Kevin's House?

'Idiots', 'clown show': GOP implodes, Fox News melts down, Trump humiliated

31,993 views Jan 4, 2023 #msnbc #gop #foxnews
It’s an epic disaster for the House Republicans as Rep. Kevin McCarthy loses a 6th vote for Speaker of the House. Fox News anchors are now panning the GOP for this debacle and hitting them hard. The speaker fight now ensnaring Trump with many House Republicans ignoring his call to “vote for Kevin” with one openly mocking him as “sad!” Political strategist Chai Komanduri joins MSNBC’s Ari Melber on “The Beat” saying "I think Fox has an agenda here and it's a Ron DeSantis agenda."
This fiasco shines a spotlight on the dysfunctionality of the 2-party system more than anything else.

MAGA humiliation: McCarthy chaos reveals 'total collapse of the Republican party'

115,737 views Jan 4, 2023 #msnbc #kevinmccarthy #republicans
The GOP House in chaos as Rep. McCarthy is dealt loss after loss in a cycle of speaker votes. 20 GOP hardliners refusing to move and nobody knows how this ends. Former DNC Chair, Governor Howard Dean and The Atlantic’s David Frum, who also worked for President Bush join MSNBC’s Ari Melber on “The Beat." Dean saying he doesn’t see McCarty getting through it while Frum compares the hardliners to hostage takers.
I don't understand any of you. Did u all want McCarthy elected?
I don't get why the 20 magats won't vote McCarthy, isn't he an election denier like they?
Ees potato!Thanks Kimmel for what?

No, nobody wants him, however the republicans should get to pick their person since they have the majority. We just cheer their disfunction. Nobody "likes" any alternatives more than Kevin...but we like watching them flop around and not be able to do this basic thing.

The maga crowd see him as a phony, not a true believer. He tried to just pay lip service to their crazy to get support and it failed.

For some reason it really reminds me of Jurassic Park, lots of analogies.
Maybe the democrats should cut a deal with McCarthy for the speakership, if he can bring a couple of dozen republicans along with him and agree to certain "terms" which would be immediately enforced. Kevin will do anything to be speaker for a day even, he has no values, as they say, no core and that can make him useful. It will fuck the GOP and cause a fucking earth quake while the magats have a conniption and will delay any moves by them to get their shit together. Let them swing in the breeze for a bit first though and then form a minority house with Kevin as speaker, but under a democratic leash, at least for a spell... :lol: Seriously, Kevin has no character at all and if he can find a couple of dozen other republicans to take with him he would do it!
No, nobody wants him, however the republicans should get to pick their person since they have the majority. We just cheer their disfunction. Nobody "likes" any alternatives more than Kevin...but we like watching them flop around and not be able to do this basic thing.

The maga crowd see him as a phony, not a true believer. He tried to just pay lip service to their crazy to get support and it failed.

For some reason it really reminds me of Jurassic Park, lots of analogies.
What part is like when the tyrannosaur tests the fence and finds it dead?

No, nobody wants him, however the republicans should get to pick their person since they have the majority. We just cheer their disfunction. Nobody "likes" any alternatives more than Kevin...but we like watching them flop around and not be able to do this basic thing.

The maga crowd see him as a phony, not a true believer. He tried to just pay lip service to their crazy to get support and it failed.

For some reason it really reminds me of Jurassic Park, lots of analogies.

Half of the Democratic caucus hated Pelosi yet they still voted for her because they knew it was better to be united than to look like idiots which is the GOP right now. Held hostage to 20 members that are only seeking temporary fame to start some social media presence and monetize it. sarah palin is still making six figures a year off her grifter postings.
we like watching them flop around and not be able to do this basic thing.
Yeah, okay. my question was kinda stupid, i gotta admit it.
But still, I believe all GOPs are election deniers, even tho they bloody well know better,
so why wouldn't they, and the 20 magats support this McCarthyist who wants to throw
the current Pres out due to election fraud? I just don't understand the divide in the GOP.
McCarthy will do anything the orange demon wants, as will all the GOP. I just don't get it.
I don't understand any of you. Did u all want McCarthy elected?
I don't get why the 20 magats won't vote McCarthy, isn't he an election denier like they?
Ees potato!Thanks Kimmel for what?

He was making fun of the GOP yesterday and that video was part of his setup.

So let them twist in the wind, at least for a spell since the bases were covered in anticipation of this stupidity...

What happens if Republicans never pick a speaker? It'd be good news, actually

After a never-ending string of humiliating votes for speaker that have failed to yield anything other than severe embarrassment for Kevin McCarthy, it’s worth asking what would happen if House Republicans never manage to settle on a leader. My answer: It would be good for the country.

Right now, we don’t actually need a House of Representatives—at least, not one under Republican control. You’ll recall that just before Christmas, Congress passed its annual spending bill, which will keep the government funded all the way until Oct. 1. Far-right furor over GOP support for that package in the Senate is partly animating the rebellion against McCarthy, but its passage was good news for the rest of us, since it reflects mainstream American priorities and ensures the government won’t shut down for the better part of a year. In fact, as long as the bills are paid, there simply isn’t anything else Congress has to do.