Let's Talk About Freedom


Smoky McPot
True freedom. Not that fake shit that the US gov't (and others) makes you think you have. Freedom to not have to worry about money, possessions, or danger. Or is freedom still just an idea?


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
True freedom. Not that fake shit that the US gov't (and others) makes you think you have. Freedom to not have to worry about money, possessions, or danger. Or is freedom still just an idea?
Freedom is really becoming a thing of the past. If you subscribe to phone services on the net, or cell services on the net, there is no freedom.

Here in Canada I feel the freedom to a certain extent. I do have to watch out for weirdos and predators when it comes to my daughter, I lock my doors, have an alarm on the house etc.
Will we ever really be free though? That is the question. :peace:


Well-Known Member
it's all dominoes man, there is no freedom. that's the absolute truth

in terms of relative truth, freedom can be found within the mind. the cell phone contract does not keep you from being free, it's the unnecessary reliance you give to the phone that enslaves you

going back to the absolute truth, if you transcend the mind you can let go of the constant urge of trying to obtain and achieve. the lack of freedom you feel is also a product purposely created by the system of control you loathe. this discontentment is used to make you strive, which will almost always benefit the system

who says you're not free?

you think you cannot do what you want freely? is it possible you have been obsessed with that you cannot have?

within ten years i'm going to build a self-reliant commune with like-minded individuals.
no electricity or gas bills (solar energy; wind energy)
no water bills (self-contained system)
no house payments (build the house myself)
no property taxes (legal loopholes)
no money needed for groceries (self-reliant organic hydroponics and fishfarms)



Well-Known Member
what is freedom really??? would we be alowed to do absoulutly anything we want? if so would it have to be free? so anybody would be free to do it?
what is your idea of real freedom?


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
There has to be some level of authority or else there would be mayhem. Everyone doing as they please cause they are "free".
What would the world become if there was total freedom?


Well-Known Member
thered only be one person :)... everyone who ever wanted to kill someone would... and than the dead peoples family would seek revenge by killing... and people would get robed... and than maybe there would be a few underground police like people who might do some stuff... and than get killed... untill there was only one person... maybe 50... al spread out over the world :)haha... thats what I think would happen... pretty stupid... or is it?


Well-Known Member
the real thing to think about is what constitutes authority. there are tribes all over the world that exist peacefully without a "government"


Smoky McPot
One idea is that different regions of the planet would accomodate different people's freedoms. Like one region would allow people to piss and shit in the streets and anyone who doesn't want that doesnt have to be there. The one problem with this is if someone wants to kill another human. There could be a region where you can kill robots that look like humans but thats about it.


Well-Known Member

within ten years i'm going to build a self-reliant commune with like-minded individuals.
no electricity or gas bills (solar energy; wind energy)
no water bills (self-contained system)
no house payments (build the house myself)
no property taxes (legal loopholes)
no money needed for groceries (self-reliant organic hydroponics and fishfarms)

Are you really planning on that?
Ive always dreamt of somthing like that.
It would be absolutly amazing for that to happen.


Well-Known Member
the more "civilized" and "advanced" our culture becomes, the farther we get from true freedom.

in 1820, your only responsibility was to your family, yourself and God. now you pay taxes, work a job you hate to pay bills you loathe. you do things just to survive and lose touch with the things that really matter as your are slowly desensitized to the things that actually matter in life.


Well-Known Member
Are you really planning on that?
Ive always dreamt of somthing like that.
It would be absolutly amazing for that to happen.
my plan (it's always a good idea to write this type of stuff out)

i to go into the US airforce as fire protection and not spend a cent during the 4 or 5 years i enlist. if i put my money in the right places (high interest savings accounts and CD's) i should have anywhere between 60-100k when i get out. (conservative estimate)

while in the force i'll be getting real fit. physically, spiritually, and mentally. i'll bulk up, continue my spiritual practices, and read up on as much integral medicine and integral therapy as possible

when i get out i should be crazy healthy and centered with career experience and a fat bank roll. i meet up with people i have contacted over the net and either join an existing project or begin a new one (all depends on the cash really.)
one of the most important parts in creating the commune is to form a community with similar spiritual beliefs. if you can do that, you can zone the area as a place of worship. doing so makes the land exempt from paying property tax. in theory

i see firefighting as being one of the few respectable careers today AND many firefighters actually only work half the week, so if my military experience helps me into that career i'd be ecstatic. with my education in therapy and alternative medicine i could act as a counselor for the community on my days off/ retirement

anybody ever hear of superadobe? it's a modern version of earthen architecture. using long sandbags filled with a specific mixture of sand and clay, i think some lime, you can make very sturdy infrastructure. cheap and eco-friendly, they can withstand extreme weather, and if designed correctly, (check out the shapes below) they conserve energy extremely well

imagine if communities like this were made and future generations could be raised in a stable environment that would nourish inner growth, rather than worshiping petty achievements that feed a vicious cycle

i don't want to seem naive, but this could be an age of great transition. we just have to get the ball rolling :)



Well-Known Member
my plan (it's always a good idea to write this type of stuff out)

i to go into the US airforce as fire protection and not spend a cent during the 4 or 5 years i enlist. if i put my money in the right places (high interest savings accounts and CD's) i should have anywhere between 60-100k when i get out. (conservative estimate)

while in the force i'll be getting real fit. physically, spiritually, and mentally. i'll bulk up, continue my spiritual practices, and read up on as much integral medicine and integral therapy as possible

when i get out i should be crazy healthy and centered with career experience and a fat bank roll. i meet up with people i have contacted over the net and either join an existing project or begin a new one (all depends on the cash really.)
one of the most important parts in creating the commune is to form a community with similar spiritual beliefs. if you can do that, you can zone the area as a place of worship. doing so makes the land exempt from paying property tax. in theory

i see firefighting as being one of the few respectable careers today AND many firefighters actually only work half the week, so if my military experience helps me into that career i'd be ecstatic. with my education in therapy and alternative medicine i could act as a counselor for the community on my days off/ retirement

anybody ever hear of superadobe? it's a modern version of earthen architecture. using long sandbags filled with a specific mixture of sand and clay, i think some lime, you can make very sturdy infrastructure. cheap and eco-friendly, they can withstand extreme weather, and if designed correctly, (check out the shapes below) they conserve energy extremely well

imagine if communities like this were made and future generations could be raised in a stable environment that would nourish inner growth, rather than worshiping petty achievements that feed a vicious cycle

i don't want to seem naive, but this could be an age of great transition. we just have to get the ball rolling :)
Take me with you..
I wanna live there.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor


it is everywhere..

you ARE FREE.. now can you accept that?






Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
SO easily said..

BUt how can I taste this FREEDOM.. how can i get a glimmer.. how can I experiecne FREEDOM...

ONE must surrender..

HOw do I surrender?

IF you can't just sit down and STOP reacting as of RIGHT NOW!

Then you should start a practice.. a practice.. teaches one to MOVE there awarenss away from the mind...

IT IS your thoughts (KARMA) that prevent you from realizing your freedom...

SO either.. sack it up and stop reacting RIGHT NOW...

or start a practice...
