LED Without LEDs -My First T5 Grow

Lol it doesn't even come with bulbs rofl ha ha ha ha ha I would never buy one of those they are so over priced. I would just go buy all he fullback ballasts and make my own reflector at that price
Hmm, with a mix of bulbs and shipping , only $250 to Canada. Sounds like a good deal to me, am I missing something? I really dont care about LED comparison, just how does that rate in comparison to other T5 HO's?
Last place I was buying t5 parts from was induction lamps.com think but now I just go through my electrician buddy same prices but he's local and delivers my parts to me. Do a search for ballasts for t5 pretty easy to find what you need to build your own for half the price
So you are getting parts wholesale I guess. I wouldn't have a frikkin clue where to start with ballast requirements. never done a T5. Guess I need to find a T5 HO DIY tutorial.
Wanna bet lol a 500$ blackstar could do that any day bro

Any time an where!
You talk so big!... Where are your photos?

Does anyone know where the ignore button is?

Kaptin this is the first an last time I'll tell you! Stop insulting other members here. The people your cursing @ actually contribute to this thread!

Screw u bro I did nothin to u and u wanna start some shit why don't u go take a look at this thread right here where a guys doin a vert grow with a 300 watt draw panel?? Lol I'm sorry but a led pullin 300 watts can make a bush like that. You got no pull to tell me to stop doin anything. It's not like u showed me something amazing man u showed me a big ass vegetated bush u wanna impress me to the point where I won't say a 300 watt draw panel can do that post some nug pics because veg pics really bro? Everyone and their mouse knows LEDs kick ass for veg I could easily get bushes that big on my 240watt panel sure I'd have to do lots of rotation and moving but I could do it. If your gonna try and impress me at least try with somthin other than pics from veg that means nothing.

Not only that this is a waste of space and time ur arguing with me about something we both agree works I LIKE THIS STYLE SETUP. Your the one who brought up I doubt a 700$led could do this lol. You started it not me

Nice pic of yourself lol
Keon and everyone else plz... im traveling and don't have time to babysit..plz try to keep this thread a peaceful place..
This is not a LED thread and those discussions should be kept to PM PLZ...
KRON,FLORA,DDWC I respect all of your support and were here to help others...
This is for T5 users and noobs. We will only make direct observed comparisons based on experimentation and facts.. led is viable for some it does work.. and ut is proven tech. That being said it is a smaller footprint and does have.limited "throw" you can't argue with physics..
Further flaming in any direction will result in my personal attention and a full on ban from this forum.
Many forums have issues that get out if hand this will not be one of them.
KRON I challenge your blackstar comment and until you can do a side by side plz don't make comparisons..FLORA HAS PROVEN HIS 1000W IS NOT AS GOOD AS T5
He made a veg comparison bro there's info and pics and proof all over he web that LEDs can easilly achieve that pic he posted. So if I wanna talk fact lets talk fact where's his flower shots I wasn't referring to flower til u and him brought it up. What i said is fact. Don't believe it go buy a panel and try for yourself. I don't need to do a side by side to know that a 300 watt draw panel can vegetate a bush lol now if u wanna talk flower i won't comment. Why? Because I haven't flowered with a t5 setup like this I'm doing mothers with one right now. You won't see me talk about what i do not know as fact. He put the challenge out I merely answered it. Also if u notice I told the noob LEDs were too expensive and go t5 but I guess no one cares and wants to look at this objectively and fair. Sure I'll do a side by side flower someday when I got $ for more lights but at the moment i don't. WHICH IS WHY I DIDNT COMMENT ON FLOWER!!! Only veg. Everything was totally peaceful until I got called a troll for helpin someone with a question they posted don't like it? Don't call me a troll lol save it for the real ones. Not for someone who just has a slightly different opinion than you. He swears like I was sayin these lights don't work as well if not better than LEDs none of which I said. In fact I didn't Ben make a direct comparison. This all stemmed from my comment of led tech is getting cheaper therefore makin it harder to justify this style setup. You tell me how that's insulting to any members or even sayin LEDs are better than this setup. It's not it's merely an observation on market price and I got jumped on. So please dont begin pointing the finger at me prof I'll leave lol. See I'm not a troll as said before sure this threads beneficial to me but I've got some courtesy unlike some people in here hat seem to take things way to personally. I'd leave before u would need to ban me all it would take would be askin me to go. But I'm not jus gonna lay down and let people call me a troll for thin to help someone when my opinions just different.

