Kevin's House?

DOJ tells Jim Jordan it won’t share information about ongoing probes

122,582 views Jan 20, 2023 #JessicaDean #CNN #cnnnewsroom
The Justice Department signaled it’s unlikely to share information about ongoing criminal investigations with the new GOP-controlled House, in a move that’s certain to frustrate Republicans in the chamber.
In a letter to House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan responding to a flurry of document requests, the DOJ said that “any oversight requests must be weighed against the department’s interests in protecting the integrity of its work.”
The letter added: “The Department’s mission to independently and impartially uphold the rule of law requires us to maintain the integrity of our investigations, prosecutions, and civil actions, and to avoid even a perception that our efforts are influenced by anything but the law and the facts.”
CNN's Jessica Dean reports.

DOJ tells Jim Jordan it won’t share information about ongoing probes

122,582 views Jan 20, 2023 #JessicaDean #CNN #cnnnewsroom
The Justice Department signaled it’s unlikely to share information about ongoing criminal investigations with the new GOP-controlled House, in a move that’s certain to frustrate Republicans in the chamber.
In a letter to House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan responding to a flurry of document requests, the DOJ said that “any oversight requests must be weighed against the department’s interests in protecting the integrity of its work.”
The letter added: “The Department’s mission to independently and impartially uphold the rule of law requires us to maintain the integrity of our investigations, prosecutions, and civil actions, and to avoid even a perception that our efforts are influenced by anything but the law and the facts.”
CNN's Jessica Dean reports.
gymshorts takes it in the gym shorts...Did he seriously expect the DOJ to reveal details into ongoing investigations? That is ridiculously stupid.
I'm hoping he tries to drag it into court, where he will get slapped down even harder.
I can see gym trying to pass a bill that would require it, which probably wouldn't make it out of the house, hasn't got a hope in hell of passing the senate, and even lass chance of getting by Biden's veto.
so they've been in session 17 days and this is all they've gotten done? bout what i figured.
I would be highly amused if the DOJ purposely fed them false information, to show who was leaking what to who. Give them all different sets of fake info, and see which ones spring up on fux fake news first.
I think some members of congress should be sweating over J6 and they will sweat more when Donald goes down first and fast over the docs and then we might find out what Mark Meadows will do. Then others will plea and cut deals, there might be receipts and several witnesses against them who plead to a criminal conspiracy involving them and there could be at least a half dozen GOP congress people involved at least, likely more. Then there are senators like Ron Johnson, Cruz and others who might have exposure. It depends on how far the evidence leads and there is a lot of it, but Jack will likely go after them if there is a case to be made and there could be a very good one in the works. If there are trials of politicians, they will probably be among the last of the big ones and happen in 2024, if at all. That is an election year and J6 will still be in the news with plenty of scalps on Jack's belt as he goes after GOP congress people, by then Jack should be feared like the Devil himself by the republicans! :lol:

What the George Santos drag queen denial reveals about the Republican Party

48,073 views Jan 20, 2023 #msnbc #georgesantos #republicans
“While his apparent lie about performing in drag is literally the least consequential of his many lies, it makes sense he feels he has to fight that one,” says Chris Hayes on Rep. George Santos. “Because drag has become this strange, disgusting, bigoted obsession on the right.”

New Rule: Explaining George Santos | Real Time with Bill Maher

Bill reveals how Congressman George Santos "pinocchioed" his way into power: by preying on America's obsession with identity politics.
Gymshorts Jordan, :lol::clap:
Duhhh, why do they call him that? Could it be he does what the teabagger magats accuse dems of doing, pedophilia?
Everything they do, they accuse dems of doing it. It's amazing. And the entire USA just believes that shit. Just amazing how stoopid ppl are.

So...I am of the view it would be fairly cheap and effective to run billboard ads in his area. Just a big picture of his face, some gym shorts, and a clever hashtag. Prices vary, but it looks like it's about $1000 per month to run a billboad ad, there are 2 interstates and 2 state highways in his district, so could easily cover the area and just let that sit and percolate until the next election. Wouldn't hurt to fund a challenger from the right, get a shitty dude to try and primary him that would continually air dirty laundry.

Taking my inspiration from conservative talk radio. Get to them while they are a captive audience in the car. They have to see it every day, the messaging sticks.
Holy Mary mother of christian's imaginary friend...What kind of dirt do they have on mccarthy? What kind of spineless, gutless, worthless worm is he, to allow this? The bar none stupidest person in the entire house, on the oversight committee?...I can see it now, heated debate in the committee meeting room, people talking over each other...And in the middle of it, lauren bobo pipes up and says ...Something utterly and unutterably, profoundly stupid.
All eyes turn to her, some in annoyance, some in anger, some in contempt...And then they ignore her and go back to the grown up's table...
I hope her fragile little ego can take that kind of abuse...Until she's indicted and locked up for her role in Jan. 6th.