Led Users Unite!


Well-Known Member
resin hound is it? who are you talking to? i got quality lights that are doing wonders for my plants. i didn't get ripped off lol. sounds like you're just envious so you degrade what you can't afford and your product is most likely inferior because you have so much time to knock what other people are doing lol
i think that about sums it up little guy,now run along and play buddy.
Im not envious of your way overpriced chinese junk...its a rebranded chinese POS dude...lol.I started off feeling sorry you got screwed.But now heh...who cares.If you like paying $2800 for $300 worth of chinese junk diodes and drivers then so be it.Just hate to see people suckered like that.If I was going to spend $2800 on lights it would be decent quality...cree,osram,nichia...hell phillips,just about anything besides rebranded chinese disco lights.Have fun rocking your cheap ass epistar leds...


Well-Known Member
8 years ago I started switching to LED's. I been though some pretty shady units. all the high end LED's work, but I think we will see a paradigm shift to mostly white light COB's 3000-5000k.

I think the industry is going that way, its cheaper, more apt to be modular, and the DYI plays right in to what growers like to do, just a thread ago I saw a bottle of dawn dish soap holding the window liner. we fuck with shit its what we do, I think LED's naturally lead themselves to that trait.

everyone has their own voodoo, I run pair of red panel LED's for the last 30 minutes of each flower day. so we know LED's are not going anywhere, they are only getting better. its been a minute since I burned an HPS I cant think of any significant changes in technology since the 80's ballasts have gotten a whole lot more reliable.

if it keeps my bill under $500 bucks ill ride the LED train....until something better comes along.

if you have ever stolen a street pole light to grow with, you might appreciate LED's a bit more lol.
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Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
500w w/UV+IR and 240w, both Lighthouse Hydro BlackStars. Free from family, near $1000 together brand new. Here's what I have as of two days or so ago:

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2.5 ish weeks until harvest.

Big smo

Well-Known Member
10k goes fast with out having good advice. I was into it about the same and realized I needed some major changes. Just got a coat of compound on my new room about an hour ago. I hope to get my new room running in the next 2 weeks and finally start benefiting from my cheap Chinese leds.

Big smo

Well-Known Member
I'm on my first grow. Using auto flowers, major nitrogen deficiency before flowering to a nute burn to now a real bad case of calmag deficiency. I changed lights 3 times, just added co2, I bump slam and bang my plants constantly due to a too small room. Snapped a few good side branches I definitely let them go 1-2 days to long between a watering. Root bound them in small ass jiffy pots, just about everything wrong you could do I did. It's part of the learning process. Anyway here is a couple of pics of these pretty bitches. 2-3 weeks before they are done according to recent grow advice with these 2 strains. Oh best part is they are of coarse under the cheap Chinese LEDs too!!!

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Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
I'm on my first grow. Using auto flowers, major nitrogen deficiency before flowering to a nute burn to now a real bad case of calmag deficiency. I changed lights 3 times, just added co2, I bump slam and bang my plants constantly due to a too small room. Snapped a few good side branches I definitely let them go 1-2 days to long between a watering. Root bound them in small ass jiffy pots, just about everything wrong you could do I did. It's part of the learning process. Anyway here is a couple of pics of these pretty bitches. 2-3 weeks before they are done according to recent grow advice with these 2 strains. Oh best part is they are of coarse under the cheap Chinese LEDs too!!!

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Switch to a quality organic setup in coco. You'll have less trouble with nutes and pH..

Big smo

Well-Known Member
Switch to a quality organic setup in coco. You'll have less trouble with nutes and pH..
I am using biobizz nutrients with promix hpcc. I was actually just advised today by the local grow shop owner that organics are tougher to deal with since they take much time to break down. So when you think you have a problem it takes 3-4 days to see any results, meanwhile you are already on to another problem so the solutions are always off as well. I think next grow I'm gonna add 50% coco to the promix. A softer transition for me possibly.


Well-Known Member
Hey y'all ,
Resinhounds mom just called me because she heard how good the nugget turns out using my " cheap Chinese kind LEDs "
She told me not to say anything because apparently resinhound is super sensitive and cries a lot .
Any way she wants a new connection for her smoke so I'm hooking her up .

