LED Without LEDs -My First T5 Grow

well i must beg to differ in FL the trees live their entire lives in air pots!! and as seen here all these TREES live their lives in air pots...

Thats cool
So then, Can you grow larger plants in smaller pots opposed to the 1 foot per gal rule? Would I be able to do 3 foot in a 2 gal with the air pots and without the plant getting spindly too?
I have 3-4 footers right now in 2gal bags. ^^ their kinda tall but fine. No root issues.
Thats cool
So then, Can you grow larger plants in smaller pots oppose to the 1 foot per gal rule.. Would I be able to do 3 foot in a 2 gal with those pots and without the plant getting spindly too?
is that in grow bags? I started using 3 gal bags on my most recent grow and they seem to hold way more soil than the 3 gal plastic pots I normally use.
You guys need to mellow out and take it in a bit. Smoke a J or something...
BTW I read through 36 pages and im sure almost everyone here does as well... People go through life just asking questions, but those who learn, educate themselves on the topic to know Which questions to ask!
Thanks for checking my forum I hope we can share our knowledge and experience for others to learn.

For all you others Lets see those pics!!! i want to see what i have inspired you to either try or buy and tell me what you think!
Well gee, pr0fessur must have found a way to time travel as well as grow the best buds with aquarium fluros. I still haven't figured out where to fit in 37 pages of convoluted stoned rantings from someone with an ego and no patience for questions. You got me there, pr0fessur. Maybe, you should check your pretentious attitude or take novice's advice and smoke one. Just remember not everyone can be as cool as you. Perhaps your humility should reflect that fact.
Well gee, pr0fessur must have found a way to time travel as well as grow the best buds with aquarium fluros. I still haven't figured out where to fit in 37 pages of convoluted stoned rantings from someone with an ego and no patience for questions. You got me there, pr0fessur. Maybe, you should check your pretentious attitude or take novice's advice and smoke one. Just remember not everyone can be as cool as you. Perhaps your humility should reflect that fact.
even if you didnt read the entire forum which is necessary to even understand the concept of what im trying to do, you could have @ the very least looked up ONE bulb listed in my signature... even if you only read the first thread on his topic it clearly states which bulbs i am using. Even if you didnt read one post you could have used google rather than asking what bulbs im using and if they're ho vs vho....
Its a wonder why your the only one curious about whether the lights are vho or not seeing as im sure you would research a topic before asking any questions... you dont blurt out a physics question without knowing what your asking do you?
Lastly if you DIDNT read any of the posts then how would you be able to come to the conclusion that i have stoned ramblings??? also out of 368 posts i dont believe i have made any "ramblings" other than offer advise to No0b5 such as yourself and others, without name calling and acting like im mr high and mighty with my 18 posts. ;)
Go back to the beginners forums or learn to uses google before you accuse people of hostility for having to listen to ramblings of narrow minded individuals such as yourself only looking for people to do all the work for them, instead of "learning" something...
have a super day
Hey pr0f. I didn't want to say too much to this person as it is your thread. And as such you can ask the Mods to delete his immature, stoned ramblings
Hey pr0f. I didn't want to say too much to this person as it is your thread. And as such you can ask the Mods to delete his immature, stoned ramblings

No i dont need to hide his comments im going to let them be apparent so others can judge my actions for themselves.. if im being a douche someone will call me on it!
if not than hes just an immature spoiled child who wants nothing more than to be handed everything cause he asked for it... last time i checked it ..... didnt work that way... maybe in Cali... but def not here...
not everyone deserves a trophy...
08-04-2011 03:48 PM
Thread: LED Without LEDs -My First T5 Grow
by MurshDawg Replies
{DUDE! are you running HO or VHO. I own a sunblaze t5-48 HO and I started with only 3000k and 6500k bulbs and then I saw Aquarium bulbs and i had the same epiphany. I want to know what type of bulbs you recommend. where do you find redder t5ho bulbs?}

My first question was a valid question; especially when 3 out of the 5 bulbs you list are sold only as V-HO only. As a noob, I know that you shouldn't run HO bulbs on a V-HO ballast because the bulb life will be shortened. I did not know that you can run V-HO bulbs on an HO ballast. Which is apparently what you are doing. Here I thought someone with your apparent knowledge would exercise a little humility in dealing with us "special" people. If you do not like answering the questions maybe you shouldn't start a forum. Just a thought from the local re-re.
Still with the questions..
the bulbs are the SAME v-ho or not...
second vho bulbs are designed to be overdriven...(better electrodes) thats all.. overdriving bulbs causes the electrodes inside to deteoriate even faster thus dimming over time... im sure i stated this previously.... theoretically you can overdrive ANY t5..
the ballasts are designed to provide a higher wattage than spec usually 50% more on average.
almost ALL of the bulbs i buy can be overdriven.... i choose not to.. HOWEVER the quantum ballasts do slightly overdrive the bulbs as ive ripped open and did some research on the ballasts they use...
Second this isnt the place to be asking about VHO HO etc...
now for actual news... i will be chopping my smaller plant tonight.. shes ready.. my bigger girl im going to let go till the end of the week and start chopping her too...
I am ready to go full scale and these ladies are in my way!
most of my crop will go to those in actual need.. as ive said before these plants are not for profit...
Now I have a few super lemon haze feminized id like to grow but given the length of time they take to grow im probably going to do a run of OG or maybe NLx5 afghanni or WW
im going old school so im looking for something short and fast...
Im probably going to do a 12/12 see what i can get.. soil only with organics... same as before..
i only get FEM seeds i have no room for a mother ATM... and i have no way to get clones so seeds are my only option.
im going full 10 seeds this time no tent.. that piece of garbage went out last night!
new tent time!
Im moving to a larger place so ill get more room to build out.
Till i move next month ill be "curing" when everything is done and cured ill get weight... but i dont want you guys to use the weight to measure efficacy... thats not what this forum was about...
no when i have a strain and everything dialed in we can talk weight! if i use an old school strain that ive used before like WW i KNOW i can get @ least 2oz a plant and still keep them short..and get some bubble hash too!
Pr0f: I am using 2 Aqua Suns: My one 3 week old plant is light green.

Under the OEM Quantums, the 4 young'uns were all darker green (normal looking).

Nutes are the same. Any ideas?
I did warn you about the mixed bulbs... thats why i use the actinics... see your aqua suns have only 1/3 blue 1/3 green and 1/3 yellow/orange......
the aqua suns are designed to "look" better to the eye so your filsh will pop! not to grow coral/plants ;)

thats 2/3 of light young plants dont really use very well.... you need more actinic light.. if you throw an actinic bulb in that mix shell darken right up..
for sure. everyone is like that regardless of light. because you learn more about the strain you have and more technique etc... Every time I have a new batch the quality is always better than the one before. Yield on the other hand goes up and down.
Thanks everyone, and remember i didnt coddle this plant @ all. in fact I was downright an absent parent on this one.
she got bare minimum nutes and watered when I could. Im sure if i dialed it in i could get imressive results...
These were freebie strains. I know nothing of them or how they grow.. not too shabby ;)
The bigger lady i think im gonna chop this weekend...