Last Weeks Till Havest.


Well-Known Member
where's the beer,,someone told me there'd be beer here,,oh well,,plants looking awesome bwinn,,hope mine fatten up in 6 days like that,,I'm using Big Bud too,,and Carbo-Load,,good luck till the end

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
ya i remember when i broke my 400th post cherry lol. now that your a pot head there is no going back lol.


Well-Known Member
where's the beer,,someone told me there'd be beer here,,oh well,,plants looking awesome bwinn,,hope mine fatten up in 6 days like that,,I'm using Big Bud too,,and Carbo-Load,,good luck till the end

Keep on Growin

im shore they will how much big bud are you using per gallon? in 4 more days im stopping big bud and using overdrive cant wate. good luck to the end hole. the beers are right here want one? lol


Well-Known Member
im shore they will how much big bud are you using per gallon? in 4 more days im stopping big bud and using overdrive cant wate. good luck to the end hole. the beers are right here want one? lol
I'm Canadaian,,lol,,whats a gallon,,hehehe,,j/k,,I use what the AN feeding schedule says,,a lil over .3grams per liter

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
o sorry forgot hahaha anyway i use 1/8 of a teaspoon per 4 liters/gallon
sorry,,I'm using a small town hydro dudes homemade nutes,,he's oldschool,,and is a Botanist U of T grad,,but will use full Advanced Nutes for flower,,and I am gonna try to get the veg nutes in between,,for next grow,,how's yur beer goin down,,mine is so tasty,,I am on # 10,,gonna shower and eat now,,be back for round 2 in a bit

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
there you are was woundering if you would be here tonight. what are you building anything good? talk to you later.


Well-Known Member
ok the bag seed i germinated has popped the the other two seeds have not. it only took the bag seed 9 hours to open. im using the paper towel method. ill let it say in the paper towel over night to let the root get a little longer.



Well-Known Member
it was a big seed. the other 2 are tiny. i think bigger seeds open quicker then small ones i might be wrong but the plant i have growin now came from a big seed also and took about the same time to open.


Well-Known Member
just checked my other 2 seeds and 1 of them cracked too. 2 seeds so far. the first one is from a bag seed and the other that just cracked is g13 armageddon so happy. ill post pic tomorrow.