in the Fort Myers area.