Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone for your input.
I will ph the water to the required ph. We are having a real problem with humidity at the moment in NZ ,raining for 3 weeks and its summer.
I can’t find calacitic lime but I believe this is it, can someone’s elaborate
Superfine AgLime (calcium carbonate)
Superfine AgLime - Screened Lime From Local Otago Quarries - 40% Calcium - Improves a plants ability for nutrient uptake - Encourages beneficial soil micro/macro-organisms and water retention - Helps decrease the availability of metals such as aluminium and manganese.seaclifforganics.nz
I think next time I’ll leave the peat moss out. I have also purchased a dehumidifier to help with humidity, and waiting to get more predators for the thrips. I was recommended to get two types from the people that breed them
Mite-A for Thrips Control - Beneficial Invertebrates - Bioforce
Mite-A is a highly active predator of thrips, especially onion thrips, Thrips tabaci, Western flower trips, Frankliniella occidentalis, New Zealand flower thrips, Thrips obscuratus and other thrips species. Mite-Awill also eat two spotted spider mite and other mite species, including broad...www.bioforce.co.nz
Orius for Thrips Control (Generalist Predator) - Beneficial Invertebrates - Bioforce
Orius is a small predatory bug that predates on a wide variety of prey, including thrips, aphids, whiteflies, mites (incl. spider mites), mealybugs, psyllids and the eggs of larger insects such as butterflies and moths. PRICE: $35.00 per 500 Adults (minimum order) plus GST and Freightwww.bioforce.co.nz
hopefully this won’t take too long , I’ll most probably be in week 8 veg, before there ready to flip.
Thanks again everyone for your guidance.
Yes, thats Calcitic Lime.
Add 1oz of Calcitic Lime, and Half Oz od Dolomitic Lime for each gallon of peat.
Id still use peat next time, just add perlite, and vermiculite, Mycorrhizae and the 2 different limes. Peat is a very good medium. Some of the best products for medium on the market are peat based.
And if you can get this, use it as a wetting agent.
AquaGro 2000 M - Aquatrols