Kevin's House?

WaPo: New details link Santos to cousin of sanctioned Russian oligarch

28,152 views Jan 17, 2023 #GeorgeSantos #Republicans #Trump
George Santos has deeper ties than previously known to a businessman who cultivated close links with a onetime Trump confidant and who is the cousin of a sanctioned Russian oligarch, according to Washington Post reporting.
I think we know where the money came from.
I will never forget the proud and glittering day when a young George Santos decisively beat Deep Blue in seven games spanning two hours.

I will never forget the proud and glittering day when a young George Santos decisively beat Deep Blue in seven games spanning two hours.

The fabulous fabulist Mr. Santos, if that is his name, international man of mystery... I can see him and the Qanon Shaman doing a road show together, both are GOP icons. George is cut from the same cloth as Donald, or at least has the same brain parts MIA, I don't think he has the same luck as Donald. I figure he will end his term in a cell, but still a congressman and still getting paid, holding on to it until it is taken away. Another guy who will run from his cell if he can.

I just saw that myself...The republicans are trying to ruin what very little credibility they have.
That is just the stupidest thing they could do, with members of their own party trying to cut his throat.
It's fucking madness...I'm concerned that people who would do something that fucking stupid hold public office.
I was always concerned about them holding office, but it was usually because they were fascist, racist, homophobic pricks. Now I'm concerned that they're stupid fascist, racist, homophobic pricks.
I just saw that myself...The republicans are trying to ruin what very little credibility they have.
That is just the stupidest thing they could do, with members of their own party trying to cut his throat.
It's fucking madness...I'm concerned that people who would do something that fucking stupid hold public office.
I was always concerned about them holding office, but it was usually because they were fascist, racist, homophobic pricks. Now I'm concerned that they're stupid fascist, racist, homophobic pricks.
more republican hypocrisy, the guy who refused to comply with subpoenas is trying to issue them?
although the Democrats SHOULD show up and testify, but they should have ALL their shit together, and smear it all in jordan's face, time after time...
and then we can re-subpoena him over this wrestling scandal, being a pedophile enabler is just as bad or worse than being a pedophile, and his base should know the truth.
Looks like the house republicans are gonna crash the economy and fuck everybody. The moderates among them, if there are any, and those from close districts should be worried, it doesn't matter to the magats from deep red states. Why not they can lie, blame Biden and Foxnews will cover for them and lie too, all the while the economy goes down the toilet, interest rates shoot up and millions of people lose their houses, jobs and businesses. Many of these people voted for these assholes. "I didn't think they were gonna fuck me! They were suppose to fuck those other people and the liberals."

I hope triggering the libs was worth their house and job.

this is what the republican house is planning, for the next two years...
good thing the senate and Biden can shut them down on any shitty legislation they try to pass.
The debt ceiling is the only lever they have left and I'm wondering why Joe, Chuck, Nancy and Mitch didn't take care of it when they took the car keys away from Kevin until fall? Their investigations will be a disaster for them, especially if witnesses comply, they can cause a controversy in the hearings by calling Jordan out as a traitor and a bigger one with the press outside. What if someone challenged their subpoena by claiming they should not be in the house because they are insurrectionist and traitors. Just think of the arguments and evidence they could present in court and these clowns would end up under oath trying to get the subpoena enforced! :lol: There are still 119 GOP members of congress who were part of the insurrection plot and voted to delay after the capitol takeover. The insurrection and coup plot could not have happened without their participation and planning. Seeya in court Gym...