Last Weeks Till Havest.


Well-Known Member
that little plant is neat lookin, glad to see the babies moving along. My whole hose was up pukin last night and we only have one toilet what a way to bring in the new year:(


Well-Known Member
three leaves too.....thats so cool. thanks for posting those pics. your harvest will be good I'm sure....I just have no reference to guess at yeild? good luck man!


Well-Known Member
thanks everyone it also has three regular leaves too. here some more pics. day 34 of flowering. and one of the wierd plant
Happy New Year bwinn,,sorry you's don't feel good,,I'm on my 4th beer of the morning,,so I feel great,,lol,,avoid a hangover,,stay drunk,,lol,,can't wait to see my girl tonight,,didn't see her last night cuz i was out partying,,the way yours looks at 34 days of flowering,,is the best grow on here to compare my 2 girls too,,today is day 29 for them,,and that lil seedling fukkin rocks,,that is cool looking,,get pics of that thing hourly,,and keep em in a seperate file,,next thing ya know yur famous and splattered all over pot sites,,cover of High Times,,imagine,,lol,,,again hope New Years was safe and good,,and 08 even better,,good luck

Keep on Growin


PS my light comes on in 5and a half hours ;-))


Well-Known Member
thanks tahoe and hole. cant wate till those lights come on hole. i hope 2008 is better then 2007 how can it not be my first haverst is in 08 lol


Well-Known Member
thanks tahoe and hole. cant wate till those lights come on hole. i hope 2008 is better then 2007 how can it not be my first haverst is in 08 lol
good way of lookin at it,,lol,,ya,,4 and a half hours,,there probably thirsty too,,like me,,cheers

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
i need some beer how many have you put down today lol. and hope you had a ton of fun last night. are you putting up new pic's later hole?


Well-Known Member
pritty kitty....meeooowwwww! I love cats...I love all animals....yo herbage continues to do very well!


Well-Known Member
hey bwinn how ya been? I spent all of new years with my hubby and kids fighting over the toilet and puke buckets, what a fuckin drag. Starting to come back around now checkin out your pics lookin good. The buds will probably stop getting longer soon and start filling out fat they look beautiful!!!! I think im gonna work on cleaning up my computer so i can post some new pics.

I harvested a hermie all but the top bud, seeds and everything else, she is now in the veg box and in a dark closet during the day. This plant was soooo fuckin stinky i could not just kill her. Im a little pissed cause i now have two diffrent timers and i cant get either of them to work right? i hate it when i feel like a chick, i tell myself what a girl i cant even run a timer :(

hope you are well chat with ya later