LED+CFL Closet Coco grow


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I took a few pics through the loupe with my Galaxy S II but they came out kinda blah... I have to master the technique.


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Just gave my baby a healthy dose of breakfast :-) I added in the Big Bud this time, How long should I use Big Bud for? All the way up until I flush the last 2 weeks? Also what are my next steps? How do I know when to harvest, etc...

I also gave her a misting of some neem oil spray I made, I spayed mainly the bottom and middle seeing as this is the only place I am seeing the bugs. This Neem Oil smells nasty!


Well-Known Member
Just gave my baby a healthy dose of breakfast :-) I added in the Big Bud this time, How long should I use Big Bud for? All the way up until I flush the last 2 weeks? Also what are my next steps? How do I know when to harvest, etc...

I also gave her a misting of some neem oil spray I made, I spayed mainly the bottom and middle seeing as this is the only place I am seeing the bugs. This Neem Oil smells nasty!
neem does stink and is an oil so hard to remove. but ive had one of them dynagro bottles last years!

You are correct! just add the big bud till you flush then harvest. Your plant is showing its sativa-ness, it may need 10 or 11 weeks of bloom. but hopefully your done in 8? just gotta see how it grows


Active Member
Ok sounds good, I see all these plants on here with these HUGE buds and hope I get something like that, mine are still fairly small. How do I know when to harvest? I know I can look at the trichs and see if they are cloudy/amber/etc... but when should I start looking for that, also are there any preparations I should do for harvest? I know I will need somewhere to cure but I'm not familiar with the harvest/cure process at all. Looks like it's time to start reading through my books. :-)

I checked out one of the bugs under the loupe, there aren't too many of them and I only see them early morning but the best I can describe it is a little crawling clear bug with some hairs(?) coming off the back of it. Even under the 30x it is hard to see, I am having difficulty counting legs. The closest thing I would say it looks like it one of the whitefly nymphs but I still don't see anything flying around. I am not seeing any damage, it seems I can only find these bugs at certain times of day. I am just wondering if there is an infestation imminent. I'm worried.


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Also while I'm at it, I want to thank everyone who has provided advice here and helped me out. I really do appreciate it. Even though I have been pretty successful so far I honestly have no idea what I am doing. I have 2 books on the subject which I have read and countless things on the internet but that's about it. I feel most of my success is just luck as I see people talking about NPK and ratios and knowing exactly how much of each to put and using stuff such as calmag and other additives and talking about pruning and mobile nutrients. There is so much to learn! I'm happy my first grow isn't really having too many problems but I am especially thankful for all the help I have received from everyone here. I just want to say I really do appreciate it.


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Spent some time working on the clones today, They all have roots. I need to pick up a second blue CFL, Do you think 2 of the 200W Blue CFLs would be sufficient to veg this many?



Well-Known Member
Also while I'm at it, I want to thank everyone who has provided advice here and helped me out. I really do appreciate it. Even though I have been pretty successful so far I honestly have no idea what I am doing. I have 2 books on the subject which I have read and countless things on the internet but that's about it. I feel most of my success is just luck as I see people talking about NPK and ratios and knowing exactly how much of each to put and using stuff such as calmag and other additives and talking about pruning and mobile nutrients. There is so much to learn! I'm happy my first grow isn't really having too many problems but I am especially thankful for all the help I have received from everyone here. I just want to say I really do appreciate it.

Just keep reading, reading... and reading some more. This hands on experience your getting is invaluable too. And by all means "keep it simple".

Looking good.
As for the cfl question... Just do what you need to get even lighting to your plants while at the same time keeping good light intensity.

By the looks of it, if it were me.... Id let them establish themselves now, then add the other light when they show some new growth,, in the meantime id rotate them under the current light every so often to "share the love".


Active Member
This is what I was thinking. I originally had 2 blue bulbs but one was DOA and I never got a replacement. Boo on C.A.P. But anyways.... I'm thinking for the moment I'll keep the one light they all seem to be growing just fine and actually quite nicely. I have an extra reflector, if necessary I will buy another bulb to fill it. I'm curious to see how well the CFL can Veg without the LED, as the CFLs were always supposed to be supplemental, never thought of it as a main light. I took the temp in the tent up to 83º-85ºF I was reading about the LEDs and it seems 85º is optimal for flowering. I turned the temp up by shutting off the fan and I can actually smell the aroma much stronger and the plant seems happier, this one always has liked it warm. SO for the moment I'll leave it around 85º and see if growth picks back up. It seems to have just today alone.

