LEDs, HPS, outdoor and a couple rooms!


New Member
So I'd like to start out by saying I'm kind of new to this grow thing. I figured I'd make a journal because I didn't do it on my last grow because I might get some insight on new ideas and better ways of doing things. Currently have,
A full basment with a 10x13 (well call this room A) and 13x13 room (room B)

Room A has 2 hps 1000w dominator xxxl hoods, 6 in fan, carbon filter. 4 plant came out successful last time under just one of the lights, there are now only two in that room.

Room B has just one Cree solo 600 with 4 plants in veg.

And I have a plant in my backyard because it pissed me off and I don't want to waste time and energy on it, it just doesn't know how to grow like a normal plant, plus I'd like to see what it does.

I have been getting clones from my Gfs father after veg and blooming them but soon will be doing my own cloning, veg, and bloom.

I've been doing soil and I know I want to do different training with my plants and have the grow a certain way (I only have 7 foot ceilings) but her dad was in control of the important part of time where training occurs. So the plan is to see what performs better and go with it, hps or led, I want to do deep water culture until I get more patients as I'm in Michigan and can only have 12 plants for myself and 12 per patient. My last crop was some of the best weed the city has seen in a long time.

So the goal
DWC max plant count 2 per light
Until I can grow 60, then I wanted to do SOG 4 tables 16 plants each set up to harvest one table every couple weeks or so so on and so fourth.

If I seem like I'm lacking info I will be adding more I just wanted to get something down before I procrastinate any longer and never start this journal. If anyone has any suggestions or questions feel free to chime in. I'm just excited as to where this is going


New Member
So it's almost been two weeks the growth isn't what I was expecting with these lights, but I've also never vegged my own plants or used LEDs but it's been ten days and I've made some progress. Been doing a lot of super cropping on these plants and already have the bloom room planned out for their ScrOG.
I've noticed too LEDs don't produce half as much heat as my 1000w hps hoods but you can not keep them closer to the plants by any means. I was starting to get light burn from having the LEDs (what I thought was perfectly fine due to lack of heat produced) too close to the plants. Every couple days I started moving it farther away and I'm finally at a spot where they are showing growth and also coming back quite nicely.
So just a word of advice for anyone looking to buy LED lights, they arnt as hot but they are still intense and can be too much for the plant to handle.
But here's my progress.

