Lacy's Indoor Grow??? (lots of questions)

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New Member
Sorry, Yes I am kind of ticked off but not at you at all but just the system.

I think it is very sad that anyone gets put away for that amount of weed. That in inself is just outrageous BUT then to read that you have cancer and what they had you do.

It makes me be ashamed to be in this human race to be honest.

I think that is totally discusting of our society to treat anohter human being like such.

Its heart breaking really. :(
WOW i did not meen to piss you off an if i did am sorry but the way i look at thing is that thare are so meny people that's so worst off then me so if i can share something with some people and make them feel better when thare sad then thats cool.... maybe i shoud not have share that with you but i say it how it is and so be it told you i had a big moulth that get's me in well people getting pissed off ... my sorry agan and have a good night LACY

da plantDOC


New Member
You are a prime example of what I am presently ranting on about.

You have been diagnosed with cancer and can't gewt a card, get put away for 2 1/2 years :o

and yet you have a bunch of schmucks some onto the site and brag about how easy it was to get their card and they don't even have anything wrong. :|

Meanwhile half of these people at least, are kids. They don't have a mortgage to worry about or kids to take care of etc....

Very unfair.

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
wow if thare was more people in the world like lacy it would be a nice place... but thare is not so.... no but!!!! thank's for the kind word's and am glad that you are not mad at me.... thing seem to work them self's out so in both of our story's it shoud end in a good note...did you no that cali has 1 1/2 mill with card's and then thare is good people like you and me that need cannabis that have to hide... it make's me sick to think people have a card for rash... come on get real...

da plantDOC


New Member
No actually your post makes me feel more shameful with myself and my own self indulgence regarding my situation. :neutral::roll:

I know there are ALWAYS people in far worse situations than ourselves. It just sometimes drops in your face at the most unexpected times.

I am VERY moved by your posts. I just couldn't go to bed without a last reply.

If I were you, and I;m not, I would write to everyone I possibly could. In my opinion I think weed should be legal right across the board for people like you.

Seriously! There is something REALLY wrong with this system and you are just proof.

Reading your post brought tears to my eyes. Very heart felt.

Thank you kindly for being courageous enough to share. :blsmoke::peace:
wow if thare was more people in the world like lacy it would be a nice place... but thare is not so.... no but!!!! thank's for the kind word's and am glad that you are not mad at me.... thing seem to work them self's out so in both of our story's it shoud end in a good note...did you no that cali has 1 1/2 mill with card's and then thare is good people like you and me that need cannabis that have to hide... it make's me sick to think people have a card for rash... come on get real...

da plantDOC

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
Lacy i know that this is you grow journal and i have not talked about growing much so sorry... if you have any questions feel free to ask...

da plantDOC

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
WOW i just read that an am speachless i dont no what to say... thing dont move me very offen an a comepleat stranger did... i have been with my wifey for 10 year's and she is not even that understanding as you so i want to thank you and i had a good time talking with you... i dont share that with comepleat strangers but i dont no y i did but am glad i did you seem like a cool girl and i will stop bye and see how thing are tomorow.... so good nite LACE... p.s. if you p.m me i will tell you my name i will feel better...

da plantDOC


New Member
Hi Mr. Bongpoontang.
Wuzzzz up dude? :hump:

Do I like pie?

Is this like a trick question?:roll:

What kind of pie are we talking?:blsmoke::?????
what is your favorite kind if pie? how is that hard? when I asked the question I was high and faced with 3 different kinds of pie and I couldn't decide.... you doing...??? is the thread with mm card stuff? why don't organize a group of fellow canadians her at riu and write letters and call and complain...squeeky wheel gets the oil...


New Member
Oh gosh please!!!!
Feel free to yak on about whatever topic you want here at my journal.
Heck do you think after 2 grows this 200 plus journal is all about growing???

NOPE!! So yak on my friends yak on> :joint::mrgreen::peace:

I gotta twist one up for my coffee here.:hump:
Lacy i know that this is you grow journal and i have not talked about growing much so sorry... if you have any questions feel free to ask...

da plantDOC

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
Oh gosh please!!!!
Feel free to yak on about whatever topic you want here at my journal.
Heck do you think after 2 grows this 200 plus journal is all about growing???

NOPE!! So yak on my friends yak on> :joint::mrgreen::peace:

I gotta twist one up for my coffee here.:hump:
ha i need a fatty with my coffee to cant have one with out it.... thank god the wife left for the day... too hot to be dealing with her shit today...just kidding not realy

da plantDOC


New Member
Really :o Oh thank you kindly.
I did not read this until just now.
I suppose I have a lot more empathy than the average person. For me I find it easy to put myself in others postition especially where there is pain involved. Sometimes I feel like I have this pain raidar or something. Its strange because I can't turn it off.

I can relate to pain all too well and I am still not sure whether this is a good thing or a bad thing. Its just a character trait that I have,:blsmoke:
I guess :confused:
WOW i just read that an am speachless i dont no what to say... thing dont move me very offen an a comepleat stranger did... i have been with my wifey for 10 year's and she is not even that understanding as you so i want to thank you and i had a good time talking with you... i dont share that with comepleat strangers but i dont no y i did but am glad i did you seem like a cool girl and i will stop bye and see how thing are tomorow.... so good nite LACE... p.s. if you p.m me i will tell you my name i will feel better...

da plantDOC


New Member
Oh :| So it wasn't a trick question.
I like pumpkin pie and I like lemon merange? I don't even know how to spell it. :roll:

I think it is a great idea Mr. Bong. The funny thing is that I was thinking the exact same thing last night.

I think it would be a great asset to this forum to have sections for members to go to that is related to their own country etc instead of having to make their own separate thread for help.

Good idea. :hump: Great minds think alike!!!!:joint::mrgreen:

OR fools seldom differ? :roll::blsmoke::peace:


what is your favorite kind if pie? how is that hard? when I asked the question I was high and faced with 3 different kinds of pie and I couldn't decide.... you doing...??? is the thread with mm card stuff? why don't organize a group of fellow canadians her at riu and write letters and call and complain...squeeky wheel gets the oil...


New Member
what is your favorite kind if pie? how is that hard? when I asked the question I was high and faced with 3 different kinds of pie and I couldn't decide.... you doing...??? is the thread with mm card stuff? why don't organize a group of fellow canadians her at riu and write letters and call and complain...

squeeky wheel gets the oil...

Ok if this is true then how come I ain't getting oiled regularly?????:cry::twisted:
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