I'm almost 65 so can't expect this beat up machine to run forever.

In Feb I finally got an MRI to check for prostate cancer as my PSA went way up to over 10 from 4 in 3 years. An almost certain sign of prostate cancer in most doctor's eyes but I got a completely clean bill of health. Just old fart pee-pee issues that I have made almost normal using various minerals and herbs. At least as good as when I was 50 I figure.
I'm the only one in the house that does pot and has grow his own steady since moving here in '01 with 6 hash plant clones and dreams of making big cash. I grew my first buds in '78 and have studied pot more than most experts since. Took a break for 3 years in the late 80s to go back to school and get a diploma in environmental chemistry. Only grew sporadically from '78 - '01 but was involved in others grows off and on in the lower mainland of BC. Knew a few Angels and worked at some huge grow ops they were running.
Got involved in pot forums a little over 10 years ago. I started playing around with DWC in late '01 from info I read about hydroponics and after a few days at the library basically invented growing pot in tubs of nutrients for myself. Even wrote to Ed Rosenthal at Cannabis Culture magazine and asked what he thought of this idea and he was really negative about it. He had an Ask Ed column going back then.
Have to find that mag in my near complete collection.
The now defunct CC forums was the first I joined and when it shut down last Jan I was the Admin there known as LabRat. My basic thing in forums is helping new growers get a crop in and has been from the start. Some good people here doing the same thing but quite a few that need a little kick in the ass once in a while to act a little more human. They should be thankful I'm not a mod here or they would be getting time outs to think about their sins.
My biggest problem with keeping it together is chronic depression that started after a near fatal hammer attack in Calgary back about 40 years ago. Not going to bore you with the details but it was self medicating with lots of booze and an open prescription for demerol and valium the doc gave me. After near eating my .303 I got off those pills and on to antidepressants. Tried 'em all over the years but haven't had any for at least 25 years. Being a zombie sux and a nice sativa works a lot better. CBD pot wit a little THC made into cocobudder really helps with the arthritis and the depression.
I rarely have clear skies but when the dark clouds roll in it can be months before I can take care of basics and my garden goes to shit. Getting more active no matter how much it hurts and things are looking up . . . for now.
Enough of that. Do you guys deal in Canada here and have those DIY COB kits? I'm no electrician but do my own house wiring to code, build my own computers, fix them for friends and sometimes cash and can fix damn near anything so building my own rig would be a fun project. I'm expanding my grow room and it would be nice to build something that can replace a 1000W HID and do a side by side. Just want to add on an 8x4' flowering room and use the current room for veg only. It's 7x9' and was a cold storage room the previous owner built. One of the main selling points for me and the day we moved in I was ripping out the shelving so I could move my plants from town into it ASAP. Still haven't painted the walls so there's horizontal brown stripes where the shelves used to be. It's only been 17 years. lol
Wish the wife was into it or even my step-daughter but I'm on my own up here in Bumf**k, AB. Time for a new woman. One that likes growing pot, catching fish and doing the giggity fairly often. Huge bonus if she has a boat!
Damn. Just procrastinated away another hour with plants to tend to.