I'm allowed an opinion just like everyone else on here without gettin bashed for it

Keon and everyone else plz... im traveling and don't have time to babysit..plz try to keep this thread a

peaceful place..
This is not a LED thread and those discussions should be kept to PM PLZ...
KRON,FLORA,DDWC I respect all of your support and were here to help others...
This is for T5 users and noobs. We will only make direct observed comparisons based on experimentation and facts.. led is viable for some it does work.. and ut is proven tech. That being said it is a smaller footprint and does have.limited "throw" you can't argue with physics..
Further flaming in any direction will result in my personal attention and a full on ban from this forum.
Many forums have issues that get out if hand this will not be one of them.
KRON I challenge your blackstar comment and until you can do a side by side plz don't make comparisons..FLORA HAS PROVEN HIS 1000W IS NOT AS GOOD AS T5
Im the one that proved the t5 out peforms a 1000 w hps. I posted pics on here and in my journal and I'll post more. After they wake up. Also the blackstar 600 which is 500 watts. Sells at light house and and gotham for 899.99 + tax and shipping. So that is over a 1000. All the other t5 lights that come with shitty bulbs sell for around the same price as the bb. But the bulbs are going to be replaced anyway. So that is just redundant kron to say that. The bb is the only t5 that can run on a 240 and has reflectors like that. If you built your own the ballast alone would cost around 180 so that would cost more to build.
Im the one that proved the t5 out peforms a 1000 w hps. I postd pics on here andbin my journal amd ill post more. After they wake up. Also the blackstar 600 which is 500 watts. Sells at light house and and gotham for 899.99 + tax amd shipping. So that. Over a 1000. All the other t5 lights that come with shitty bulbs sell for around the same price as the bb. But the bulbs are going to be replaced anyway. So that is just redundant kron to say that. The bb is te only t5 that can run on a 240 and has reflectors like that. If you built your own the ballast alone would cost around 180 so that would cost more to build.

This will be my last post in this thread discussing LEDs, since it seems to make people crazy for some reason (which I still think is really strange for this thread).

Your information is (blatantly) incorrect. The panel you mention sells for $629 on their site. If you call them to order (and maybe otherwise?) they will comp you shipping and you also don't have to pay tax (unless you're in NY, I imagine). They will also sell it to you at a lower price if you call them, my guess is you could get it for $600 shipped.

From what I have seen, LEDs work great as long as you get a quality panel, which there seem to be several different makes for at this point. Also from what I have seen, Blackstars seem to have the best value of those companies (I personally have panels from three different companies at this point - none of them were purchased on a special arrangement). I think Blackstars are the only ones that compete with T5s in terms of price. Here is a great comparison grow of three different panels, if you're interested. Here is another grow, this one using two 500 watt Blackstar panels.

That said, I really appreciate this thread for what it offers. I haven't seen any others like it and would really like to see more people try this, as I hope to myself. PAR T5s seem to me to be neither better nor worse than LEDs (unless you get crappy LEDs, of course), simply two different, quality options for PAR lighting.

I suggest everyone goes and enjoys a bowl of something grown under their favorite type of lighting and we'll see who chills out the most. :)
I have built an led before and it took 200 hours to put together and sodder the mother board and everything together and only had 14 light diodes on it. But it wasn't for grow. I was building a photon synth. . Similar the brain of synth keyboard. Every time each diode would light up it would play a different tone. And you could play a 16 bar easily with that. My point its not as easy as you think to build. You mess up one sodder point on the mother board and you have to start all over.

I went through 3 mother boards til I got it right.
I have built an led before and it took 200 hours to put together and sodder the mother board and everthing together and omly had 14 light diodes on it. But itvwasnt for grow. I was building a photon synth. . Similar the brain of synth keyboard. Every time eaxh diode would light up it would play a different tone. And you could play a 16 bar easiky wiyh that. My point its not as easy as you think to build. You mess up one sodder point on the mother board and you have to start all over.

That sounds pretty cool. :)

Can you do it with T5s? ;)
That's all well and fine I'm talking about veg take a look at eBay or call Gotham direct u will get it for way cheaper. That price is exhorbiant and not what they sell for. I'm not going to even comment on flower because I haven't flowered with a t5 rig is it really necessary to carry on a pissing match that no ones gonna win. Your using he same spectrums LEDs use only difference is you may be putting down more intensity depending on what light you wanna compare your t5 rig to.

I wasn't refereeing to building an led but if you want to get into that I can do that too. Speaking of sound engineers my rather was vp of sales with d&r consoles when I was a child and has been in the indistry for forty years I've been soldering since before I knew how to ride a bike. Solder takes patience a steady hand and a knowledge of heat transfer. I'm also a welder.

And I'm going to end this with one final statement

Par>everything it's all that matters

Im the one that proved the t5 out peforms a 1000 w hps. I posted pics on here and in my journal and I'll post more. After they wake up. Also the blackstar 600 which is 500 watts. Sells at light house and and gotham for 899.99 + tax and shipping. So that is over a 1000. All the other t5 lights that come with shitty bulbs sell for around the same price as the bb. But the bulbs are going to be replaced anyway. So that is just redundant kron to say that. The bb is the only t5 that can run on a 240 and has reflectors like that. If you built your own the ballast alone would cost around 180 so that would cost more to build.
Do you even know.what context means. You interprate everything the wrong way. I showed a specific price listing and you still argue that. in the first post I was talking about t5's. In the next one I was using building an led as an example of building a light. So get off your high horse and stop bullshitting to make yourself look better. Even though it doesnt work. Dont say another thing without showing some proof. I looked at your profile and no grow pics......... When I talked about audio school , I was just explaining why I happened to make that. You try so hard to compete with every thing everyone says. You should change your name to Captain One Upper