Well-Known Member
Yes the burnt bud is up front.
I'm noticing more and more pistils turning brown/orange is this normal? I know this indicates harvest is coming soon, but how soon?
I actually feed her directly into the top of the coco the tray is simply to catch runoff, I let the runoff sit in the tray until it disappears, the water that was in there yesterday is no longer there today, I'm not sure if the plant is sucking it up or it is evaporating. I let the coco dry out before feeding but I must admit this latest feeding I did not wait, it seems to be taking forever to dry out, in Veg it needed like a gallon a day, now it can go almost a week without drying out is this normal? This has been happening since starting flowering.
i can tell your really listening to your plant!!!!!
nice. yea you may have overwatered once?? but all in all your doing a fantastic job!. maybe letter dry up a lil more the next round? and maybe feed it a mellow dose on the next round? also about now is when you can go a lil lighter on the N and start giving a lil more PK?..
just my 2 cents from the side lines. all in all looks great.
I'm trying to listenI'll wait a while before feeding again. I just use Sensi 2 part, Big Bud, and Hygrozyme so I'm not sure how I would adjust the NPK ratio. Can I do it with my current equipment or would I need different nutes? I'm trying not to spend too much more on this project until I get at least1 successful harvest, after buying the tent and other recent supplies I've invested over $500 in the last month which is ok haha just trying to keep it somewhat under control.
I know she is packing on weight because I left slack in the fishing line I tied the branches up with and the weight of the buds has made that slack taught.
Also of course I don't know what the density will be like but looking at the growth nodes I am eyeballing nugs that appear to be at least an 8th on every branch, last time I counted over 26 branches with buds on them and I stopped halfway through counting because I was distracted.... If my math is correct I may be yielding over a pound off of her, is this possible/expected? I know this is all dependent upon my accuracy of eyeballing of course but what are you guys thinking yieldwise at this point?[/QUOT
if you want a pound i suggest you run to your hydro store and dump another 500 bucks on a 1kw HPS setup. lol .. i suggest this cause ive never ran leds or cfls lol. I still think your gonna come in closer to 8 zips but i would love to be proven wrong.
On a side note advanced nutrients are pretty spendy... Maybe look in to some of the side by side nutrient treads that Homebrewer put up. Turns out when used in the proper ratios some of the cheaper nute companies like dyna-gro, GH, botanicare cns work as well or better that the over priced pretty bottles. Also there is an enzyme product called pondzyme that is suppose to be way cheaper that hygrozyme and just as good?.
these thread will also help you with mixing and matching NPK ratios?. thanks for the rep ps. im enjoying the hell out of your grow.
dude I was just sick as fuck this past saturday and sunday, fever to the point of hallucinations, chills, paralyzingly painful headache with any kind of movement, killer cough, the whole works, hope your feeling better, luckily I had my girl to take care of me, I felt like I was dying! Upload some new pictures soon
I am new to this forum, but have been growing in coco for some time. It is a lot different than growing in soil, and is more like hydro. One thing that is very important for growing in coco, is to flush it once a month to flush out the salts and excess nutes. When flushing coco, I use just 5.9 PH water, and measure the PH and PPM of the runoff. I flush until the PH and PPM match the water going in. If you do not have the meters, just flush until you get a decent amount of runoff. The tip burn you are seeing could be a result of lack of flushing, and nute/salt buildup in the coco. There is a lot of debate on how often to water/feed a coco grow. I feed every day, and do so until I get a fair amount of runoff from the plant. I dispose of the runoff as soon as the flushing is complete. Coco is very forgiving to over watering (unlike soil), and will keep a good oxygen level, even when fully saturated. I use a 50/50 coco/perlite mix that also allows a little more oxygen in the media. Your plant looks great, but a good flush will set you up to deliver the proper nutes for a good bloom. Over several grows, I have tried both watering every day, and watering every four days. For me, watering every day produced much better results. Coco also responds well to a little epsom salts and molasses each month as well. Good luck.