Roger A. Shrubber
Well-Known Member
He's too busy UNtruthing in his sycophant filled echo chamber to ever go anywhere else.I sure hope Trump doesn't join RIU...![]()
He's too busy UNtruthing in his sycophant filled echo chamber to ever go anywhere else.I sure hope Trump doesn't join RIU...![]()
lol.I sure hope Trump doesn't join RIU...![]()
Yup,the fact that he got more than 10% of the vote(You figure that 10% are just FKD in the head haters) is more than shocking, it's FKN disheartening that that many people in my country, after witnessing 4 yrs. of a circus including the staff turnover,all "acting cab. members,former staff members dishing on the fact that they stayed as long as they could to babysit a impetuous juvenile,unhinged Pres.,WERE STILL DOWN FOR MORE.The 2020 election was more shocking than 2016, it was shocking that Trump got more votes than 2016 after 4 years of daily national humiliations and over a million dead from covid incompetence. Shocking that after all that it was so close in 2020 with a man like Joe running against the clown. Trump even caught covid weeks before the election and it was a fiasco with rallies in the midst of a pandemic and vaccines weeks way. It wasn't just Trump either the congress was divided too, it should have been a landslide for both, considering the past 4 years and two impeachments. Yet after the election it made little difference in 2022, even after the insurrection and the J6 committee, sure it stifled a red wave, but seriously? With abortion on the table too, they still have control of the house, but barely and the democrats barely have control of the senate.
RONCO in the WHouse,those who gave him votes should have known,as P.T. Barnum said" ", and we spent 4 yrs. w/him within reach of the nuclear football.Brand recognition moved him through and beyond the entire term.
(this is real!)
View attachment 5247825
Ali Velshi: Republicans are taking the debt ceiling hostage
48,016 views Jan 14, 2023 #msnbc #republicans #debtceiling
House Republicans are planning to breach the debt limit according to The Washington Post and, as MSNBC’s Ali Velshi explains, the real victims of a debt ceiling breach are the American people.
as far as i'm aware, the treasury department is run by the secretary of the treasury, which is a cabinet position.
Under the separation of powers it is under administrative control with independent authorities like the DOJ, but there is the independent fed too who control interest rates. It is a cabinet position, but with more independence than is sometimes the case. The USPS is run by a board of governors, which is why Dejoy is still there. Back then the USPS was vital for communications, news and elections, so they took appropriate action, the same can be said of social media far as i'm aware, the treasury department is run by the secretary of the treasury, which is a cabinet position.
the house may have to originate all bills about money, but as far as i can see, they have NO direct control of the treasury department, or the secretary of the treasury...
so why should Yellen listen to one fucking word any of them say? why would someone with her vast pool of financial experience listen to one word the fucking morons say? If i was her, i'd tell mccarthy and ever sinlge republicunt holding the economy hostage to get fucked, and do exactly what she should be doing, and not what a bunch of fucking domestic terrorists are telling her to do.
He had an example to follow...Another serial liar who took a public office he had no fucking business taking.
Velshi: George Santos & the death of shame
184 views Jan 15, 2023
The amazing, fantabulous life of George Santos - a congressman, a volleyball champion, a Goldman Sachs alum…allegedly. The freshman Congressman is a serial fabulist who has lied about his religion, his ethnicity, his work history, his education and even his athletic talent. The New York Times obtained a copy of his resume. And it is becoming almost impossible to keep up with the tangled web of lies Mr. Santos has spun.
Along with shame goes honor, integrity and any value as a human being who deals in information, a business can't trust them and neither can a bank, why should the public? With all the public integrity and other organizations and institutions supporting democracy, you would think some organization would be vetting and issuing pre election reports on all candidates for federal office, a one stop for journalists. How about they fill out an application and resume and then swear to it, then an interview with an FBI agent to go over the details... It is a crime to lie on a sworn statement and another crime to lie to an FBI agent, problem solved.He had an example to follow...Another serial liar who took a public office he had no fucking business taking.
View attachment 5248851
Here is an image of a serial liar, lying. You can tell he is lying from the still image, because his mouth is open...they only open their mouths to feed on the misery of the poor, or to lie.
There are solutions to this problem, but the democrats must win to do it and a law could have all federal candidates fill out an application and resume, they would do this and be interviewed and checked out when they won their primary, candidates who are unlikely to win need not be scrutinized as closely as those from the two major parties. Likewise a third party independent body of journalists and lawyers could be created to vet candidates who end up on the ballot and issue reports based on their resumes and applications which can be required by law. Enforce integrity with accountability and consequences.He had an example to follow...Another serial liar who took a public office he had no fucking business taking.
View attachment 5248851
Here is an image of a serial liar, lying. You can tell he is lying from the still image, because his mouth is open...they only open their mouths to feed on the misery of the poor, or to lie.