Just gave my baby a healthy dose of breakfastI added in the Big Bud this time, How long should I use Big Bud for? All the way up until I flush the last 2 weeks? Also what are my next steps? How do I know when to harvest, etc...
I also gave her a misting of some neem oil spray I made, I spayed mainly the bottom and middle seeing as this is the only place I am seeing the bugs. This Neem Oil smells nasty!
Wow, looking like my place
Active Air 6" fan..check
Smart Pots..check
Great minds and all the![]()
Also while I'm at it, I want to thank everyone who has provided advice here and helped me out. I really do appreciate it. Even though I have been pretty successful so far I honestly have no idea what I am doing. I have 2 books on the subject which I have read and countless things on the internet but that's about it. I feel most of my success is just luck as I see people talking about NPK and ratios and knowing exactly how much of each to put and using stuff such as calmag and other additives and talking about pruning and mobile nutrients. There is so much to learn! I'm happy my first grow isn't really having too many problems but I am especially thankful for all the help I have received from everyone here. I just want to say I really do appreciate it.
For Hydroponic Growing:
- During vegetative growth,keepambienttemperaturesbetween78-80degrees.During flowering, temperatures should be kept to 85 degrees. Temperatures over89 degrees will stress your plants and temperatures less than 80 degrees willgreatly reduce your plants ability to transpire which is vital for the flowering processto function properly.
- Usealight,airysoilthatincorporatesperliteandvermiculitetoensureproperdraining. Your Illuminator LED Grow Light emits very little heat which meansevaporation is greatly reduced. So your soil needs to be well drained to preventroot rot and oxygen depletion to the root system. Recommended soils are SunshineMix #4 or Promix.
- To support adequate plant transpiration, humidity should be at 40%. Any higher andthe rate of transpiration slows.
Follow the same guidelines as above but you must keep in mind your reservoirtemperature. While you want ambient temperatures at 85 degrees for flowering, you mustmaintain a reservoir temperature at 65 degrees. If your reservoir temperature increasesover 70 degrees, the water is no longer able to hold onto enough oxygen – even if youhave an airator. Reduced oxygen levels in the reservoir will lead to reduced yield and poorresults. We recommend using a chiller or keep your reservoir tank in another, coolerlocation.
You may also keep ambient air temperatures at 76-78 degrees and supplement yourIlluminator LED Grow Lights with a secondary source of heat. You can use seedling heatmats, small wattage HPS lights (for both heat and added specral benefit), or CFLs in the2700k to 3000k range, 50-100W at most. Keep in mind that supplemental light from HPSor CFL is not necessary for great results with your Illuminator LED Grow Lights but cangive a double benefit of heat (if needed) and increased yield.
Does the fan just plug into the controller then the controller plugs into the power source? Or does it require wiring?
Crazy idea....
Would be interesting to see your single plant on some sort of turntable, slowly rotating for max exposure.