Lace and Frills <3


Well-Known Member
Please, hun, if you want to make sure these guys don't troll you, I 'd like to see a salute. Clothes on if you want, but if you're not a fake and not ashamed, show us all x Time to prove them wrong if you can.

I'll post one if you do.

Brick Top

New Member

That is just .... wrong. So very, very wrong.

But it did spark a memory from about roughly 2000, back when I still owned the marina. I picked up the sister of a woman who kept a houseboat in one of our slips. First we hung out on her sister's houseboat with her sister and brother in law and got high and fairly drunk. Then we went for a walk and I walked her right to a trailer we had on the property where we would from time to time let someone live to be the 24-hour a day if there's a problem go to him guy. At the time no one was living there.

We went in but I did not turn on any lights because if anyone saw lights they assumed a 24-hour a day if there's a problem go to him guy was there and it would just be a request for a telephone line run to their slip or a power outage problem or anything, but they were drawn to it like moths to a flame ... and I did not want to be interrupted.

We shed our clothes, did our humping, bumping and rumping and, still in the dark, I started to get dressed, with both our clothes strewn all over the floor. There was a tiny bit of light coming through the curtains and I thought I spotted my colored 'shorts' so I grabbed them and pulled them on. As I pulled them up I thought, something isn't right, do I have them on backward or twisted or what?

I hadn't told the girl to not turn on any lights so she flipped one on and there I was, standing there in her leopard print thong. I knew something wasn't right but in my condition I didn't put two and two, or bare cheek and bare cheek with a wedgie, together fast enough to drop them before she switched on the light.

She smiled, but didn't laugh. She grabbed my colored jockeys and pulled them on and said, we can come back again later and exchange them then .. which was her way of saying we'd come back later for round two.

Being the kinky twisted guy I am I went with it, but it just felt so odd that I kept wondering how long must it takes a girl to get used to that thin strip of material jammed up her ass-crack? I felt much more 'at home' once I got my jockey's back.

I'll tell you what ... even in a mild breeze you can freeze your cheeks in one of those things!


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