Happy toking & growing :)


Well-Known Member
And I have to say coco is my favorite medium to grow in, I've tried a few different things but just straight coco works out really nicely or coco and perlite . The plants really thrive In it with proper Nutes. The root growth is crazy compared to anything else I've tried . This grow I did a couple plants hydroponically and 5 in coco and the ones in coco have far surpassed the hydro set up. I'd definitely recommend it


Well-Known Member
10k does go fast , but before I made that investment I did my research and then jumped in head first .
If you consider the price of great smoke where I live which is between 3200 and 5000 a pound depending on what you have
( quality is hard to come by )
Then you consider what my 10k got me
The 4 1000 watt kind Leds being my biggest expenditure..
Then you consider what the potential yield ..
Yes I'm new but things are going great with my plants so far
I think my 10k investment will be easily returned a few times over .


Well-Known Member
Do you water daily in it?

I water every other day with 10-20 percent runoff
And feed every 3-4 days
Coco is amazing with water absorption and makes it really hard to drown your plants
And when you miss a watering it's not detrimental as coco holds water like nothing I've seen .. You could water every day if you wanted to and still be fine

Big smo

Well-Known Member
I'm bringing my shit to your neighborhood. Absolutely a good investment. I think my run should do well too. Compared to friends grows I should do 3-4 oz per plant. That's 8-11k worth of goods and it will all be for sale.


Well-Known Member
I'm on my first grow. Using auto flowers, major nitrogen deficiency before flowering to a nute burn to now a real bad case of calmag deficiency. I changed lights 3 times, just added co2, I bump slam and bang my plants constantly due to a too small room. Snapped a few good side branches I definitely let them go 1-2 days to long between a watering. Root bound them in small ass jiffy pots, just about everything wrong you could do I did. It's part of the learning process. Anyway here is a couple of pics of these pretty bitches. 2-3 weeks before they are done according to recent grow advice with these 2 strains. Oh best part is they are of coarse under the cheap Chinese LEDs too!!!

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This is nothing remarkable and you could have done the same with $200 alibaba lights.Oh wait you did..

Hey y'all ,
Resinhounds mom just called me because she heard how good the nugget turns out using my " cheap Chinese kind LEDs "
She told me not to say anything because apparently resinhound is super sensitive and cries a lot .
Any way she wants a new connection for her smoke so I'm hooking her up .

Happy toking & growing :)

The problem is we dont have a common frame of reference here.Youve never grown with good leds...hell $200 ebay cobs will do what you are showing...the problem with these cheap lights has always been the same...it isnt that they dont grow,its that they dont last.Your light have the same shitty internals as all the alibaba crap.Let me put it another way so maybe you can understand the simple concept.

You payed for a Ferrari and got a fucking geo metro that gets 5mpg.

Will the geo you you back and forth to work?sure it will...at least for a little while.

Dont be mad at me because you made an all time stupid,uninformed purchase .Im just here to make sure no other unsuspecting new led buyers are sucked into this trap.Ive been there dude,ive grown with these cheap ass lights and ive used good horticultural leds designed for growing plants...I know the difference.You obviously dont know shit.


Well-Known Member
I'm bringing my shit to your neighborhood. Absolutely a good investment. I think my run should do well too. Compared to friends grows I should do 3-4 oz per plant. That's 8-11k worth of goods and it will all be for sale.
Ya judging by they way youve nute burned the shit out of them..it should be some top shelf. ya first grow and already a pro huh..


Well-Known Member
I know you're a pussy ass troll. Some little fucktard geek that feels like a big boy hiding behind his computer screen . I know what works for me fucktard . I'm good with my fucking setup .

If you weren't such an insecure little bitch knocking on peoples shit maybe you could grow something to be proud of .
But fact is you're a sniveling little bitch who can't afford shit . You're probably using incandescents to grow a tiny little plant next your bed where you stay at your moms house .
Get a life fucko .


Well-Known Member
Nah I use leds designed for growing plants...good ones.You should try it sometime.

Since you obviously dont know jack shit about lighting.

Or anything else related to growing,why dont you head back to the newbie section and ask for help fixing your plants.

Now where were we? Oh ya...

LOL at you.


Well-Known Member
My shit is top shelf lol
You're a fucking sad joke .
How little is your dick that you have to troll a growers forum to talk shit ?
Can you even see it ? Or are you some fat fucking slob who's belly is in the way ? Considering you sit behind the screen all day talking shit I would bet you're some fat ass pussy with no life .
Either way I'm done with ya . You're a fucking useless maggot .

Happy growing


Well-Known Member
You're girl friend said fuck the plants , she wishes you could grow a dick . Bitch .
Lol he cant defend his lights..because he doesnt know jack shit about them..this dude payed out the ass for some crap and he doesnt know a damn thing about what he bought.

If anyone is watching and contemplating an led purchase,dont go the route this dude did.There are MANY better options for your money then this crap.Do some basic research on PAR and led efficiency,there is plenty of info availiable.