  1. During vegetative growth,keepambienttemperaturesbetween78-80degrees.During flowering, temperatures should be kept to 85 degrees. Temperatures over89 degrees will stress your plants and temperatures less than 80 degrees willgreatly reduce your plants ability to transpire which is vital for the flowering processto function properly.
  2. Usealight,airysoilthatincorporatesperliteandvermiculitetoensureproperdraining. Your Illuminator LED Grow Light emits very little heat which meansevaporation is greatly reduced. So your soil needs to be well drained to preventroot rot and oxygen depletion to the root system. Recommended soils are SunshineMix #4 or Promix.
  3. To support adequate plant transpiration, humidity should be at 40%. Any higher andthe rate of transpiration slows.
For Hydroponic Growing:
Follow the same guidelines as above but you must keep in mind your reservoirtemperature. While you want ambient temperatures at 85 degrees for flowering, you mustmaintain a reservoir temperature at 65 degrees. If your reservoir temperature increasesover 70 degrees, the water is no longer able to hold onto enough oxygen – even if youhave an airator. Reduced oxygen levels in the reservoir will lead to reduced yield and poorresults. We recommend using a chiller or keep your reservoir tank in another, coolerlocation.

You may also keep ambient air temperatures at 76-78 degrees and supplement yourIlluminator LED Grow Lights with a secondary source of heat. You can use seedling heatmats, small wattage HPS lights (for both heat and added specral benefit), or CFLs in the2700k to 3000k range, 50-100W at most. Keep in mind that supplemental light from HPSor CFL is not necessary for great results with your Illuminator LED Grow Lights but cangive a double benefit of heat (if needed) and increased yield.


Well-Known Member
for the fan noise, i want to recommend you to check out the 'dial-a-temp' fan speed controller.. its my favorite. or some people wrap sleeping bags or foam around them?.


Active Member
I actually turned the fan off for the time being I'm keeping the temp around 83-85 as suggested by the manufacturer of the LED I'm thinking I might return the fan. Then again I picked it up for only $100 so idk. I just feel I don't need it as 85 is desired temp.Maybe I'll hang onto it. I have 3 days off so ill be posting more pictures soon. I can tell she is happier with the higher temps. She is it releasing pleasant smells now especially right before lights out and right after lights out and seems perkier. As for the bugs an employee at the local grow shop suggested putting a Potatoe out if I think they are eating my roots so I cut up a Potatoe into 4 slices and set it on top of the Coco. I found a few of the little bugs on the Potatoe when I picked it up a few hours later. He says they will eat the Potatoe instead of my roots. Still no damage to the plant from them.


Well-Known Member


I have the same fan, 2 of them, not really the fan that's noisy, it's the air moving.

My intake fan has a Dust Shroom on it, then ducts into the tents, not much noise.

My exhaust fan pulls from tents then ducts into the attic to a carbon filter, not much noise.

I use the controllers on each fan to balance the pressure in the tents.

Just an FYI


Active Member
Does the fan just plug into the controller then the controller plugs into the power source? Or does it require wiring?


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New Photos! 23 days of flowering (counting from start of 12/12) today! The first photo is of the lights where I normally have them, the other ones I moved them up to take pictures. Of course some of the pics the LED is off.

If anyone is ever interested in full res images let me know. Photobucket compresses them ALOT!


Active Member
Nice, I may pick one up. Even though my temperature is fine with the fan off, as I've chosen to keep the tent at 85ºF, I believe the added air circulation would be nice I just need to set the fan to a very low speed to keep the temps up.


Active Member
Crazy idea....

Would be interesting to see your single plant on some sort of turntable, slowly rotating for max exposure.
I like this idea, I do rotate it on my own but rotating constantly would be nice. I would need to restrain the CFLs as right now I have to raise them to rotate the plant to avoid smacking the branches against the CFLs. That won't be difficult with some tape though. Hmm what could I use as a motor to rotate this thing...