Eastern BC is about a 15 hour drive from my place. Find Edmonton then look up, wayyyy up and about 6 hours drive north from there is my place.

I'm thinking of moving down that way myself in the next year or so. Got to find out how the wife's liver thing goes. I was going to sell the farm, give her half and take off on my own but not going to run out if it goes bad for her. Either move to the Kootenays or even better Campbell River on Vancouver Island where I should have gone in '01 when we moved here. I would have been so much happier there for sure and by now had lots of real buddies that were into pot. Basically a hermit here.
I'm good on DWC with about 50 grows under my belt but there's always something new to learn about anything and it will be a while before I could have some spare coin to get into LEDs, I have a little over 50G sitting in a TFSA that I'm not supposed to touch until mom dies in case she needs it. She'll be 92 in August and still going strong so it's a race to see who goes first.