Last Weeks Till Havest.


Well-Known Member
some more pic's. i want to cut the yellow leaves off but ill wate a day or two. it will give my plant time to heal from the too leaves i cut yesterday. im going to trim here and there. so the light hits the bottom buds but no more then 2 at a time. and let it heal like i said before.



Well-Known Member
yea i have been trimming mad leaves as you can tell by the pics my big ladies are almost barebut for some in the top colas, getting so close!!!!


Well-Known Member
soooo big they look nice i love this stage of explosive growth, some guy who said i should stfu and im not sure some thread about buds being to dry what a boob


Well-Known Member
just trying to keep it fresh!....ok ok ok I'm obsessive.....and your point is?......hahahahahaha!


Well-Known Member
in the two middle of the last pics....there are REALLY REALLY fine strands .... do you know what they are? just curious....nuthin critical 'n such....


Well-Known Member
I think I said sumthin about being obsessive......hmmmm....I like looking at plant pics.......closely.....hahahahahahahahah