Kevin's House?

This has already affected the US credit rating and is now costing taxpayer money over foolishness, it will affect Canada too, even the globe, if it continues. The experts are giving dire warnings, so look out if these morons don't cave and can stick together, only a handful are needed to break them and their hold, fuck Kevin and his speakership and their committee assignments, some of them can cut a deal with the democrats, if they can tolerate the death threats, rightwing terrorism weighs on their decision too.

President Joe should start doing fireside chat type stuff, bless their republican hearts and just put it on before 60 minutes or whatever. Very politely take a big steamy dump on them and be extremely clear in why they are being dicks on the debt ceiling, state exactly what they want to cut.
People are hot on the trail of Santos Claus (it's as good a name as any) and will have a biography and chronology of his miserable existence. I'm pretty sure he was pulling off Gofundme and other scams online and more will come to light, many people are researching this cockroach. I'm pretty sure the FBI are interested in him and will want to talk to him.

Kitara gets herself a coupla high-lift, low-drag committee slots

just when you think the republicans and the magats that make it up can't get any more despicable...they put a serial liar on committees...a serial liar their lame ass speaker keeps around only because he's a guaranteed vote in his little as ten years ago, that would have been a scandal to end multiple it's just business as usual for the scummy republicans
Funny how manchin is just about the only "democrat' that goes on fox and agrees with them...Buttigeig goes on and gives them gentle lessons on how to be better people...manchin goes on and sucks the gop's dick.
"In my state of West Virginia, Medicare and Social Security is a lifeline," the senator added. "That's the lifeline for 60% of the people. And they were hard workers, but they don't have big pensions. They don't have big retirement systems. They have this, and we're going to make sure we protect it."

I wonder why they don't have big pensions? Maybe because you and other assholes who run the planet killing coal industry refuse to give them one, you hypocritical piece of shit?
They're criminals. Their base would gladly vote for Hitler/Mao/Stalin or any other criminal.
Their leaders can't commit crimes evil enough to dissuade their voting for them, not ever.
Why on earth did Reagan get the unions backing him? Why would anybody vote against
their own interests, and for immoral and indecent conduct? But they did, and do it more
now than ever. The country is gone to the nazis, plain and simple.
and then they'll elect trump or that florida creep. so it's a shit show for decades to come.
nobody can believe what i'm saying, it's just too hopeless to want to believe, but it's gonna happen.
ameriKKKa is way too fascist for it not to.
They may nominate but I still refuse to believe there is enough to get them elected
That ole 33% won’t do it nationally and those that voted trump the first time have had enough of the anti-rino crowd
It's gotten so bad they elected that orange demon in '16. They'll
elect him again. And again, just like both Dumbya's elections and
Trump's, with the majority of popular votes going to the left, and
the right winning the electoral again with those battle ground state electorals.
How bad's it gotta get before we all know that they pwn the USA?
and then they'll elect trump or that florida creep. so it's a shit show for decades to come.
nobody can believe what i'm saying, it's just too hopeless to want to believe, but it's gonna happen.
ameriKKKa is way too fascist for it not to.
Now you know why Joe and the democrats are acting with caution, the republicans are slowly losing and they know it. Why else do the try to suppress the vote, lie and cheat in elections, winners don't do that, losers do. It just takes one win by the democrats in 2024 where they capture the presidency, the house and the senate to really level the playing field and remove some of the GOP's built in advantages, HR-1 on steroids and voting rights are but two examples. DC and Puerto Rico could also become states and antidomestic terrorism laws enacted. The struggle is far from over and is ongoing, but fortunately the republicans are providing a lot of help. 2023 and 2024 looks like hard times for many republicans who participated in J6 because if they are gonna be indicted over it, it will be this year or next.

Trump will be indicted over the documents soon and that will cause a shitstorm, but there is the debt ceiling fiasco to settle first. Indicting Trump in the middle of that could cause issues, or it could lead to a compromise when the kingpin goes down first and fast and the magats are reeling is shock. There are a couple of dozen congress people and some senators on Jack's target list who are squirming and IMHO there could be a conspiracy case brought against them over J6. We will see what happens if Mark Meadows squeals his head off for a deal, he would be the key asshole to give one to and Jack has got him by the balls.
just when you think the republicans and the magats that make it up can't get any more despicable...they put a serial liar on committees...a serial liar their lame ass speaker keeps around only because he's a guaranteed vote in his little as ten years ago, that would have been a scandal to end multiple it's just business as usual for the scummy republicans
I’m kind a surprised they didn’t put him on Ethics. That could have been the terminal bad move in Republican Jenga.

Oh, man, I wish I had your optimism. And hell, you don't have to live here,
so looking at the bright side is easier for you, I would imagine. I just see it
as a closed door, fascist dictatorship that the right has been clamoring for
for the past 40 years or longer. There is no resistance, resistance is futile. The
Borg win, we get walled into the cube, period. The whole world wants dictatorships.
It's happening everywhere. The prime example of democracy eating itself was
with Yemen during that arab spring bullshit, and they ousted a imam from office
in a democratic election, and as a democracy, IMMEDIATELY turned around and
elected another ayatollah. The USA's doin' the same damn thing.
Oh, man, I wish I had your optimism. And hell, you don't have to live here,
so looking at the bright side is easier for you, I would imagine. I just see it
as a closed door, fascist dictatorship that the right has been clamoring for
for the past 40 years or longer. There is no resistance, resistance is futile. The
Borg win, we get walled into the cube, period. The whole world wants dictatorships.
It's happening everywhere. The prime example of democracy eating itself was
with Yemen during that arab spring bullshit, and they ousted a imam from office
in a democratic election, and as a democracy, IMMEDIATELY turned around and
elected another ayatollah. The USA's doin' the same damn thing.
maybe it’s just social cuberty.

and then they'll elect trump or that florida creep. so it's a shit show for decades to come.
nobody can believe what i'm saying, it's just too hopeless to want to believe, but it's gonna happen.
ameriKKKa is way too fascist for it not to.
no...they'll nominate a creep...but they won't get elected.
they'll figure it out after a few more losing election cycles...they're stupid but some of them do learn eventually.
of course, by then, they party will be a joke of it's former self, and they'll probably have to abandon the party to the radical right elements that are already really the ones in control of the party, and make a new party.