LED+CFL Closet Coco grow


Well-Known Member
They look kind of like that except with hairs protruding off the back of them, the hairs are roughly equal length and spaced evenly. Uou can kind of see them in the photo I posted.

On the other hand, plant looks great resin production is picking up but when I woke up this morning one of the buds on the side brances was in direct conbtact with my CFL and the bud and associating leaves are all burnt, I of course moved it away and I assume that bud is ruined am i correct or will it recover? Will this cause other issues or should I leave it as it? I'm sad it was the top bud of one of the long side branches :-/
it will probably recover. try to cut off all the dead stuff. the bud will look mutated but it will recover.


Active Member
Thanks, a lot of the pistils turned brown and the leaves around it died. I'll see if can post a photo later.

I have been looking at mites all day and I can't figure out what type these are, they are too damn tiny!


Well-Known Member
Thin bamboo sticks that you can put down into your grow medium or attatch to the side of your container somehow that will stabilize branches, or find a way to attatch some string to the top of your tent but the way your lights are I don't know if this will be possible. Just a suggestion I'm sure you will come up with something clever!


Well-Known Member
If you go to sierranaturalscience.com and request samples, they will mail them to you free.
spray the sns217 (I think that's the #) on the underside of the leaves,
and the spider mites won't be a problem. If you do it before they are established.


Well-Known Member
Well in one of those close up pics, I thought I saw a spider mite.
The thing is, in my experience it is better to be ready for them, and preventive
maintanence is the way to go. Waiting till they are everywhere to treat them,
can turn out very badly.
Plus, you can avoid the nuculer option. No harsh poisons before harvest, and such.


Active Member
Took a few quick snaps with my phone on my lunch today, nothing fancy but just a small update, possibly new higher res pics tomorrow. I'll also hopefully be tying buds up tomorrow, I was thinking of maybe picking up some yarn then just tying it around a branch then tying that to the light bars on the top of the tent. I feel this would work ok. IDK it's really my first thought into it, I'll do more brainstorming/searching for ideas tomorrow. I'm not too worried I'm sure there are a million ways to tie a few branches up. :-)

The bud I burned with and without Flash:

Healthy Buds:



Active Member
Thursday was 4 weeks into 12/12. I forgot who asked about the dimensions of the plant but I just measured her she is 40"x40" wide from longest branch to longest branch and roughly 37" tall


Active Member
Forgot to post these but I took some new pics of the clones this morning. I haven't touched them since transplanting, they are still sitting in the 1/2 strength nutrients and doing quite well, I'm deciding whether or not I should get rid of any of them. My plan is to keep them in the tent together for flowering, I'm thinking a SCROG would be an excellent setup for this strain, but honestly I don't know a whole lot about it. How many of the clones would you suggest to keep for SCROG and when do I need to start preparing them to SCROG? Not looking for a full explanation as I know there are threads on it here that i will check out soon enough, just some basics as in when to begin doing something other than watch them grow. Also would you say this strain appears to be one that would work well in SCROG?


Bumping Spheda

Well-Known Member
Also would you say this strain appears to be one that would work well in SCROG?
Definitely. If you're set on going SCROG you should FIM those babies asap, imo. Look at all those little shoots down there just waiting to stretch out. That shit's picture perfect. As for screen placement I guess it depends on what you want/how long you wanna veg for.

Rootin' for ya man, liking the grow, keep it up.


Well-Known Member
with what you got going with those clones..,,scrog would kill it !!!! ......although i would think you would might want to increase your lighting?.....depending on your living situation i would also consider topping+tying some of the clones while vegging them..then move them outdoors into some really big pots or deep/wide holes in the ground and watch those girls grow into Gorillas !


Well-Known Member
bro you can do some crazy shit with a little LST and some topping and/or FIMing, if you start now you can make those girls grow almost sideways, and get bushes with multiple main colas and an even plant canopy, not trying to push my personal grow on anyone but look what is possible, IMG_1016.jpgIMG_1019.jpg.
the first picture is the main stalk growing almost vertical out of the ground. You are well on your way to becoming a great grower, this journal of yours proves that, looking forward to what is coming in the future of your grows and to seeing what you yield on that big girl! grow on mate!


Active Member
Researching training techniques now, Not sure if SCOG will be the way... I only have the one tent and if I understand SCROG I believe I would essentially need to have the screen started now which isn't really possible seeing as the tent is in use.... Unless I were to build something then move the whole contraption into the tent for flower...

Looking into FIMing and LST now, I've read on both before but never really tried it. Any suggestions on what to do with these clones or links to consider? I'll be researching most of the day.


Active Member
I believe I have a positive ID on these bugs... Looks to me like I'm dealing with a storage/cheese mite.... After staring at these things under a microscope for hours the closest thing I can find to what I have is these: [h=1]Tyrophagus putrescentiae[/h]
They have the shiny clear body, the red heads and are crazy tiny. They also have 4 or 5 long straight hairs coming off the back of them which are also clear. This is the closest thing I have found to what i am looking at on my plant, I have noticed a few small still green leaves dropping into the coco upon pulling one of those leaves out it had about 4 or 5 of these mites on it. It seems they have moved onto the plant :-/ I am still spraying with Neem and have moved the NPS back into the tent. But what else can I do about these? What sort of damage can I expect from them? Still reading up on them.


Well-Known Member
And actually you can make a scrog for individual pots...take some chicken wire type stuff with about 2 inch holes, attach one side to your pot and make sure enough height is given for growth and bend it to the other side of the pot and attach it...its on you tube for making individual pot scrog...also love your plant bro she looks amazing


Well-Known Member
It is definitely time to top or fun those babies, you can LST them sideways to start out that will make those little shoots pop out even stronger, if you look at the first two pages of my journal you can see that is what I did and the results are undeniable! Cheers man I hope you have a beautiful next grow, and only a little over a month til harvest for ya, so jealous!