Led Users Unite!

kush groove

Active Member
While math might say you could replace a an HID with 1/2 the wattage in an LED panel, I've never seen any real world results using LED panels that showed they could produce anymore than maybe 30% in weight over HID watt for watt. I'll believe a 200w LED going at least as well as a 300w HID but 400w might be pushing it unless its of the highest quality LED panel. I will definitely save on cooling as my 395w panel doesn't put out enough heat to warm my bedroom so even in the summer the AC won't be needed for the light but just the heat from outside. I don't know how to figure it out for sure but if I had to guess I would say watt for watt my high quality LED panel puts out about 20% (or less) as much heat as my 400w HPS system did. I don't expect it to perform as well as 800w of HID but I do think it will do as well as 600w of HID atleast/ifonly because light production is spread out over a larger area than a single 600w HID bulb (and each led has is its own 90 degree lense which would work better than a big reflecting hood with a little bulb.

Your absolutely right coverage area and quantity of light sources has to be taken into consideration... I think 1 on 1 an LED is a much better buy, all factors considered
Imagine a 1000watt hps vs a 1000watt led.....Now that would be something to see


Active Member
" I've never seen any real world results using LED panels that showed they could produce anymore than maybe 30% in weight over HID watt for watt."

i see plenty in other non weed forums with one dude tearing up sunlight grown food with led in like half the time systems and everything the same minus light

what real world you talking about i know we like our fantasy weed world and all but real world is mroe than weed bro


Well-Known Member
Speaking of the real world, I was doing a little reading and stumbled upon an apparent estimate made by The U.S. Department of Energy, that a "widespread adoption of LED lighting by 2025 will:

Reduce electricity demands from lighting by 62 percent.
Eliminate 258 million metric tons of carbon emissions.
Reduce the amount of materials being put into landfills.
Avoid the building of 133 new power plants.
Save the US over $280 billion."

How's that for savings and efficiency? So yeah, I'm pretty sure LED lights are good for saving money, energy, and most importantly the planet. And you can still grow some dank weed with them!

medicinal J

I am using the 270 Watt Supernova w/ Digital Spectrum and only thing I found out from HT Mag was that this one will cover 5'X5' Grow Space, I basically have the light as low as it will to cover all the plants til it hits the 5'X5' max and I'm pretty close now.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
yup a watts a watt period. but i would say my two veg 280w blackstars are CLOSE to my old 400 mh but there are still a few shaded spots
i will probably add another 280. i will still be pullin less juice than my mh.even with 3 runnning still not sure i buy into the whole par thing yet. still pretty old school and i like BRIGHT/ no shade it seems like mj loves it the brighter it is. either way i am hooked on leds. and i have been using hids for around 9 years now.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
i been reading tons of threads and looks like people with any real info ran off and quit postin or got banned
yah i just heard ledbud guy was accused of being a rep for an led mfg.and he left. i dunno i didn't really see anything he said in his posts to indicate this. yes he got some free lights but i believe he made it clear that other brands could work equally well. either way i believe hes out now and has his own site dedicated only to led. ledbudguy.com. its pretty small and there is not much traffic yet but again i cannot find anywhere where he claims his particular brand to be the best. oh well we are surrounded by a bunch of small minded people who are afraid to try something different. its like driving an old car just because it still runs instead of trading it in and getting 2x the gas mileage.
hey i drive old cars too but i would LOVE to find something with better mileage.

the reason i like his site is that if there are any haters they are banned period.


Well-Known Member
Nice comparison with the car analogy. I have a journal going too, not anything crazy, just 2 autos in some coco under a LED panel. Would appreciate feedback and comments. Just about to start flowering


Hi there RIU LED users!
Great to see some like minded ppl, that are confident that led will revolutionize growing marijuana - cost effective, environment friendly, stealthy, precise and colorful ;)
I started my grow a couple of weeks ago and bought the LED spectra-special unit with 155W from dutchgreengrowlights.
however im currently using a 125W cfl for vegging my children. I plan on using the LED with an additional 125w cfl (2700k) for flowering.
Any of you guys had experience wth a simliar setup? Or only the LED?
in case you want to check it out:



Active Member
I will be starting my journal on Sunday fingers crossed, im vegging 4 plants with a custom made 140 watt veg light and then ill be flowering under 280 watt custom made light. The guy i got them off (ebay uk guy). I paid alot for these so im expecting good results. Its my first grow too:)


Well-Known Member
I will be starting my journal on Sunday fingers crossed, im vegging 4 plants with a custom made 140 watt veg light and then ill be flowering under 280 watt custom made light. The guy i got them off (ebay uk guy). I paid alot for these so im expecting good results. Its my first grow too:)
lol plenty of people have paid a lot of money for LED lights and expected good results (most didn't get them). Hopefully things work out for you as I know LEDs can now do as well or better than HID.


Awesome budbaby! what strains will you be planting? try to get some specs from those lights (wavelength, wattage from each led, ...). Ill be sure to follow!


Active Member
I will be starting my journal on Sunday fingers crossed, im vegging 4 plants with a custom made 140 watt veg light and then ill be flowering under 280 watt custom made light. The guy i got them off (ebay uk guy). I paid alot for these so im expecting good results. Its my first grow too:)
Good stuff BB. I got my light by richard through the other day, really, really impressed by it. Cant wait to start my growin but the list of shit to buy is endless. looking forward to seeing how you get on :)


Active Member
Hey guys. I'm currently using a 150W HPS for my first grow "one AK48" and things are moving along nicely.

I've done a lot of research within this 250+ page thread. And it kind of boilded down to "You get what you pay for".

Anyhow I want to add an LED along side my 150W HPS for my next grow. It will be for a maximum of (2) plants. And after 14 days under a 25W / 2700K CFL they'll be going straight into flower. (1) AK-48 and (1) Short Rider. I'm growing in a 1.5' x 2' area. So about 3.5 sq ft.

I just ran across a Pro Source 90W UFO Flower Accelerator for $249 bucks. Plus it has a (3 year) warranty.

Because I'm gonna be going almost straight to "Flowering (12/12) you guys think one of these 90W UFO Flower Accel lights might be worth a shot?


joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
3 yr warranty is nice but250 buks for 90 watts =no good to me. imo the 280 watt blackstar is a better buy @ 270$ hell it should light 1.5'x2' alone. but over just one plant kick ass. remember when buying leds the advertised wattage is usually around double its actual draw.