Land and Heir Genetics / Paydirt seeds

Back when the internet was all a buzz about the sour jack from karma being the picture used for the Peshawar and the black Afghani from karma being the Drakensberg gold malberrybwas trying to I have a bit of a bad taste in my mouth about that stuff but maybe il try just for shits and giggles
Back when the internet was all a buzz about the sour jack from karma being the picture used for the Peshawar and the black Afghani from karma being the Drakensberg gold malberrybwas trying to I have a bit of a bad taste in my mouth about that stuff but maybe il try just for shits and giggles
@Mohican can tell you a bit about them. He has grown out a few of them
Hey maximus! We dont have anyhing chocolate on the horizon yet but hats a great suggestion!! We do in fact have 2 different Hawaiian varietals but we have get to see them do their thing, they are still seeds! One is from the big island and the other has unknown lineage
We have not we are waiting for a perfect time to see hiw they do as we have a very limited number of those, I feel I like we will start with genetics we have a larger stock of to see more expression and to create larger IBL populations...the stuff we only have a few of, will probably be limited release and labeled accordingly as not to mislead people into thinking it was an open pollination of many subjects.....those will only sadly have a very limited expression but may still be wonderful and with sharing, I just want to share honestly and give people exactly what it is they are buying.
We have not we are waiting for a perfect time to see hiw they do as we have a very limited number of those, I feel I like we will start with genetics we have a larger stock of to see more expression and to create larger IBL populations...the stuff we only have a few of, will probably be limited release and labeled accordingly as not to mislead people into thinking it was an open pollination of many subjects.....those will only sadly have a very limited expression but may still be wonderful and with sharing, I just want to share honestly and give people exactly what it is they are buying.
Im really mirin your trnasparency and willingness to answer questions about your genetics. *respect

Creepy_Pie_6456.png looking forward to seeing these genetics in action!
Thanks alot!!! That's what this is all about anyway isnt it? I don't want any praise or credit I just want happy people to share with others what I'm trying to bring to the lifestyle and way of living that is cannabis. Honesty is our main policy. If we are all 100% honest 100 % of the time things become alot easier. Another point is taking the focus off of us and putting it back on the genetics.
Our breeder females for the purgatory male crosses are very very happy and forming seeds early and they look amazing!!!! Pics tomorrow! They arent even 30 days old and you can clearly see seed forming everywhere!! Stoked I think I did OK on the staggering and pollination time for all of them...the strawberry of looks like it could used a few more days of pollen but never the less it's still def. Pollinated!
Having some issues figuring her out...not serious ones just minor things you'd expect growing something new....those pics are her in hydro day 36 ...looks like she's a 12 weekder or more lol
Back when the internet was all a buzz about the sour jack from karma being the picture used for the Peshawar and the black Afghani from karma being the Drakensberg gold malberrybwas trying to I have a bit of a bad taste in my mouth about that stuff but maybe il try just for shits and giggles
I don't mean to interrupt, but I think the STRAIN "Malberry" is not directly related to the discredited person/people of the same name. Malberry (Malawi Gold x Blueberry) is offered by Afropips; I've no idea if they're affiliated, or the same people, or whatever, but I HOPE not, because I have a pack of them I plan on growing out and doing some chucking with!

I got some DJS Blueberry a few months back from Hemp Depot and they came with a freebie pack of these Malberry seeds, and I hope to see some interesting things from combining the two. I'll be watching this thread carefully, as I am fascinated by the idea of an acclimated Malawi Gold, selected for speed. Any and all tips and advice welcomed!
Back when the internet was all a buzz about the sour jack from karma being the picture used for the Peshawar and the black Afghani from karma being the Drakensberg gold malberrybwas trying to I have a bit of a bad taste in my mouth about that stuff but maybe il try just for shits and giggles
I don't mean to interrupt, but I think the STRAIN "Malberry" is not directly related to the discredited person/people of the same name. Malberry (Malawi Gold x Blueberry) is offered by Afropips; it's their Malawi Gold "Combined with the short bushy 19% THC Blueberry 2000 Cup Winner (IBL)." ( I think the discredited breeder/s having the same name is an unfortunate coincidence. I'm no expert, so please feel free to set me straight here, if my info is faulty, seriously.

I got some DJS Blueberry a few months back from Hemp Depot and they came with a freebie pack of these Malberry seeds, (the strain, not the seed company) and I hope to see some interesting things from selecting for shorter finishing time and speedy, sativa-influenced high, 'cause I like it like that. Supposedly these long-flowering African sativas are all over that maybe something could be bred that is a faster finishing Malawi, with hybrid vigor? And maybe something could also be bred that is mostly BB but has some racy, sativa influence to the high?? And that DJS Blueberry could come into play somehow???

I'll be watching this thread carefully, as I am fascinated by the idea of your acclimated Malawi Gold and other Malawi hybrids. If they're ever on offer, it seems like it could really fit in to my little closet breeding project! Btw, this will be my first foray into long flowering sativa genetics--the seedpack says 12+ weeks--so this'll be a looong term project. Don't hold your breath, but when there are some seeds to sample, I'll let you Rollitupers know, the more the merrier, I sez.

Any and all tips and advice welcomed and appreciated. LandAndHeir, those are some spectacular looking plants and pictures, it looks like a ton of fun!
Thanks alot!!! We are picking up our Malawi selection soon done by one of our breeders at lower elevation, we will bring them up to the highlands and start our own selection of the males and females hat passed his initial screening. I'm unsure of he exact numbers of each right now but all of that will be posted when it happens
As for malberry, we were not referring to the variety ( Malawi x bb) but he breeder, and not to slam them but simply to state that there was undeniable proof at a point that their gear was being sold with pictures from karma genetics in their description not their own. However I understand it may have been something that wasn't a team decision on their part, maybe a bad rogue apple so to speak. Anyway I'm not demonizing them as I also know Mohican has had great success with their Melanje and other offerings but I'm still a bit skiddish from the picture ordeal, but I would try hem again readily and report honestly!
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CCR loaded with seeds! Probably one of he better pollination recipients. The smell in organics is lavender with potpourri and your grandma's bathroom( before use lol)
And in hydro a seemingly more grapey myrcene funk......the main goal for this lady meeting he purgatory male is first and foremost to try and add density to the flowers. Density is this varieties only downfall, it seems to dry up to half of what it usually looks like, the Oregon diesel in it used to do the same thing and passed it down so I'm trying to rid it of this trait. If purgatory fails to produces progeny with CCR that displays denser flowers in a 30 seed test of the f1 then a new different male maybe selected to try and combined with CCR to add that rock hard bud we all want to have!
Our next project for Land and Heir will be the Malawi acclimation to above 8000 ft, we will be doing the pollination inside our breeding chamber but then returning the females to the greenhouse for a little winter exposure...the Malawi will be grown year round here and bred multiple times for the best performers in this insanely drastic environment, 50 s in the day right now low 20s at night...if we didnt have the greenhouse we wouldn't be able to do this! Then we will pass out testers and our selections to our members in places with better seasons still at above a mile above sea level and let them do some selection for the high desert climate. We want to basically tour around the variety and keep crossing the most vigorous, acclimated ones together in every environment we have access to. Green house outdoor indoor hydro soil everything before we put it out for release. I want that face melting high I know the Malawi can bring, coupled with nice flavor great resin and a resistance to mold and pests.
All I want to say is I love trim bags!!! We did about 4 lbs in a total of 25 minutes to trim and a couple hours de- steming.. all done dry, better trim job than any trimmer I've ever seen in a fraction of the time....gonna have to post a pic of what the finished product looks like going through one of these! No electric just arm power!