Lacy's Indoor Grow??? (lots of questions)

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New Member
It's so hard?
Sorry but.....LMAOOOOOOOO
I am not too sure you should be saying that to a guy.
My bad. :|


New Member
My hubby is sleeping.

Thank GOD!!!:joint::mrgreen::peace:
and I am NOT kidding;)
ha i need a fatty with my coffee to cant have one with out it.... thank god the wife left for the day... too hot to be dealing with her shit today...just kidding not realy

da plantDOC

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
hey Lacy has it been so hot up thare to the last few day's to... i have two A.C. GOING IN MY GROWROOM and it's still 79-80... i hate the heat..

da plantDOC


New Member
OMG dudes. It was up to 35 here the other day. We had a mini heat wave. Had to get out the portable air. :hump:
Inside it was really hot but we got it down to about 24/25 degrees which was much better. I almost slept down here because the basement is much cooler.

My new grow room is really heating up bad though. :blsmoke: smaller room with no fan in there yet. I will have to fic that today.
hey Lacy has it been so hot up thare to the last few day's to... i have two A.C. GOING IN MY GROWROOM and it's still 79-80... i hate the heat..

da plantDOC
79-80 is not bad actually

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
OMG dudes. It was up to 35 here the other day. We had a mini heat wave. Had to get out the portable air. :hump:
Inside it was really hot but we got it down to about 24/25 degrees which was much better. I almost slept down here because the basement is much cooler.

My new grow room is really heating up bad though. :blsmoke: smaller room with no fan in there yet. I will have to fic that today.

HEY LACE what do you meen when you say it went up 35 hear...

da plantDOC

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
HEY lacy did you ever order thing's from H.T.G. SUPPLY'S.... right now am waiting for U.P.S. just ordered 500$ in supply's got my brother builing me a new growroom... that place is the best place i have ever order from for the last few year's and they have been grate... thay sent me like 5 h.p.s. 400w that i dont even need... i gave a few friends 1 on this site.. fuck i cant use them so y not help someone if you need 1 let me no il hook you up with one thay are 60$ THAT CRAZY for a lightbulb...

da plantDOC

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
WHAT CRAP YOU TALKING ABOUT.... when a place is good you have to say...just mad that you live to far...H.T.G. has been very good to me and i have order from 20 places and that are the best one so far and i have been growing for 10+ years... all i have to say

da plantDOC


Well-Known Member
live to far from the store?.... I guess if thats the only way to get actual working products than yes are lucky to have that store close to you.... but the people that order online keep having problems getting used and refurb crap...


Well-Known Member
I read half of this topic. Wow, you did great at the beginning and I couldn't be bothered finding the posts of the plants budding :).

Nice job though ^_^. I admire your skill and patience.
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